How'd it go today?

Looks like one of the red variants. I have a couple of those. I always called them "red maples", but when I'd look it up, it didn't look right. Finally bothered me enough to track down what they really are.
Multi-day recap:

Thu: Junkyard job. Removed a bunch of black locusts from one side of the yard that had cars cleared. Those nasty f'rs and a bunch of small weed trees/shrubs 3/4 filled the chip truck. Awaiting car moves to do the other half of the lot; 2 more Locusts and a humongous Empress tree..There are 2 potential leaves, as they are over another property, are stuck in barbed wire fence and go over utility lines that go to 2 bldgs.

Fri: Moving crap, organizing new house. Nothing much else to report.

Sat: Got a call from a kid from junkyard job ~2 weeks ago saying he's looking to make a change. Had him come demo, and he's got a good work ethic, so there's hope. Some baggage as well; we'll have to see how that works out. Planning on bringing him in for further training. We got a big cedar log and other for homeward bound. Didn't load them on truck, as it was "unavailable".

Sun: Worked around the house, and went to try and get wood; failed again to get wood for me & neighbor due to truck being "unavailable".

Mon: Did paper work, taxes, moved stuff and other biz crap, then got wood moved over, and neighbor was happy.. Paid me in green and beverages. Chipper had to go in for an issue I hope is what I think it is. We'll see.... :/: Positive day otherwise.

Tue: Day 2 of newbie. Did okay; there's promise, and he likes what I''ll compensate him. Trained him on F-550/Dump trailer, and he handled better than any others who I've had b4. Did knots, moved equipment, went over saws/features and rigging scenarios. No trees because Mother Nature wouldn't stop peeing. Yayyyyyyyy!!!!....

Today: Day 3 of newb, fairly positive. He needs to start really practicing his knots so he gets them easily; he's still struggling when I'm up in the tree, but does it fine in front of me b4 I go up. We wrecked out a fubarred White Ash caught up in 2 other trees, and got to working on others in a cluster across the yard. A mostly good day.
Multi-day recap:

Thu: Junkyard job. Removed a bunch of black locusts from one side of the yard that had cars cleared. Those nasty f'rs and a bunch of small weed trees/shrubs 3/4 filled the chip truck. Awaiting car moves to do the other half of the lot; 2 more Locusts and a humongous Empress tree..There are 2 potential leaves, as they are over another property, are stuck in barbed wire fence and go over utility lines that go to 2 bldgs.

Fri: Moving crap, organizing new house. Nothing much else to report.

Sat: Got a call from a kid from junkyard job ~2 weeks ago saying he's looking to make a change. Had him come demo, and he's got a good work ethic, so there's hope. Some baggage as well; we'll have to see how that works out. Planning on bringing him in for further training. We got a big cedar log and other for homeward bound. Didn't load them on truck, as it was "unavailable".

Sun: Worked around the house, and went to try and get wood; failed again to get wood for me & neighbor due to truck being "unavailable".

Mon: Did paper work, taxes, moved stuff and other biz crap, then got wood moved over, and neighbor was happy.. Paid me in green and beverages. Chipper had to go in for an issue I hope is what I think it is. We'll see.... :/: Positive day otherwise.

Tue: Day 2 of newbie. Did okay; there's promise, and he likes what I''ll compensate him. Trained him on F-550/Dump trailer, and he handled better than any others who I've had b4. Did knots, moved equipment, went over saws/features and rigging scenarios. No trees because Mother Nature wouldn't stop peeing. Yayyyyyyyy!!!!....

Today: Day 3 of newb, fairly positive. He needs to start really practicing his knots so he gets them easily; he's still struggling when I'm up in the tree, but does it fine in front of me b4 I go up. We wrecked out a fubarred White Ash caught up in 2 other trees, and got to working on others in a cluster across the yard. A mostly good day.
Are you helping him when he does knots in front of you?
Quick hitch to get rigging rope back up to me when I'm away from block/rings or tag line out on a limb. Also gets confused on the slip knot when I need to refuel/change saws. I may just be a tad impatient, seeing how I haven't really had anything resembling decent full time help for almost 2 yrs, except for my son this past summer. It's a Jersey thing.... ;)
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Fug fest of a day. Just be glad when its over with..
Client wantted to rent our 21 ton unit for splitting some firewood. He rents pretty regular. Never an issue.
Get to the shop this morning, load up and hook up splitter to truck. Rob, as it regularly goes, checkd everything out on it, oilrun, hydraulic function etc.
Get to job site. Flat tire. Hmm. Ok.. maybe hit bump cold weather etc. Ask Rob. Nope. Forgot to check tire.
Ok, well the guy can run it, Ill go get the tools to pull the wheel or try and seat the bead. No worries. Client texts me on road, no oil! The what!!!??? Seriously!?
Bring oil too. Get there Rob adds oil while I try fixing the wheel. Fires splitter up. Kewl. All of a sudden, it sounds like it is choking to death. Sure enough. Choke butterfly tab is broken.
I pull the wheel. Get spare carb. Fix carb issue. Drop wheel at repair shop. Grab a filter. Just on whim, when I got back to the site for the third time, checked the oil. Looks like it got water in it. Milky.
So I get Rob and ask, "notice anything funny about the oil?" He says, " yea, it looked a little milky".
Lost a whole day to this shat. Embarassing!
Got to the job today, and my axe was missing from the truck. Boss left it on a job last Friday. Not the first time that's happened. After doing the job we were on, we drove 30 miles to the other job, and somehow managed to find the axe. Clearing guys had been through, but I guess they didn't see it, so Terence lives to fight another day.

Brushed out my chimney, and I tried to find a place to put that McCulloch saw in the truck, but I don't think it's gonna work out. I don't have quite enough room for it while somewhat hidden it from passing eyes. Just a crappy trash saw, but it works. It would be nice having something bigger than the 2511 on occasion. Also, the oil tank has a hex bolt(?) style plug. I have no idea why that seemed like a good idea, but it's hard to get tight, and just as hard to remove. I was hoping a plug off my old poulan would fit, but no dice.
Head gasket leak Stephen?

I had a bad day. Lots of work for little to no money. Last job was a warranty call for 1st for powder room clog- one day form expiration and it clogged again. I couldn’t open it with either machine or tip as it was a level pipe filled for 20’ with toilet paper. I quoted the couple a complete drain waste and vent repipe when I got as first there. It’s gonna happen sooner than later. I didn’t get home until after 7:00
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Machines have really turned on you lately Stephen. How do you feel about horses and crosscut saws? Might be easier :^D
I don't get much time to mess with a throwline on eastern white pine before it gets too sticky for a 14oz weight to pull it down. So I also tie a 10oz bag on there, but it's not long before both aren't heavy enough. I managed to get them back down with some prayers without having to pull the line out of the tree, and tied on a 61oz ball hitch, which was still marginally heavy enough and would occasionally seize with the 25oz of trow bags paired with it, but it worked. Looks like I need to make some custom throw bags: 20oz, 30oz, and 60oz.

All this on one line
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Hawaii is a great place to sight see. Beach or anyplace. I really liked the Big Island. You near Hilo aren't you Deva? We went down by the harbor in the old section of town to have breakfast. Went in a cool kitchen supply store. Kind of industrial but lots of cool stuff. Turned out he used to live less than 20 miles from us. There is some rural country on that island. Loved it.

Went up north to see Arcaii Falls and Wapio Valley. On the way back down stopped at a little drive in diner. I had roast pork dinner and I would bet it was wild pig. I have had it before. Drier and a little stronger. I told the guy who owned the kitchen store and he said oh yeah, bet it was.
Yeah it’s pretty rad here, though hi’s and lo’s…. Thieves are rampant here…. But food is amazing and the view is wowzers…

I work all over the island top to bottom left to right but stay in the wet Hilo side…. The rain season just started… absolutely power dumps every night.. floods the road.
Boss is sick, so I did a few things around the office and came home. I got a place for the saw in the truck, but it has to be exactly in that place to fit, so I don't know how well it'll work in practice. I don't like playing tetris getting everything sorted in the truck.
@Bodean what's up with the thievery? Is it sort of accepted or something?

Drug fiends doing it?
I tried free hand milling today. I'm thinking the chain is the biggest problem right now, since it wasn't cutting right. It wanted to cut sideways into the boards, the one time I've ever had a chain want to do that so easily. Normally the open kerf guides the chain, but the chain was happy to stick to one side or the other and start a new kerf.
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