How'd it go today?

38 special had them rockin in the aisles from 9 to 90 last night at our local square fair . Must have been 7-8000 people . Quite a time indeed .:D

Fox TV was there filming for a documentery which will air Oct 4th .
Not sure we were going to make it to Maine yesterday. Spent hours in traffic on these two moving parking lots called 495 & 95. Finally a week forecast to be nice and every Masshole and idiot from NY and CT seem to have decided to take advantage of the weather.

Just chillin' this morning, watching the lobster boats come back in.:)
I wish we had been going 80, more like 20 for a good portion of the way. All for no real apparent reason. At least give me some wreckage and carnage to view for my time.
Not feeling well, dizzy & low energy, going to lie down. maybe feel better later. really hot out & muggy, so could be weather or sugar.
Naps aren't just for babies. I have one everyday that I'm not at work. It's not hard when I'm laying with the kid trying to get her to nap and I'm sure I'm the first to fall asleep most times.
I went over to the coast for lunch. My neighbor and his buddy turned me on to a very nice place on the water next to a marina. Good food and good scenery. 8)

We got home and the power was out on my street. 85 degrees in my house, so I grabbed the laptop, bought some ice cream and I'm now parked in the shade behind a motel in my truck with the AC running.
I drove around the block to see if my power was back on. My front porch light was on and the power company guys were picking up their safety cones, so I'm back home again. Seems like power outages are all too common around here. I have to reset the clock on my microwave oven about twice a week.
Arm continues to swell after being stung twice by a mid sized wasp near my elbow, the day before yesterday. The swelling has gone all the way down into my hand now, and hot and itching like a sob too. Elbow looks like a small balloon. I'm going to the hospital.

I wish I had never gone up on that roof to drop some limbs. :cry: Watch out for those suckers!

Think I'll go to wearing long sleeve shirts, though in the warm weather I dislike them.
Damn boy! Good luck, get treated and get better. I got stung by a paper wasp a couple of hours ago... I killed the little bastard... and his family.
I am just flat BEAT!! The last three days have kicked my butt! It's hotter than hell here, been running around 102 the last few days, and I have been trying to build a privacy fence. 200ft of privacy fence.
Fri. I got the auger and had to run around toget couplers for it to hook up to my machine, but I have a set of addaptors now, then it wouldn't drill, the bit was too long. I got a shorter bit and it worked fine. I was ready to shut down, my help wanted to push. Then two hours later he's sick:?
He wasn't worth a crap yesterday, but won't listen to me and keeps sipping on his Super sized Dr. Pepper instead of water or Gatorade:roll: He looked like death last night and another guy offered toreplace him for today. I am so glad he did!
We got done at 2, took the auger head back andstopped a Dillons. Just happens my wife is on the same road as we pulled in. I get home and she starts 20 questions about what I needed at Dillons and getting a bit short about it!
She didn't know what to say when I told her I was getting her a bithday card:lol:
Jeez Jay.. Better get to the Dr. Mang!

Well I tried to take a day off. Rob's brother Jeremy wanted some work today so I was accommodating and gave him some. A couple of split and stack jobs that have been in the wings and hard to schedule. Only takes one guy and we have a truck shortage until I rebuild the Dodge. Rob helped him set up this am and then went and got the last 5 yards of leaves off the property we raked clean. Then the fun began with me running around and setting up the next job. Jeremy only has a car no hitch and the splitter needed to travel. Of course the truck was moving leaves... Took the van. Then the truck tp pick up both the splitter and the orchard ladder at two different accounts. :P Crikey! So much for a day off. Did get some quality time with the kids this AM though before I had to start running :D Figure I will do some things around here tomorrow. Maybe pick up that hot tub for the other house.
Slept in this morning, 8:30 is late for me. I did a lot of riding last week, along with the climbing, just caught up to me. Slept 11 hrs.

Washed the truck and mounted the idle controller this morning. They called for rain so I really didn't do much of anything else. Overcast all morning, then the sky just dumped some rain a few hours ago.

Start a day rate job tomorrow, was 3-4 days but she called and tagged more trees. Nice private property so it should be relaxing for once. All straight forward easy peasy stuff.
Aww, he is still young. His sleepless nights and inability to sleep more than 5 hours at a stretch are way ahead of him
I went on a nice walk with the wife today. In the evening Haley and I did some river practice, taking a smallish rapid in our life jackets and going from one side to the other.