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  1. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    CursedVoyce, Welcome to the House! I'm from Cali originally too and you live in a beautiful spot! jp:D
  2. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    Worked till 2am on a paper about plant hormones and seed germination/dormancy last night. Finished the paper, went to bed and then woke up and found the thing is gone, literally gone. It'll be a busy afternoon to get this thing re-done and completed. One more final/paper and the semester is...
  3. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    I don't see much studying happening in that schedule, Carl... :P jp:D
  4. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    Deadwooded and light end reduction on clove tree (Syzigium aromaticum) today. It's been months since doing a nice pruning/deadwooding job... felt great! Nice change up from the constant removals. We're supposed to be helping trees right :|: jp:D
  5. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    Got thrown out of the spurs today :|: At the end of a long banyan limb, they're loaded spring boards.. jp:D
  6. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    Went to that workshop in Benicia last year. Saw a guy come zipping out of the aerial rescue station on a strange, unidentified friction hitch and burned his palm so bad he had to walk around with ice for the rest of the day. But it is a training event, so a lot of the experienced climbers...
  7. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    It's too bad I've got your other needle Leon :P Worked on the Big Island this weekend, so peaceful and beautiful over there. We worked right at the base of Mauna Kea, which had snow on the summit. Deadwooded about 20 (ish) Acacia koa's and 10 jacaranda trees and one tiger's claw (Erythrina...
  8. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    Sounds fun Squish! jp:D
  9. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    That's what I've heard. Been hesitant to do the whole SRT because of the gear stuff... I'm sure it's worth exploring though. jp:D
  10. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    Worked again at the arboretum yesterday, removing a small (40ft) banyan. It was a cool job because there was a 100ft + tree right above it. Climbed up and set a block and used the GRCS to 'pick' limbs off the banyan, pretty sweeeet! My left knee is killing me though, had to footlock up the big...
  11. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    Thanks! Encouragement is always nice during midterms :lol: I'm shooting to finish next December 2008, if all goes well. Will probably have to go to summer school but it'll hopefully be worth it just to get this thing done :|: jp:D
  12. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    My head is spinning! Worked for 6 hours yesterday and so far 2 more today on one entomology midterm. I'm only on question 8 of 14 too! Can't wait until the semester is over, one month off of school :beerchug: jp:D
  13. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    Congrats to you too on the exam Squisher! jp:D
  14. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    Glad you're okay Carl. Sounds bad. Did you get yourself checked out at the hospital? Found out I passed the CA test! jp:D
  15. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    Took the CA test yesterday morning. There were 200 multiple choice questions. Read the book so felt pretty solid about the answers, there were maybe 15-20 left blank and returned to after running through all the questions. All and all it wasn't as bad as I imagined, but I guess I'll know the...
  16. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    good solid 10hrs of climbing today, but I'm enjoying a beer now :) Pruned four medium-large sized monkey pod trees, with two other climbers. Man, it almost hurts to type. Well goodnight all. jp
  17. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    Sounds great OM. How do you guys run the day when all three of the members climb? Do you all climb and then clean up or will one guy stay on the ground and help the two climbers? jp:D
  18. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    The rain came in pretty hard, so I was getting pretty wet and just forgot about taking the pics. Which kind of sucks, oh well. There's plenty more opportunity, next time! jp:D
  19. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    Man today was busy! First class for two hours, then worked at arboretum. Dismantled a massive (would guess 4 ft. diamter at base of limb) fallen albeiza limb that failed a week ago. This sucker had to be 40 - 50 ft long and maybe 20% of the crown, big ol' thing. Anyway, it dropped in a rather...
  20. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    I take it you've had the meds before, OM. I kind of figured looking at your avatar. jp:D