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  1. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    Picked up a HOBBS, only cost 200 to ship to hawaii :\: jp:D
  2. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    Spliced these FS's for a friend yesterday, jp:D
  3. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    Looked at this podocarpus yesterday, it's one of the bigger P. gracilior's I've seen. She was thinking about it having it removed because she thought it would blow over in a storm but I talked her into thinning and crown cleaning, she's stoked. jp:D
  4. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    Oh man college is sweeeet! jp:D
  5. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    you dropped calculus carl!?! weak man, just weak ....btw I only made it to precalc jp:D
  6. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    sounds cool Willie. jp:D
  7. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    Man, climbed coconuts all day today. I'm sure glad I make guys more money in the trees, so I get away with climbing cocos only rarely! jp:D
  8. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    Concentrate Carlos! jp:D
  9. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    Nice, Leon. I've had a Dell laptop since 06' and have probably reformatted the hard drive two or three times since then. Fortunately, I have a 150 gig external drive I back up all important info on. Next crash, I'll probably be looking for a new setup though. jp:D
  10. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    Ranger, keep your head up man and work hard at school. You want to do treework because you want to, not because you have to. jp:D
  11. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    Good job Ranger! You can't beat the climber's convertible! jp:D
  12. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    Went and volunteered a day of work yesterday at this cool hippie commune on the east side. Worked for two really cute moms and they made us food all day. Had to rig out a nasty java plum over wires and structures took 7 hrs. End of day we drank and smoked and watched the girls fire dance and...
  13. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    I'm learning to use the unread posts button finally so hopefully will get more adept at finding people's posts and responding, it only takes a couple of years right! jp:D
  14. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    Nice sized pick MB! I would have been puckering up on that cut :lol:. jp:D
  15. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    Today was great; lodged a nice half inch long date palm thorn into my large left toe. Not surface kind but actually lodged straight in there at the top near the nail. I'll try to get some pics of what they pulled out. A scalpel, five to six shots of lidocaine and two nurses later and it's out...
  16. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    Damn Carlos! I was wondering why you didn't pick up your phone the other day. Hope you feel better bro and give a shout when your feeling up to it! jp:D
  17. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    Good for you Paul. It boggles my mind that people want to tell the climber what and how to do their job. It's so specialized and situational that every person will do it differently. Earplugs do wonders. Called a meeting right after lunch with the crew and laid it out. I'm a supervisor so...
  18. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    Do you have a GRCS? jp:D
  19. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    Great pics as usual Roger! Dave looks like a great climber. Please do share more about STP... Was this the company Dan Kraus was working with? jp:D
  20. treesandsurf

    How'd it go today?

    BrendonV, you have one of the nicer rigs I've seen. I'd like to do that with an even smaller truck someday if I ever go it alone. jp:D