California Hillbilly
Out Of Town
Tell me about it... remodeled the upstairs bathroom for the second time since we moved in '95. Looks good but what a pain. I'm too cheap to hire that stuff out so I did it all myself, except the painting... wifey did that.I/we finished our bathroom remodel. My suggestion is if you want to test your marriage is to remodel your bathroom. Still married, but damn do tempers fly. Not worth the process, hire that shit out. Back to boring tree work for the rest of the week. I have an interesting tree this week I’ll take a pic or two. It’s a big ish hung up ash.
What if she needs you to fix things in the camper?!🤣Remodel procedure:
hook up camper in yard
install wife in camper
get'r done
when finished. invite wife back into house
Worked well twice for me![]()
Sorry for the delayed response. By making it nearly level and the water runs through and leaves the solids behind. Too much pitch results in the same situation.How do you fill a pipe with toiletpaper?
That's interesting. Not something that would have occurred to me. I'd have thought more pitch = better.Too much pitch results in the same situation.
Nothing interesting today. It's raining(
It's a common thing apparently, to have to hound the doctor for an MRI