How'd it go today?

Routine day. Boltholes on a bridge, and some road and erosion/sediment control on another job. I got under the truck today to check the fluids. Only thing left is the rear axle. Best I can tell, the transmission looked fine. Dipstick is a huge PITA to get to. It's right on the transmission, and you have to get it from underneath. Had to free it up with Pblaster. Transfer case took 12oz of fluid. I think that's where the smell's coming from.

Two questions...

How empty is empty on a transfer case? That 12oz I added is 25% of the total capacity. When does damage start?

Is there anything I can do about rust underneath that's easy? It has a shocking amount of rust for an 8 year old vehicle. It isn't nearly as bad as the Frontier. I don't see any potential frame failures, but it's still bad. I used to think MD cars got rusty. I clearly didn't know what rust was after seeing PA/NJ vehicles. Is there any kind of quicky spray, or oil that can be added to rusty metal to help it in any way?
Reading about Fluid Film, and I think I'm sold. I've been wanting something for the chipper also. Rust isn't too bad on that, but it's only gonna get worse. It would be nice to slow it down.
From their page...

FLUID FILM® is formulated from specially processed wool-wax, highly refined petroleum oils and selected agents to provide corrosion control, penetration, metal wetting and water displacement. The long lasting product contains no solvents, will not dry out and will penetrate to the base of all metals, providing corrosion protection from both natural and industrial atmospheres. Heavily corroded and/or frozen parts such as nuts, bolts, shafts, etc. that would normally be damaged during maintenance, can be salvaged by applying FLUID FILM®

Yea, my quick reading over the last hour or so says to apply it once a year, and that it washes off too fast in areas like wheelwells. Also said not to get it on exhaust components cause it stinks bad as it burns off.
The old ported 026 was acting up. It's due for a rebuild, so I'm trying to use up the last of the chains without buying a bar and rim, because I'm not going to rebuild the low end, and it could fail at any time. It was binding up and preferring to cut crooked. I was wondering what would have dulled the chain, but it still cut fast when it would. It rapidly deteriorated until I swapped it for the slow quiet saw. Later I saw at least 8 teeth broke off. I was wondering when that would happen.
The old ported 026 was acting up. It's due for a rebuild, so I'm trying to use up the last of the chains without buying a bar and rim, because I'm not going to rebuild the low end, and it could fail at any time. It was binding up and preferring to cut crooked. I was wondering what would have dulled the chain, but it still cut fast when it would. It rapidly deteriorated until I swapped it for the slow quiet saw. Later I saw at least 8 teeth broke off. I was wondering when that would happen.
Just set it on a wooden raft, douse with diesel and two stroke, and let slip a flaming arrow. It’s had a good run give it the peace it deserves.
Well, I ordered the Fluid Film. We'll see how it goes. I also got a box of Oregon 11/64" files. That's waaay more than I need, and I've heard people say Oregon files are shit, but I'm not sure I believe it. They're almost certainly made by Vallorbe in Switzerland, same as Stihl files, and Stihl files are my favorite, so I got two trial items coming. Just have to douche the underside of the truck to get ready for the treatment. I might do that tomorrow.
Just set it on a wooden raft, douse with diesel and two stroke, and let slip a flaming arrow. It’s had a good run give it the peace it deserves.
The problem is it still runs so good. The crank case paint is bubbling up and will eventually let loose. I thought the bar was worn out at first seeing how it's the original bar. The other saw was a waste of time in comparison. It felt like less than half as fast.
Exciting day. I got to use my brand new glo blue wireflags. They aren't quite as bright as I'd like, but I think they'll showup well in brush.


That's 360 pile I've laid out so far, not including the pile in the structures. My knees and back are killing me. I tried putting cardboard in the knee pockets of my ACUs, and it helped a little, but foam would've been better. I have foam at home, but it's for the cats. I need to hunt some more down.

Went to a disconnected part of the job to layout reforestation, and found a massive sycamore. Fantastic tree!


Pics don't do it justice. I couldn't get anywhere that would show the scale. I didn't have anything to measure with, but I bet it's 6' DBH, Very cool tree. I'll probably be going back there tomorrow. I'll try to remember my logging tape.
I think I mentioned it before, but the old office(about 1,000' from this tree) has a huge sycamore in the front yard. I had "donated" my computer to work(this was the early 90s), and I was staying at work late to play Doom on my computer. I can't remember exactly how it happened. It either iced, or had rained earlier and everything froze, but I went outside to smoke a cigarette, and that big sycamore was sparkling like jewel, covered in ice, and getting lit by the street lights, and tiny group of stores across the street. It was magical, and one of the standout memories of my life :^)
I finally got the water pump on my Kubota done this afternoon. I got a text that a load of timbers coming after work, so I went home a little early to get it done. I was washing my hands when the truck went by. I have a few more days of truck driving left for the farm, then it's time to get all my logs milled, and lumber and timbers stabilized for the winter. I would really like to hibernate this year.
As i get older I'm slowly coming to the realization that taking a few more things off to make more room is the way to go, much less swearing and bleeding knuckles and it usually goes faster.
I've realized that for awhile, but I'm usually too dumb to act on it. The allure of a shortcut is too irresistable to pass up, and my shortcut inevitably turns into the long way around the block, and sometimes more problems than I started with :^D