How'd it go today?

Started a 3-4 day job today. Having the mini makes the work fly, I could probably finish in 2 days, but my old boss bid it at his rate without the mini, but I'm not going to leave it home and bust my ass humping brush. So we are taking it slow and leaving early every day.
Big earthquake today, some distance from me, but it still was a rollin' and tumblin' in bed this morning. Tidal wave warning in effect now, and damage showing up on TV.
For the first time in several months, I don't have a single job waiting. I'm completely caught up for the moment. It would be a good opportunity to get that oil leak fixed on the big truck but my buddy can't get to it until next week.

I may go get some fresh fuel and take the boat out later this week if I don't get busy. I'm not really wanting to but it probably need to be run a bit. I haven't had it out since March.
I ran errands today, and picked up a battery that a friend had just taking up space, to replace the one that blew up last week on my brother.


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Crap.... Hope you washed it down real good!

Rob set another pole on the shop today before I got up. Wish he would wait and be safer about it... Ohhhh Well.. Gonna square it up tonight or tomorrow on the last corner. Then a couple more in front and the headers can begin...Sure will be nice to be able to park equipment under a roof.


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dentist visit......filling came out. Crown to the tune of 1200....when it rains it pours:|:
I started the guys off on our brutal topping of the willow I recommended removing and the neighbor kid fought to save. I butchered about a third of it and then went to a chiropractor who didn't find any damage from my roof fall but says my sore shoulder is from bursitis of my rotator cuff. They hooked me up to electrodes and I spasmed away for a while. When I returned to the job site Jim was doing a fine job of butchering the willow so I let him finish it out. I guess the kid came by and was talking smack about me like I was a tree killer. Jim came down and told them he didn't trust the tree, thought it was crap and would have removed it if it was his. Its a pretty big deal for a mormon kid like Jim to say "crap" so he must have really been worked up.

I didn't really do battle with the kid to get this tree cut down because I didn't want stifle his efforts. Now I am wishing I had stuck with my gut instinct and removed the tree. Kids walk to grammar school under this tree. Its got too much heart rot to be left standing. I think the kid totally missed the lesson involved in this episode by portraying me as the heavy. He doesn't understand that he has taken a share of responsibility in what happens with this tree down the line.
I took out four bradford pears and did some building clearance on some other trees at an apartment complex in Delhi.
I wouldn't hold too much ill will towards the young lad, Darin. I would be willing to bet that he is simply parroting what he has heard at home from a couple of mis-informed, passive-aggressive,busy-body, know-it-all parents who are too cowardly to confront you directly. That's just my take from where I sit.
I tried to recover as best I could today. I didn't push it hard, jacked and leveled on the house I've been wroking on then finally got the new mailbox set up.
I still had to unload everything this morning, it hurt like hell! But once I finally got moving, and the storms moved in with the cooler temps it wasn't all that bad.
I spent 600 on my chip truck today and so far were up to 700 on the bucket truck. Still waiting on a ton of money also. Joys of being in business. Mean time i'm working on the little bucket to figure outwhy it's not charging. Think it's a faulty new altenator, gotta pull it and have it tested
Went and volunteered a day of work yesterday at this cool hippie commune on the east side. Worked for two really cute moms and they made us food all day. Had to rig out a nasty java plum over wires and structures took 7 hrs.

End of day we drank and smoked and watched the girls fire dance and play drums and music till 12am. Good day!
