How'd it go today?

Job was canceled today as the lady had us and the fire council confused. Guess they are going to limb up the trees an chip them:dontknow: Can't compete with that.. They do it for free on grant money. What they cant do however; She will call me to do later :)
So we delivered a cord of oak instead ;) Money is money... So I will try and line up something for he other slot tomorrow. If nuttin else.. More fire wood :)
Kids got to come with us so they are happy lil clams. Was a good lax day :)
I removed a pine tree in a back yard this morning. I got the tree down and while the real work was being done I drove over to my church to hand in my bid on their tree and on my way back about a block from the job there were 3 cops spread out over a block all out of their cars and standing around. About 5 minutes after I was there there were at least a dozen cop cars around mostly Modesto police and a CHP and a county sheriff also, and a fire truck. About 20 minutes later they were all gone. Then we drove about a hour south and took down a leyland cypress tree, pretty damm hot.
:thumbup: Ranger

16hr again today, no breaks except when driving truck to next location.

spent the whole day rigging trees out of the power lines. loved it but really beat.
Finally finished a month's data entry... FUGGGGG that sucky... I normally do it bi monthly... and this last month was busy! I'll go over the numbers tomorrow... I have a headache. :P
Made it through my first day of a very long school year. I can tell already it's going to be one hell of a tough year. Going to SUCK!!

Only ray of sunshine for me was finding Paul package of Velocity and a Wraptor T-Shirt at the front door. Splicing it should provide a nice distraction from school.
Cord of wood went out... quick weed eat... check in da mail.. Guy came by to buy the lil Nissan.. Probably pick it up a week from Sat. The day is going good. Now just to clear the trailer of telephone poles to go pick up wood for decking, shop roof etc. Have 2x6 calling my name ;) Kids are a bit clingy today as I have been in and out all day.. Playing Empire Earth in between stuff to pass the time. Resting up for harder work next few days :)
Just a couple small jobs today close to home, rebuilt the carb on the weed eater. Still need to work on 1 of the stihls, just a part replacement. Getting ready for tomorrow we are replacing light bulbs on the football field at the high school.
Took out one Silver Maple. Pretty near 0 drop zone between the flowers, power lines, etc. Gin & tagged 8 hrs and is chipped & done.
Had two guys I haven't worked with much on the ropes who did the best of anyone I've worked with here yet. :D We are all dog tired after running 16hr days for storm the last two days, & I nearly came down and gave it up but stuck it out & it's all good. :)
Went hard today :evil:. Slayed almost to many cottonwoods to count. Fell three 100+ footers. Then pieced out/chuncked down 8 more in the 80-90' range. All cleaned up, wood and chips dumped on site. A good day. Lots of target around and I blew out some big tops with precision.8)

Felt good to have a good day. With all of the lousier stuff that's been happening to me lately I've been starting to feel a little bummed/stressed. Today I think helped me clear my head and get focused on the positive again.
Thanks brothers. It's been odd to me to be feeling kind of down. Worrying about crap that there's no use worrying about.

I'm done with that.8)
Glad to hear about your day Squish. I blew a hydraulic hose in my boom. I should have been finished by 2:00, now I'm half done and going to finish it tomorrow. At least I don't have much work scheduled so I have time for this now. Took my son and his woman out for mexican food and just got back.
Odd day, it went both ways a couple of times. Wife and I stayed up till 3am talking etc. this morning, we both had a really good time and needed it.
Dead wooded a HUGE Silver Maple and a Locust. Large branches over the house that is slated for a new roof. Customer wanted them off before the new roof was on. I could rig and lower all but one branch on the Maple, it was too dead, too slick and in a really bad spot! Just no where to tie it off, no small branches and the bark was completly of it. I parked the mini over the A/C and hoped for the best. It bounced off the roof, nicked a shingle and landed right across the bucket of the mini!
Then the rofers called wanting money? I thought this was all done and taken care of? I guess I screwed up/ missunderstood/ dropped the ball to the tune of $1600. I feel like an idiot! Got to cash out one of my 401K's to pay this off. My bad, what do you do? I certainly don't regret anything we have done here so far, so it's money well spent in both of our eyes.
I went this afternoon to try and get a tattoo, I want a barcode between my knucles on my ring finger with my wedding date under it. None of the artists around here will do it, they say the skin regenerates too quickly and it will just blur together in six months or so. So I wasted a lot of time and gas for nanda.
Then we had birthday diner with mom and dad. Not a great day, but I will survive. Got to go look at some dirt work in the am and try and get this mower running right so it can go away!
I wont wear my weding ring, due to the fact that I have a hard enough time keeping them as it is, and, rightfully so, it bothers my wife. So this is a compromise, I figure I've been with her since 1987 and we haven't killed each other yet, so she's probably stuck with me at this point.
Bucket truck went from $707 to $830 somehow but it's done and can't get more expensive on it's own! 2 of us knocked out $750 by 1 oclock on 3 little jobs today. Another check showed up in the mail and another went out the door. Nothing going for tomorow so me and the boy are hanging out for the day, might deliver some walnut logs and stack some fire wood and work on the little bucket pony motor and.......
I did my first Macro-Infusion gig yesterday for Oak Wilt prevention. Very easy to do and very good money to be made. I need to work on selling more PHC, I wish I could be doing that work all day long.