How'd it go today?


Does the young buck have a towable piece of equipment worth $6000? It’s illegal not to pay your help. Maybe convince him to part with the title and towable before you leave - or turn him in to Labor Relations Board - or place a small claims court lien on his property?
That's what I was thinking. I'd have walked home with his saws long before then, but that would look bad initially making you the criminal until it all gets sorted out.
More pile today. yay... My knees and back are sore. Tomorrow we have a different job to go to first, but will probably have time to swing to the bridge job to do anchor bolts, so more time on my knees and bent over :^/


A cool dead white oak. I think it's completely dead. If not, there's very little life left. What makes it cool is it was obviously a yard tree that found itself completely in the woods. Later, I may see if I can luck into an old picture that shows it. It was next to the railroad, but that ground's worthless for farming. I'm curious what it's surroundings looked like.
Well, so far so good. Culvert is finally getting completed on a project we have been waiting to move into. Sub is giving me some greif, but I sat on him for two days showing him how NOT pleased I am with his bull shit. Got my guys cleaning up the mess he made by being assertive that we were going to do anyway. We were supposed to cut trees in the way of the driveway being doctored. Make room for gravel trucks dumping material. He figured he needed it done sooner than today, but never got past the first culvert install. But went up there and felled several across the driveway. No house up there, but let me do my work.
He delayed my work by not calling in USA, then finding busted phone lines. Turns out some one else busted them. Turns out the place is slated for new since everything burned. But mean while mr attitude did not order culverts timely to get them delivered. Never got all the clean fill he needed delivered. And still is trying to figure out where gravel is coming from since his normal supplier (someone that I already warned him about being a problem) cant give him an answer on it.
So schedule was already one day behind, then he is getting further behind since he has to drive at least 2 hours round trip to get material with his own trucks.
But I'm the problem? And need to "just let him do his thing" before I move in to get shit done.
Guess that will just never happen again because he just lost at least several referrals of work annually from me.
He had not even shown up with the clean fill yet or the second culvert today, His helper on site could not get the water pump started (no gas init).
My guys got to work and had the drive way cleared by the time he showed. Then dropped the rest of the trees. Then proceeded to clean up his mess that he made with the excavator tossing trees in the creek and shit.
I had to take a 24hr cool off period before I would talk to him f2f
On the up side, a lady that adverised some Ford emblems and hub caps msgd me. Been a week or so. 25.00 bought me 4 new hub caps, and about 5 ford emblems. The one I needed for 1 truck runs about 100.00 for the grill one.
I'll sell the hub caps. The emblems fit 3 of my trucks save the tail gate one my buddy needs :D
And tonight we had our last talk. Less cooling off.
Dude used to be my go to. Referred tons of work and wor k ed joint projects together.
Tried to blame my crew for his short falls after I left the job site.
I brought receipts, his texts and crew statements.
We're done.
I think its a money thing. He kept telling me he ordered culvert. I got a deposit for him. Said to just give it to him at the job. I had asked if he needed it to go pick up the culverts. Also offered to get a deposit for rock. He tried to blame the customer for a slow deposit check. He waited too long, then lost a delivery date. Chose to go pick it up instead of waiting because he has another project pending.
When I showed him like an almost 3 week time line that he was given the go to order, check in the mail, he kind of eluded that money was not readily available on his end.
He kept doing stuff like that.
Today, after I left, he said my guys kept getting in the way, slowing him down. I explicitly told them to keep out the way.
Yesterday, he cut trees down we were supposed to do. Said we were holding him up. We had more down andd all that and more cleaned up out of the driveway before he even crossed the culvert. Still compacting.
After I left, he offered help to my guys to pull trees out of the creek he put there. So they could process them. And turned that around saying he "had to" do that for them.i had asked why he did that in the first place. Just lay the damn things out along side. Has an excavator with a thumb. Laughed and said he was helping make more work for me. Told my guys today, if he is still working in that area, we would just come back later and winch out.
Then he said they were in his way of moving on to the next culvert, so he did some dirt work on a bank he needed to fix..
Rob moved out of his way from moving logs so he could get by. Then dude veered off. I pointed out that fact, and also that he was going to have to do that work anyway. Never mind the upper culvert. He never did get all the new fill for either one till I went back there tonight.
Then he pointed at a spot the driveway got narrow. We had pruned bushes back for clearance for his equipment. Ohhhh no. They were supposed to be gone. I did not know he wanted them gone, and no matter, live oak regrowth out of stumps. Meaning the stumps were going to be in his way of grading and providing a drain off at below that. He has a gdamn excavator. Told him to call the client and add a job add on and charge him for it. Problem solved. I cant make the stumps go away.
Just dumb shit. Then blame us. Not having it. He is his own worst time consuming enemy. He could have just left the trees he cut, planned better and be making bank.
Each trip to pick stuff up in his trucks is 2 hours.
He needed 4 loads of clean fill, two culverts (he got one at a time), and now two transfers worth of rock. Wayyyyy more than two of his truck loads.
Not to mention, he was worried about transport and I offered to takenon some of the burden with my truck and trailer.
So today, after being out there twice, having to go back a third after dealing with this nonsense since Monday. I'm done. And verbally blaming my crew? Well!! Anyone that has ever worked with us know better. We rarely break for lunch. Just grab and go. 5 hours hard. Sometimes 6.
I worked with a landscaper for twenty years: he did everything ten feet and under for both our customers (bushes, gardens, grading, lawn installations, sprinkler systems) and I did everything ten feet and above (trees). At the end of each month we’d draw a line and settle up - cash one to the other for whomever owed the other. Then it all went to hell and he needed money for his mortgage and next month had no work and several other issues. Turns out he’d gotten into drugs big time, wife left him, lost his house, and I am still out over $4000 of ‘helping him past a tight spot’.
Dropped four large and one medium standing dead trees for a friend. The largest was 42” dbh oak dead for three years, leaning midship over his wood shop.
Had a second rope on a hollow, punky 70 footer and luckily it held and produced enough swing to miss his outbuildings.
Succeeded in getting them all down without any mishap, but had to drop two other trees to have room to swing one of them.
Walked halfway up another (while hanging out of a nearby white oak) to drop that top clear of the shop.
Leave 4am tomorrow for a six day woodturning course* in Iowa. Hope to stop by and see Kyle on the way there or back.

*Instructor is from Germany.
You can see a video about him here:

Hans Weissflog


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I must be doing tree work all wrong. When I do bigger jobs, I’m usually trying to cram a job in one day so it’s dark to dark, haha! No wonder I get tired…
The first guy I worked for when I started would often only do 4-6hr days. Minimal equipment, so no starting at a lot, getting things ready, heading out, coming back and all that. I counted the time on the job site. He paid by the day. We took it easy, but also worked hard having nothing more than old school DdRT and a 4-6cyl gas pickup. Usually he was done from climbing before I was done from the ground work. Another guy I worked for had a similar setup, except SRT, fancy rigging, and a dump trailer. After the first job I thought we were done. Nope, 1-2 more. Long days. Another guy had lots of equipment, but started taking on bigger jobs until I'm getting home (not far) often over 12hrs from the time I left. That was pushing it for me most of the time, but I would have to get 12hrs of sleep afterwards. Before inflation, it was nice to just work a half day to get a full days pay, and take the rest of the day off.
My hours used to be 7-3:30 include 0.5hr lunch. Later when necessary. Now, it's 8-??? Usually around 1 or 2, but it could be anything. I left at 12:30 today.

A lot of things sucked about running a robot, but I liked the freedom it gave me with hours. When I knew where I was going, I could take the gun home with me, leave a half hour early going directly to the job, and get back home same time or earlier, but get more paid hours for less time away from home. I also ate lunch when I wanted, or not at all, and was free to work weekends without coordinating with anyone else. Not that I like working weekends, but it gave me freedom to relieve stress, and not be double+ timing the next week.