How'd it go today?

Hell yeah! @ Erik.

Wax job looks good Brian.

My relief driver took over at 9:30 last night. I opted to just stay on the bus for the ride home instead of driving a relay car home. I let the 7 band drivers bring the cars back. That way, I could spend new years eve with a bus full of cheerleaders and pom. Actually, there were only 21 of them so it wasn't a bus full. :)

Made it home at 4:30 this morning.
I spent about an hour yesterday trying to file out the damage from the pipe I found in the stump two weeks ago. It was so hardened, the first 5 or 6 strokes with the file just whistled across, but I finally got through to fileable tooth....

I would've thrown it away and started new. Once a chain gets that bad they cost you.
Looking at pruning out a big White Oak on a frozen lake. Gotta get 2 guys to work the tree for me since I can't climb yet.

I hate to oversee work from the ground, but I just don't have a choice at the moment.
I'm burger free today and tomorrow, sweet. I'm gonna sit on my ass today, then trim a bit tomorrow.

I'm considering hitting a pizza buffet for lunch... trying to resist... :whine:
Time for a new bank, bro; that's the most retarded thing I have ever heard. Can I get a hell yeah? :X

Na, not worth it. This bank is everywhere around here, so making a deposit is easy peasy as there is one always around. No other charges are involved with this bank, but it's a pretty wild one none the less.
Chris, times like these are when you're thankful for all the favors you did for others all last year. Time to call in some of those chips. I wasn't shy about picking up the phone last year when I was recovering from surgery. It's nice having a network of associates who can work with each other and get the job done regardless. I was calling guys to come run my bucket for me.

Today I knocked out 5 pine removals and a small dead oak removal. All the pines were over power lines, over other trees or both. I managed to get all the pine logs in one load on my trailer but it was a massive load piled about a foot above the sides. I only had to haul it about 5 miles and my brakes were smoking by the time I got there. My chipper guy had a full load of chips and he is going back in the morning to get the oak wood (for firewood). Customer was happy and we were pulling off the job at 3:00.
Hell day dealing with the ex wife. So glad that my divorce decree is clear and defined at least on my end. Makes me wonder should I just pay her off via loan or stretch it out still. Be so glad to get back to climbing.
Almost finished installing our laminate floor in the living room and kitchen. If the weather will cooperate, i could finish the cutting. Then, the trim comes.

Funny how easy things can be when you're not pressured to do them. If I had someone hounding me to work on it, rather than when I'm intrinsically motivated, I wouldn't enjoy the process.

Woulda finished earlier, but was a little sick last week before Christmas.
I would've thrown it away and started new. Once a chain gets that bad they cost you.

I considered it, but it was near-new, and I didn't want folks to think Carl was rubbing off on me.....

I tried it out in the woodpile after I finished. It's actually cutting pretty good. Part of that hour was dressing the bar on the bench grinder. Couple of licks on the drags, and she's gnawing wood!
They charge a fee for cash deposits over 900$. I don't accept cash though, so I never deposit any. :)

Just spend it, don't deposit's accepted at most grocery stores, convenience stores, hardware stores, restaurants, etc. It's wonderful. You don't even have to show ID to spend it! :lol:

Half the time I cash my checks and spend cash. It's easier to save cash, as it's harder to spend it. I can swipe cards all day long with no apprehension. When I spend the last of my cash, I know it's time to quit spending. :cry:
Like when our bank here started charging a 3.00 monthly charge on a kids savings account.:X

Only account left at that bank is the business account. Only because my other choices suck worse.
just woke up...had a strange dream about my best friend through jr and sr high that died a number of years ago. We were at a party and he ignored me. :( It was an odd feeling.
Stayed home today with Terri. Quality time. Bout noon I wandered to the pub and swilled a couple with friends while Terri did laundry. Home now and we're going to figure out dinner plans.

Happy new year
I about did nada all day... I played Speed racer on the Wii and had some fun with that. Did a property walk with a customer to make some more trails and take down some wind thrown trees. Data entry on the spreed sheets for taxes. Currently watching the chicken thaw for dinner. Pretty damn uneventful :)
Like when our bank here started charging a 3.00 monthly charge on a kids savings account.:X

Only account left at that bank is the business account. Only because my other choices suck worse.

My bank doesn't charge anything for checking, at least they don't charge me. I think they may have started charging on new accounts. I don't have a savings account, just checking. I've considered closing it, as I don't write but 2 to 4 checks a month. I'd close mine in a minute if they started charging a service charge.
My credit union does not charge me for anything .... Most all our accounts are there, savings, rental and personal checking. But they do not handle business type checking. Not equipped for the volume of check writing I do. The bank I have the business checking with used to charge me a flat fee and then was taken over when they went defunked. Now I pay per transaction. I have 3 choices in town... 2 banks and one credit union. I limit myself by refusing to do business with on line or mail type banking.. I might change that in the future. I just prefer being able to do my banking F2F and close to home.