How'd it go today?

I have to crawl back in the dungeon under the house and hook up another line which I somehow get swapped .Some dummy hooked the raw untreated water which goes to the outside faucets up to the house water :roll:

I fixed the dang thing last night but ran out of fittings to finish the job .

Then I have to trot on over to the Stihl dealer to get another fuel cap for the 200T .It seems the same dummy that hooked the water up wrong also busted the cap .Chit happens .;)
I have to crawl back in the dungeon under the house and hook up another line which I somehow get swapped .Some dummy hooked the raw untreated water which goes to the outside faucets up to the house water :roll:

And why didn't you hire a plumber?:D
Because I'm a cheapskate .:lol: An other reason is because I worked in a plumbing shop when I was in high school .I know how just screw up some times .
I did trot on down to the saw shop and got the gas cap for the 200T .I was surprised $6.37 . I figured the German pirates would soak me a 20 for it .
I did some maintenance on the big truck today. I bought all the fittings to add an air line hookup to the rear air tank a few months ago and today I hooked it up. I now have compressed air with a 50' hose available on the job.

I figured I'd check tire pressures on the truck and discovered that the genius mechanic that replaced my rear brakes for $1100 didn't bother lining up the inner wheel valve stems when he put the wheels back on. I need to go remove the outer wheels to get to the inner valve stems. :roll:
I just had to pull the tires on my 1 ton dually the other day for the same reason. I now have those little extension 'whips' on the ends of the inners so it's really easy to check and air them up now.

Brian I've got air plumbed out on my new truck too it seems like it's going to be really handy but I just have to go and buy the proper sized quick connect fitting before I can actually use it.:|:

Todays game was cancelled due to rain. I don't mind working in a litle rain but it's really been pounding here today.
Oh, I was thinking it was on the bigger grinder, Steve. My Kohler did the same thing, turned out it was a broken wire. IMO, they aren't as intuituve as a larger motor.
That's got to be so nice having compressed air on your work vehicle.

It's been raining non stop since last night, which is unusual here. It's OK we need the water.

My laptop is getting close to biting the dust. It takes a paper clip to open the CD tray and a crack is developing in the hinge. I spent all morning researching laptops and finally found a crazy good deal on a decent Lenovo IdeaPad and ordered it. I always hate spending big bucks on these kinds of things, but getting a good deal makes it easier and I'll enjoy the new machine once it arrives.
Leon, I've been amazed at how nice my HP laptop is that I bought at Sam's. Faster and nicer than the desktop I bought from the 'discount' computer store less than 2 years ago.

As far as having air on the truck, it won't be something I'll use very often. I usually bring the saws home for weekly service/cleaning in the shop. This will be mostly for emergency use, when the Bobcat or chipper has a low tire or something. Although I will put a blower nozzle in the toolbox to have on hand if I need it. I enjoy having everything I need on the truck. That way when a problem comes up that could potentially slow down the job, I just walk over and open the appropriate toolbox and pull out what we need to fix the problem. I can't tell you how many jobsite hours I've saved for guys just because I always have a 5 gallon can of diesel fuel on hand.
Ok Steve, on your charging system: They are prety easy once you know what and how to check. On the bottom left, looking at the flywheel side, there is a rectifier. Test the two white wires coming out from under the shroud, they should put out 27-32 volts A/C, that is from the coil under the flywheel, they rarely go out. If you have that then check the other wire to ground, it should be 12-14 volts D/C. If you have that it's wiring, if you have the A/C but not the D/C it's the rectifier, $30-50 and five min. to change, thats the normal problem.
Once in great while a magnet will come off inside the flywheel, or it gets full of dirt. If it's the flywheel let me know I have a spare one I can hook you up with;)
Leon, I've been amazed at how nice my HP laptop is that I bought at Sam's. Faster and nicer than the desktop I bought from the 'discount' computer store less than 2 years ago.

It's amazing how quickly computer hardware becomes obsolete. The laptop I just ordered is way nicer than the one I bought two years ago and costs a couple hundred dollars less.

Ok Steve, on your charging system: They are prety easy once you know what and how to check. On the bottom left, looking at the flywheel side, there is a rectifier. Test the two white wires coming out from under the shroud, they should put out 27-32 volts A/C, that is from the coil under the flywheel, they rarely go out. If you have that then check the other wire to ground, it should be 12-14 volts D/C. If you have that it's wiring, if you have the A/C but not the D/C it's the rectifier, $30-50 and five min. to change, thats the normal problem.
Once in great while a magnet will come off inside the flywheel, or it gets full of dirt. If it's the flywheel let me know I have a spare one I can hook you up with;)

Thanks, I might have a chance to check it out this afternoon or tomorrow.
Nice, Leon. I've had a Dell laptop since 06' and have probably reformatted the hard drive two or three times since then. Fortunately, I have a 150 gig external drive I back up all important info on.

Next crash, I'll probably be looking for a new setup though.

You might be surprised how much you might use on board air now that you have it .If nothing else it could save your butt if you were out in the boonies with a low tire at 3 am in the morning or something like that .

When I travel,which is seldom I have a little tiny 12 volt job that really doesn't do too bad---just in case .
Today has come and gone... It has been full of mishap and mayhem with a few good results...
The Good.....

I got paid... Still ahead schedule and budget on a clearing job...
I got one saw back up and running (had a spare part in the shop;) ). The truck ran good with a load of wood that I brought home. I did not break any thing.

The Bad....

Tires that Rob ran over a harrow with (like new) only 1 of two were salvageable. I have a spare. Its on the ranch truck so not too much a biggie.. Just frustrating. Three saws went down (two today). I fell out of the truck and whacked my elbow but good... Have a pinched nerve in my hip I have been working with for a week and my Dr. went to India to help find his wife some affordable health care (That's what was on his machine:what::|: ). So I have to wait till Monday to see the other guy. And the hurting of one's self increased exponentially with each boo boo. I am now hiding in my room to evade the boo boo and bad JU JU... So I canceled the mistletoe job for tomorrow so I can heal up a bit... Rob is sick as is Levi. Broke my brand new head set making calls and trying to reschedule shat. Lost a bolt on one of the Husky's (don't ask me how... I was seriously WTFing :X ) and wore a lot of oil down my leg as I was working on it. Local dealer did not have the parts I needed to fix a saw.... The job I was on today will be on a 3 month hold after October 15th. :( Two wood deliveries are on hold till after next week.

The Ugly....

My elbow is swollen and quite painful all the way to my (left)

hand, I can't hardly hold shat. I can't bend over much due to the hip. Lifting also sux :cry:
Two Huskys are still down. Still have some carb work to do after switching out a bad ignition wire/module. Funny how when the dealer works on the saws, they forget to place things like wires back where they belong so they don't get burnt,rubbed through or broken:X )
And most of all my nerves, mood and temperament are shot.

Sorry for the vent.....
Finally have something to take for pain and some cold beer to drink.
This too shall pass and I have three days off to get everything all back on track.

Back to you ..................

Wow, Steve, that's quite a read. I remember some cool rivers for swimming up your way, sounds like a dip might be in order. Hope you're feeling better soon.
Wow Steve,
This is Bad, but if we act fast I think we can fix it.
First go get yourself a big bunch of dried sage. Then get a bottle of Zaya Rum,and some Coji oil, and last but not least an 18 yr old Brazilian virgin. ( I know they are very very rare). Now light the sage and blow it out so it is smoking. Then walk around the outside of your house backwards 6 times while yelling Iamreallythecing at the top of your lungs. Get a tall glass ad 3 and 1/2 ice cubes fill it up to the rim with the rum and stir. Let sit for 5 minutes. Now get the virgin and rub her down with the coji oil. Drink the rum. Have the virgin lay down at the base of your bed and have her hold the soles of your feet against her stomach. Now remain in this position for the remainder of the night. Now repeat for three days. On the fourth day your elbow and JuJu should be all better.
In lieu of no Brazilian virgin available in your parts, find a Mexican one and dress her up in a string bikini....close enough.
A harrow is a farm implement you drag around behind a tractor. They break up clods and usually have a bunch of adjustable teeth that you pound down as they wear and the extra part of the tooth is sticking up and is particularly deadly to tires. Stephen, although I was going to cut firewood today I would sacrifice that and try and find the Brazilian/Mexican virgin if need be.