How'd it go today?

Just wrapping up 2011 splicing. Finished 9 rigging lines, 11 slings, 14 fliplines (sewn) 10 Footlock prusiks (sewn), and 2 16-strand lines today. Our total for the year was just over 9700 spliced products. Not bad for a two man crew.
Rob, Seth and I went over to that last TD we did over the last couple days and moved all the wood onto a customer for firewood as a nice New Years gift. About 3 cord all told what we did not chip (11 yards). They were a happy couple... They were already sweating being able to afford wood next year.. Felt good to help some folks out and we saved a lot of fuel and effort dropping it close to where we were....


This is about 10-12 foot of the trunk in the trailer....... Heavy buggers
Nice when you can save yourself some effort and do a good deed at the same time.
A real win-win situation.:)
Past few days here have been a lil stressful. Woody our son had a skin adhesion on the foreskin of his penis and after much deliberation we took him in Thursday to get it fixed. In hindsight I think we should have left it do its own thing after much reading but shoot being a parent you have to make all of these decisions and Sam decided since we have money now we should get it done before it maybe affects his sex life. Friday it became REALLY swollen and we had to take him back in, poor lil guy was in absolute agony and every 2-3 hours we have to pull the skin back and put creme on which he dreads. Big break though last night as he for the first time in his life was able to pull the skin back on his own:) After talking to numerous people with young boys a lot of them are in the same boat with regard to not knowing what to do. Can any of you uncircumcised guys remember anything about at what age you were able to retract the foreskin??

Im about to make a 5 hour drive to go pick up a 97 VW TDI..... Talk to you guys latter and Happy New Year
New Years eve went pretty good .I grilled some nice t bones on the grill ,drank some sparkling wine ,watched the ball drop ,went to bed .
Paul, you've likely already gotten this info, but just in case, when I had to look it up, it seems like re-adhering can be a problem. Some parents were saying that a warm bath, and an immediate retraction worked better with less pain. The parents were applying triple antibiotic. The parents lamented that a lot of the hospital staff were clueless about it, which I why I mention what I found. If your medical provider isn't giving you satisfactory info, it might not be because of a lack of options, but rather a lack of their education. Hope it goes well, and continues, un-re-adhered.
Has anyone ever had a bank deposit someone elses money into your account? I called disputing a service charge for depositing cash. I over and over told them I did not deposit any cash, they talked to me like I was a moron. I had no receipts for cash deposits, and I was baffled. Sure enough, check my online account and they put Carlos' money into my account. Freaking dumb asses. Wondering what would have happened if I never called. :/:

It's like a spring day here, gorgoues. Taking a train to NYC so Ashly can find where her interview is for a school she applied to. She doesn't want to be late on D day.
Has anyone ever had a bank deposit someone elses money into your account? I called disputing a service charge for depositing cash. I over and over told them I did not deposit any cash, they talked to me like I was a moron. I had no receipts for cash deposits, and I was baffled. Sure enough, check my online account and they put Carlos' money into my account. Freaking dumb asses. Wondering what would have happened if I never called. :/:

Can't Carl give you a little money if he wants?:lol:
Wondering what would have happened if I never called. :/:

When they found the error they would have transferred it back out with out telling you, even if it emptied your account. And yes they are allowed to do that, there are all sorts of hidden rules they can use to cover F ups.
Heck, even Bank of America doesn't charge for cash deposits!

Today I washed and waxed the Bullitt. First time I've waxed it since buying it last May. It came out really nice, Brendon would be proud. I used Meguire's NXT Tech Wax, a bit pricey but super easy and forgiving for a klutz like me. And it doesn't stain plastic trim like most waxes.

Just got back in from Johnson City TN. Being the cheap basted that I am I bought the Mrs a 97 Passat TDI Wagon, they didn't make anyWagons from 97-2005 and 05-06 had lots of problems so I finally said fun it and got a 97 and am going to except I will have to work on it some... Got 52.3 MPG coming home, mostly highway rolling at 75mph. I love TDIs so am glad the Mrs. agreed to it.

B I deposited a check into my Ropetek account one time and the teller transponded the account #s and ended up taking $2500 from my account and putting it in theirs:|: Believe it or not the guy called me up and told me:O

Thanks for the well wishes for Woody, it was a rough few days for the little fellow. WE are being very vigilant about pulling back the skin every 2-3 hours and putting creme on to prevent re-adhesion, last night for the first time he did it himself..

I will post pics tomorrow of the Wagon, dark right now.....
Once the B of A sent me a check for a thousand dollars. I don't recall why, but they owed me it for something. A short time later they sent me another one. I called them up to tell them of the duplicate error. The bank guy seemed unbelieving that anyone would call them up to tell them the mistake. Then he went from being dubious to paranoid, must have asked me three times to verify that I would tear it up.
They charge a fee for cash deposits over 900$. I don't accept cash though, so I never deposit any. :)

Looking good Brian! I like the Meguires stuff, now that you have a fresh wax, after you wash it hit it with quick detailer. You'll only have to wax like once a year as the detailer keeps it fresh.