How'd it go today?

Good deal, Jay. The main weaknesses on the 038 Mag are the pitiful air filter and the soft motor mounts. The air filter doesn't seal very well and allows a lot of grit to enter the motor, so anything you can to do increase the filtering ability will help. As for the motor mounts, just don't torque on it real hard. :)
Very nice score Jay!

Good on you Stig, that was a nice thing to do, sorry about your friend, and I can certainly relate to his pain and anguish!

Finally finished up the last stump at mom and dad's today, had to cut it from three sides with the 32", big SOB! Two tanks of gas and three 32" chains later, I'm beat! It just kept spitting nails at me, even in the center of the tree, chunks of nails would come out, it was like someone had left a sack of nails beside it years ago, nasty!
I'm leaning more and more to finding a new home for the 046, I love it and it's sure nice to have when you need it, but it's heavy, hurts like hell to run and it might be kind of nice to NOT have something that nobody else around here has!
I pruned 15 of about 80 oaks to be done before the first. It was a long cold windy day but I was in a bucket so I was even colder and I get to di it all over again tomorrow. Sweet!
Thanks for the comments on the saw. I've noticed that about the carb not being the best design, as I have a another saw in that series. I wasn't aware about it letting in dirt to the carb/cylinder, but the filter screen sure loads up quickly. Motor mounts, I'll keep an eye on.

Joel, I have some pieces from an 038 (not magnum), at least some of which or all that you mention needing. I'll go through and see what's there, let you know and pop it into the mail. I assume the 038 and the 038 magnum used the same parts that you have mentioned needing. I'll send a pm, need your address..
That would be foot and mouth disease eh? :lol:

Feel like Achilles, stuck a gaff in my heel instead when I gaffed out on that walnut I did recent...
Seemed like it was healing fine (been almost 10 days) but woke up with it infected and had to go to the clinic to get a antibiotic RX. Dr. said stay off my feet, elevate, and keep it out of shoes for a couple days. SO seeing the damn thing hurts and is too swollen to get a shoe on it comfortable anyway... I am taking a few days off waiting for the meds to kick in and the swelling to subside.
Just a day in the life ...... there are worse things that can happen... but I don't like idle too long and the kids are not letting me stay off it much...

Listen to the Doc!
Vacuumed out the Toyota today, she's out there crying because she's on craigs list now. :( I'll be able to travel now, so I'm happy about the upgrade.

Went to the house and cut and split a ton more wood. I have one big pile, and one growing pile. I'll prob sell some mid winter, there is just too much out there.

Brought my tub in the bathroom and installed the drain and figured out the parts I need to finish the underfloor plumbing. Ordered my chunk of granite for the wood stove hearth, and the through the wall pipe kit$$$$$$$ Good day overall.
my little truck of 8 years is on craigslist too, makes me sad, but its time to move on.
spent the day today cleaning and organizing the shop at work. seeing pictures of Stig's immaculate shop has, shown me the light and drastically altered my tolerance for clutter.
Thats a cool truck, must get good milage.

I really hate selling things through craigslist though. Low ball e-mail offers, and illegal's. Illegals love high mile Toyota's and lowball offers.
I cleaned and organized my tool room at the shop. Replaced a few light fixtures. 8 overall. Finally starting to shape up over there.
Washed the bucket truck as well.
B so far how are you liking that splitter?? I was pretty impressed with the video that Tobe posted of that one mounted on the table where you cut it up at waist height and work standing up. Im thinking about getting one and making a table/rack out of post and beams and loading it with the wheel loader
I love my super spliiter!

Today was a crazy day, e-mail flooded with people wanted the toyota, guys from RI, NJ,MA wanted to come. Damn, guy from RI came, and took it away. It's getting shipped to central america, he said they love them over there. I've had that truck 7 years and can honestly say I was sad to see it drive away.
So how they sound MB?

HO I really like working for and is kind of goofy working for in a way was my job today. Started working on his driveway, then ended up clearing an old trail around his house. Then he video taped me felling a small oak full of mistletoe 180 degrees out of favor with wedges. Then a leaning gray pine I used a coos bay on and basically tried to explain barber chain. I then demonstrated barber chain on a small oak limb and he put 2 & 2 together real quick. Sold him on 4 more days of work this spring.
Guy teaches at Harvard, teaches karate to law enforcement, lectures corporations on efficiency and memory techniques. Here he is on Ellen...
Kind of a fun dude.

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I was hired climber for a guy I've been working with lately on this big Tulip for the town. I gave myself a ride up a little over half way with his rear mount (which made me fall in love with bucket trucks). Had it down and cleaned in about two hours, climbing out to the tips worrying about the wire made it fun, but great morning. We decided there was still time so we went and killed another one, probably taller. Harlond made quick work of the bottom 62' with his RM, I went up and tied the tops, and he made the money cut on eat side missing the hydrant. He's kinda nuts, they were joking how they all saw two spectrums of tree workers this morning. I'm more conservative take an extra minute, while he's big machine and big cuts.:lol:

Here's a couple pics, and the truck which made me fall in love.

Registered the new Ford after work too, drives nice. :)


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Which bucket truck, the white Hi-Ranger or the red ALOC?

This morning I installed my new K frame member on the Mustang. Took about 3.5 hours working by myself. The benefits are reduced weight, much more clearance for working on the motor or anything on the front end and stiffer motor mounts for less motor/transmission roll which reduces missed shifts.

