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  1. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    Wait wait wait Adrian you're 19 and you're already buying a girl a car, whoa man be careful! jp:D
  2. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    Big Sur is amazing; there's a trail there through montana de oro state park that follows a creek (the trail is only a few miles). You can hike all the way out to the ocean and there's a small point and some cool trails that go up and down large rock croppings right along the ocean. There's a...
  3. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    that's funny, I'm putting my pickup on craigslist too have to upgrade the single cap pickup isn't going to cut it with the new baby to be here in a few weeks... jp:D
  4. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    cool saw Jay jp:D
  5. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    thanks, stoked now need to find more work to make the payments close call Ranger glad you're okay jp:D
  6. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    Bought this chipper today. The 8" morbark wasn't having it and we got some bigger removals coming up. 2004 bandit 1590 for 21k only 200 hours on the machine. jp:D
  7. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    Yeah deva, f350 turns out to be in the shop more than it's on the road. Just took it in for about the 5th time in the last six months. So I'm selling that truck and hoping to find something newer and more reliable. jp:D
  8. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    Deva I'm heading back to NorCal next week let me know if you need any help. Be cool to get to meet up this time, I'm hoping to check out some chippers in Marin and then up to Oakland to look at a dump truck. jp:D
  9. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    Lazy climbers can do some serious harm. Sounds like the bucket is the way to go for a crown reduction like that. Photos! jp:D
  10. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    Wow that deer wreck is heavy. Hitting deer can be insanely scary and dangerous. Glad she is okay gigi, jp:D
  11. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    Holy sh#t! Just finished a two day job with a customer from hell. Totally misread her, she ended up being an absolute OCD freak about everything. Almost started crying about a part of the tree and was convinced we took way too much (we just removed the dead branches). Tried to explain that her...
  12. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    Yup, I kind of have a feeling something's up with the splice. Let's see some photos of that thing dissected. 3/4" is a fat piece of rope! jp:D
  13. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    THat sucks Willie, seems like it's going around lately jp:D
  14. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    wow okietreedude, I bet you're going to take some time off when all that's done! sounds like a ton of work... jp:D
  15. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    Well I can't beat electrocution, damn! I did manage to smash the sh$t out of my knuckle on the C&D chipper. Pretty sure it was broke but I can finally bend it okay after a few hours. jp:D
  16. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    nice, new banjo sounds cool! jp:D
  17. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    Just finished replacing the 3 belts on the chipper, had to order them from the mainland. Also, finishing the app for the BCMA for October... time to hit the books again! jp:D
  18. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    Today was brutal. Blew 3 belts on my 1987 chipper. Funny thing is I called up Morbark and the serial number is 167, the guy at the parts store was blown away. Part is on the mainland of course so won't be back up and running until next week. I'm starting to realize why people just buy NICE gear...
  19. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    Wow, Dave I'm sorry to hear about your loss.
  20. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    Those before and after pics are unreal, too sad to loose all those big trees! jp:D