How'd it go today?

Could be, I just don't like being cast as the villain when I'm trying to keep people safe.

ooooo, you'd love my job:lol:

We started "zone pruning" as opposed to reacting to complaints...I've been getting my knutz kicked in by a few crazies in one particular neighborhood who seem to enjoy villifing me. The funny thing is its the crazies who are in the minority and will raise holy hell, while the people who appreciate the work will tell us so in person, not call every politician and news agency in the area. It has all come to a head to the point where I have to be interviewed by the local news.:|:
Well my luck is holding strong. Yesterday afternoon nailed some wooden stairs with a big rigged up birch spar. Didn't toast them, but definetly tweaked them. They're to rotten already to fix, and they still function fine how they are just not 100% square anymore.:( A inexpensive lesson I guess. I tip tied the spar with a high rigging point in a neighboring tree and was attempting to lay the whole thing down nice and slowly using a wide open face and a nice fat tall hinge. Well the brittle ass birch hinge broke and it slid off the wrong side. Shoulda, coulda, woulda, done it a different way.:|:
Sorry Squish. I worked on bradford pears yesterday. I had a few limbs go south but they were small enough where they didn't do anything.
Day two of a 3-4 day job. Boring as hell, and the green groundsman makes it worse. I pretty much have him there for my safety, but he makes more work for himself dragging limbs when there is a machine on site and I tell him to leave them be. Works getting done quick though, too quick actually. Another Ash to kill, two stumps to grind, and wood to split. Might just be one more day...

Tommorrow I am taking off from that job. Spider lift guy called and his shoulder still feels like crap, soo tomorrow is a green day for me...

Never operated spider lift, Never used crane, Never worked with his crew...

He's got faith so we'll give it hell.
I just bid myself out of bid sheets and need to head off to Kinkos. I'll have to order more this time. Its very wet here today and although I have work to do net week is supposed to be sunny and in the eighties all week, so I am saving it all until the rain ends. Next week is filled and then on Friday its off to our annual trip to the Cascades and Redfish Lake.

Did Redfish Lake secretly move 400 miles west, Darin?
Something of interest/disgust. My parents have two newly planted(this year) paperbark maples in their front yard. Last week some frigging hooligans ripped one of them out of the ground, wrastled the manhole cover in front of their house off and threw the tree into the hole. WTH are people thinking? Frig I would just love to happen to have been driving by when that all went down. Anyways the tree was recovered and replanted so time will tell if it survives or not now I suppose.
Ain't that the truth...people will work like dogs to tear up something nice.:what:

Yah that's what makes it seem even more odd than it already was. The tree is about 8' tall and was firmly planted in the ground earlier this year. It couldn't have been easy ripping it out. Also lifting the manhole cover off. Unless you've got the 'pick' to do it that's not very easy either. Definetly a strange senseless act.
Damn Carl, that stinks about that small of a number.

I gave up on trying to work today, to frigging hot and humid. Heat index was 112 at lunch.
It was definitely hot and humid. Had to knock off early yesterday because of the heat, then took today to finish taking down the big oak that was supposed to be finished yesterday. Oh well...summer time. I guess an I.V. of Gatorade would be nice.
That sucks Carl.

Good luck with the lift Brendon!!

As for me, today went GREAT!!! I finally did a full removal, start to finish, expect for cutting the stem down.A 60' or so Ash tree. Spiked/climbed up, set the lines, and went too work. I was able to notch and drop a few of the leads, and the rest had to be rigged out as a precaution. I was able to take some large pieces with the anchor I had.

Also got over my fear of topping it out partly. I did it on a small Ash right next to the big one, and after that one, it was easier the next time. I think just getting past the first one was what did it for me.

Even got to block out the top, which is another first for me. Went for a little ride on that one:D

All in all, a great way to end the summer!!!
Way to go RD... many more rides to come!

Slayed two tulip trees and finished rigging out a big hickory lead in the nick of time.... packed up in a downpour. Temp went from 98 to 75 in less than an hour.
I was in and out of the crawl space most of the day and finished roughing in my new water lines .Maybe tomorrow afternoon or Thursday AM I'll tie them in and name the baby done .