How'd it go today?

I wont wear my weding ring, due to the fact that I have a hard enough time keeping them as it is, and, rightfully so, it bothers my wife. So this is a compromise,
Marriage is a hell of a lot more than a ring or a tat . Besides it's not a great idea to wear a ring if you do manual labor .Good way to loose a finger .

I've got more rings than a St Louis pimp but I don't wear them when working .
Did an Ash tree take down in a court yard. Split some of the fire wood, and took my equipment off the site. Just need to grind two of them stumps and send a bill.
Did an interview for the local news today..."Help me Hank" segment, some constituents (one dickhead) think that we are butchering trees in a particular neighborhood. Of course its actually just business as usual, pruning out of the roadway, back from houses, streetlights, etc..... I may be dilusional but I think I got this shock reporter turned around to my side of the fence;)

of course I'll share the interview with you guys when it hits the airwaves, I wouldn't want you all to miss a chance to bust my bawlz......
Just done four days sitting in a classroom on first aid training during nice sunny weather (for here!).

Got the next four days work planned out (and its gonna rain :X)
I finished yesterday's blown hose job and the neighbor wanted us remove a small cypress tree. I took the stump grinder and it wouldn't start. I think it's not charging and I have no idea where to take it to get it fixed.
Oh played plumber today and finished running new CPVC lines and made the tie ins in the crawl space .Total of 160 feet of main line 3/4" and 18 tie ins .Total time around 8 hours . I suppose I saved a grand or so by doing it myself .Not too bad for an old fart .:|:

In about an hour I'll turn it back on and check for leaks which I don't expect any .If there are I'll be a tad PO'd .
4 days to do first aid?

Baby sittting today as work is slow. Rented the dingo to my old boss for the day. Sold some walnut logs, and now waiting for the boy to wake up
removed couple jack pine, And called it a day at 3:30. Man am I glad this week is over with. Just tired and sore, but ready for the easy chair and a nap....
I finished yesterday's blown hose job and the neighbor wanted us remove a small cypress tree. I took the stump grinder and it wouldn't start. I think it's not charging and I have no idea where to take it to get it fixed.

Bring it over, I'll help
Well, today was somewhat better than yesterday. I know my B day classes will be much more enjoyable than my A days.

Pretty much going to be one of those school years. Tons of homework and other shit. Not looking forward to it at all.
Yep. In a very advanced, even international program. At times it seems like they expect way too much out of us. 150 hours of Community, Action and Service hours, at least 2 hours of homework a night, tons of projects.

It's a one year commitment each year, for 2 years. Since I signed my soul away(as many of us called it), I'm stuck in it for a full year. We'll see after my year is up what I do.
Well, if you decide to go to college that that will certainly help you get in to a good one. Only 2 more years, the light is visible at the end of the tunnel!
I was not a bad student, but I hated school with a passion. On Friday I felt liberated. I think that it is possible to like it, if you can develop the mind-set. Wish I could offer advice.....other than to say that it's like a game, and the better you can play it, the better off you are....probably.
Steve, either the wiring or alternator is broken. Take the alternator to Auto Zone/Pep Boys/whomever and have them test it. If it checks out, then it's something in your wiring (including the ignition switch).
I cut the grass for the second time in a week and a half, and it was already 8"-12" in spots. My pants were soaked from the brushcutting/weedeating in the swamp.... err I mean my backyard. :lol:
Damned quick connect fitting leaked on me .Back down in the dungeon to fix it .:X Now I remember why I decided not to be a plumber .:roll:
Worked out at the cattle ranch today and will again tomorrow. We are most the way through brushing out the one pasture under the house. Turns out the ranch is growing... They are now up to 185 acres .... Think I am going to be busy there for a while. :P Also bringing home some wood we cut over there. About 100-125.00 worth each day we work8) Nice lil bonus:D. Bit hot down on the lower elevations. And I rocked my chains too many times to count. Yup.... Clearing out patches of boulders :P Tired and came home to a check in the mail. Call on the phone too. Guess I will unload the wood when it cools off. There is also a fire up here somewhere and I am trying to find out where exactly. :/:
I just went and did the stump and another small palm removal. There is a fire going in the coast range hills I could see on the drive home from Oakdale.
Be there in a few days Andrew. Thanks Carl, it's a 25 hp kohler, I don't even know where the alternator is, but I guess I can finger it out.


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Ranger, keep your head up man and work hard at school. You want to do treework because you want to, not because you have to.

I imagine if you have the engine number you might be able to Google it and come up with an IPL some place on the net .

The large Briggs engines use a coil under the flywheel as well as the older pan cake Onans .It would make sense Kohler would do likewise .