How'd it go today?

I'm writing about the redwoods. Started about a month ago. Should be done in about 2 years, I figure.

My continuing posts in "How'd it go today?" should read about the same for that length of time.

Another project and another adventure. Terri and I are going to Big Sur soon to do some hiking in the southern most range of these great trees. Research.... and more and more
I'd almost forgotten having hiked in Big Sur. One particular overnight trek, I remember the deer stew more than the trees. Some great trails there.
Big burl! What river were you on? I used to like to put in at the 47 bridge and head up stream to rum island or so and head back. Could usually sneak into Gennie Springs and score beers from the partiers!
Top Notch you know my area cool yes this burl is east of rum island. We put in at the 441 launch and went up to river rise and then pulled out at rum island. You remember a monster pine on the bluff just after 47 has to be largest I have seen. River is very low almost had to portage in the grass flats!
6! No way.

Worked until 7, then came home. My wife was already in her Pjs, but i convinced her to change and go to the school grounds and kick around the soccer ball with me, then go for a short jog. A brisk night. She had made a real nice dinner with some new year's festive dishes. Just past the new year now and slurping a Kirin beer. The priest was early with the temple gongs, like by about fifteen minutes...WT? Wondering if any noodle places might be open? My thought for the new year, "The universe is a very large place".

Big Sur is amazing; there's a trail there through montana de oro state park that follows a creek (the trail is only a few miles). You can hike all the way out to the ocean and there's a small point and some cool trails that go up and down large rock croppings right along the ocean. There's a famous and amazing surf spot there call Big Sur rivermouth at the end of that trail; the river dumps into the ocean and creates sandbars, with the right tide wind and swell direction it's an amazing wave.

Thanks for that, Jon. I just put it on Jer's long list of things we gotta do at Big Sur. This is going to be another adventure! :big-jump:
I'm getting so much maintenance done this month, it feels good. Oil and filters in K boom and chipper, messed up hitch on bucket, replacing main elbow pin on bucket, exhaust turn out on K boom, knives on chipper, radiator in K boom, oil leak on bucket truck. It is going to be like having a new fleet!
But then workman's comp thinks I made too much money so they wanted another $2500 just because...
getting ready for new years eve.
I just finished making a gazillion canapees.
I had a lot of fun designing them . Chevre ( goats cheese) and figs soaked in port wine, small homepreserved jamaican chiles filled with cream cheese, asparagus tips rolled up in grilled bell peppers etc. all vegetarian of course.

Now off for a shower and some clean clothes.

Happy new year, Treehousers.:)
I'm getting so much maintenance done this month, it feels good. Oil and filters in K boom and chipper, messed up hitch on bucket, replacing main elbow pin on bucket, exhaust turn out on K boom, knives on chipper, radiator in K boom, oil leak on bucket truck. It is going to be like having a new fleet!
But then workman's comp thinks I made too much money so they wanted another $2500 just because...
Good deal, Willie. I grabbed all of my saws off the bucket truck this morning and spent about 4 hours going through all of them. Been a long time since I serviced every saw in my fleet, they needed it.
I tell you what for no more than I use my saws it's just amazing the amount of chips that can pack in around the fins .Damned fine dust finds it's way into every thing .Toms' make mine look they have been cleaned regularly .It's wonder his run at all .
I spent about an hour yesterday trying to file out the damage from the pipe I found in the stump two weeks ago. It was so hardened, the first 5 or 6 strokes with the file just whistled across, but I finally got through to fileable tooth....