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  1. TC3

    How'd it go today?

    Fun pix. What a mess, ey, RboristaGuy ? LOL I'd so much rather take down trees that still have a bit o' life left in them (as per your pix). All-The-Way-Dead = Exploding on ground impact. Crikey.
  2. TC3

    How'd it go today?

    Say whuut, Reed ?!? You lookin' fer trouble, old man ?!? LOL I remember about 20 yrs. ago, a friend of mine spent over $1200 on some Swiss barley-something-or-other bed, and I told her she was nuts. I've re-thought that, over & over & over... A good nights' rest ? OMG. Oh, this is the "How...
  3. TC3

    How'd it go today?

    Niters, Ever'body ! P.S. You'll never guess what I did today ?
  4. TC3

    How'd it go today?

    What she said. Except, today marked the first job of the season that I walked away from. Bid out to me by another co. for $210, it was supposed to be approx. 80' of yew hedge... & it was. It was also inaccessible because of trees draping into it, all still decked out in Christmas lights...
  5. TC3

    How'd it go today?

    I pruned trees all day. Again.
  6. TC3

    How'd it go today?

    I pruned trees t'day. <yawn>
  7. TC3

    How'd it go today?

    Wow on the pix, yo. Dang, DarkestStar, Spain, ey ? Crikey, I just gotta go. Sometimes I see these pics here, and I go all moody... My world izza buncha prune, prune, prune, go home & drop. Tomorrow prune s'more. Thanx for sharing, all.
  8. TC3

    How'd it go today? run VEHICLES ??? <ears perked>
  9. TC3

    How'd it go today?

    L.P.G. ??? >>> Help me out on this one, AussieMegaDude ?!?
  10. TC3

    How'd it go today?

    I wuz in the same hood as JH Hart, big tree co. in my neck o' the woods. 3 man crew, bucket, chipper, etc. Bunch of shirtless blokes (hey, I don't mind, but...), wandering around by the look of it. I could be wrong. They were on the property of a ranch-style home that had trees no higher than...
  11. TC3

    How'd it go today?

    Sounds like you spent a good time, V. >>> That's the way to capitalise on the time @ hand, grlfrnd !!! Hey, did Palmer go along with ??? Today was real picky hand pruning of small ornamentals, & I was happy w/ the outcome. Equally important, my customer was happy, too ! TGIF, comin' our way ...
  12. TC3

    How'd it go today?

    Butch, are you speaking to moi ? I preview my pix, they seem to be O.K. ? I tol' you'z guyz, you gotta tell me how to do it ? Honest to friggin' Christos, I make no pretense of "know-how"... ye gotta LEAD ME !!!
  13. TC3

    How'd it go today?

    oh, yeah... this is me. s'all good t'day. not really, but what can ye say ? we put in another day.
  14. TC3

    How'd it go today?

    Al, bartering is the REAL way to deal, my brother ! So glad you're on board with that. Trading your knowledge & know-how ? >>> NEVER short-change yourself. Those blokes will be damned glad for it. If you come away w/ a few hundred board ft. of wood, my guess izz that they're glad to give it...
  15. TC3

    How'd it go today?

    The Day Is Done...
  16. TC3

    How'd it go today?

    ...look all layered, like you did with the Dogwood ? Yes, I know it's a Silver Maple..." Crazy lady comes out of building 1 >>> "If you cut down my f**king trees, I'll f**king shoot you, Eileen. You shouldn't even be on the board of members..." Frank comes out on his front step, "Pay no...