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  1. treesandsurf

    ms660 blown spark plug

    You guys ever heard of this happening: my employee was using our 660 out in the field was getting run pretty hard bucking up tons of wood from felled trees. All of a sudden a huge POP and the spark plug shot out the hole. It looks like it stripped the threads on the chainsaw itself. Never heard...
  2. treesandsurf

    Oahu Tree Works, LLC - Hiring

    Hey guys wish I could post on here more often just been super busy with the company. We're looking to hire a climber so if you or anyone you know is interested please call me at 808 265-7495 or email at [email protected] thanks -- stay safe JP
  3. treesandsurf

    HIRING! Arborist Rep. (Sales)

    Hi all, I'm on the search for the right sales person for Oahu Tree Works, LLC. This is a great opportunity for the right person. Please see the posting below and contact me here or through email if you or someone you know is interested aloha! Title: Arborist Representative Location: Wahiawa...
  4. treesandsurf

    Opportunity in Hawaii

    Certified Arborist and competent climber needed on the Island of Lanai off the coast of Maui. This is a great opportunity to work in a unique setting with good pay and plenty of work. A commitment of two months minimum is required but longer is preferred. Should have experience in all aspects of...
  5. treesandsurf

    Stihl MS150T

    Anyone used this saw yet? Looks like a great lightweight saw for deadwooding and pruning trees. I use my silky a lot in the tree, but would love to have a really light saw to bring with me. My 192T was a faithful companion for almost 6 years and though not comparable with the 200T it served its...
  6. treesandsurf

    video: Hawaii tree work June 2013

    Another short video from some jobs we did the last few weeks. Just got a second gopro so I'm hoping to start doing some different camera shots and angles other than POV. If anyone has any tips or suggestions shoot it from the hip please. <iframe width="560" height="315"...
  7. treesandsurf

    Ablizia Drops video

    Another video from this weekend. Ended up getting stung in the nose by a bee from a nearby hive at the end of the day. NOw my face looks like I got the crap beat out of me. We were at walgreens and people were looking at me like I was crazy pretty funny. :lol: <iframe width="560" height="315"...
  8. treesandsurf

    Magazine Street Banyan

    Here's a short video from a large branch we removed off a chinese banyan. Some idea of what 'town' is like enjoy :) <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> jp:D
  9. treesandsurf

    Palolo Valley pines & Rainbow Euc

    Some footage from this last week. The pines were pretty straight forward, I lost all the footage from the day before we did a banyan over the same house and had to setup a cool floating TIP between the top of one of the pines and another tree way up the hill and crank the banyan branches up to...
  10. treesandsurf

    Diamond Head Monkeypod with Hitch Hiker

    Here's a short vid from yesterday pruning a monkeypod with the hitch hiker. Once I got the HH dialed in correctly (the right direction on the wraps) it runs very smooth. After using all day I definitely am loving this new tool. Thanks Paul! jp:D <iframe width="560" height="315"...
  11. treesandsurf

    Ford Aft-Axle Steel Fuel Tanks

    I'm posting this here to hopefully save some potential headaches and $ for housers down the road. Apparently Ford installed steel after axle tanks in their F450/550 vehicles from about 99-2010. They used a metallic liner on the inside of the fuel tank. This liner was supposed to prevent rust...
  12. treesandsurf

    Oio Pine Video

    Here's a video of a relatively small norfolk pine we took down last week. Nothing exciting by any stretch, wanting to put the camera to use. Of course forgot the camera on a monster albizia take down with rigging the week before, oh well. Enjoy. <iframe width="560" height="315"...
  13. treesandsurf

    Looking to buy ms660?

    I've got to step it up and buy a bigger saw, it's long overdue. Been borrowing big saws from friends when the need arises. Figured I would buy a new one at the local stihl dealer here but the prices in HI are ridiculous. Anyone have a used 660 they'd consider parting with? I know this is a long...
  14. treesandsurf

    Euc removals video

    We took down two Euc trees yesterday in Pupukea on the North Shore. MB I'm not sure if this in the right spot so please move if there is a better place. Still had a fun surf session at the end of the day at Leftovers! jp:D <iframe...
  15. treesandsurf

    Heading to the PNW!

    Hey all the housers in the northwest I'm heading there mid December for week and a half. I'm hauling my gear over as well as I've got to do some work for a family member when I get back to norcal around Christmas time. If anyone can use a hand (that hasn't shut down for the holidays) I would...
  16. treesandsurf

    Rope wrench revelations....

    I've been following all the SRT hype for a couple years now but never really got into actually working a tree SRT. For long ascents I'd either Rads or frogwalk up and then switch to DRT. Well I finally decided to give the rope wrench a real try and have been using it pretty regularly for the...
  17. treesandsurf

    mini loaders

    I'm going to be looking at buying a mini loader in the next year, I don't know anything about them (in terms of what brands are good, what size/type engines to get) except I know I will want to get a BMG from NordicDave to fit on the loader. My goal is to get a dump trailer and a mini to feet...
  18. treesandsurf

    Met Nice Guy Dave

    Well split from the chaos here on Oahu and went to Portland for their comp and to visit an aunt and uncle and cousin who live in Aloha just south of Portland. Got to meet nice guy dave and a whole bunch of other PNW climbers, was a great time. I was really impressed with the level of climbing...
  19. treesandsurf

    Guide to Plant Appraisals

    Anyone have this book? I actually was going to buy to get ready to re-take BCMA but the book is over $100 and even more than that on Amazon. I was hoping to maybe pay shipping to borrow for a few weeks to get ready for the exam or if anyone has an older copy they want to sell? I did lousy on the...
  20. treesandsurf


    Anyone know where I can pickup a 200T? We can't get any at any of the dealers here in HI, knowing Stihl that may be the case across the country. If anyone has an extra one they'd part with :lol:. Just casting a line, thanks! jp:D