Multi-day recap:
Thu: Junkyard job. Removed a bunch of black locusts from one side of the yard that had cars cleared. Those nasty f'rs and a bunch of small weed trees/shrubs 3/4 filled the chip truck. Awaiting car moves to do the other half of the lot; 2 more Locusts and a humongous Empress tree..There are 2 potential leaves, as they are over another property, are stuck in barbed wire fence and go over utility lines that go to 2 bldgs.
Fri: Moving crap, organizing new house. Nothing much else to report.
Sat: Got a call from a kid from junkyard job ~2 weeks ago saying he's looking to make a change. Had him come demo, and he's got a good work ethic, so there's hope. Some baggage as well; we'll have to see how that works out. Planning on bringing him in for further training. We got a big cedar log and other for homeward bound. Didn't load them on truck, as it was "unavailable".
Sun: Worked around the house, and went to try and get wood; failed again to get wood for me & neighbor due to truck being "unavailable".
Mon: Did paper work, taxes, moved stuff and other biz crap, then got wood moved over, and neighbor was happy.. Paid me in green and beverages. Chipper had to go in for an issue I hope is what I think it is. We'll see....

Positive day otherwise.
Tue: Day 2 of newbie. Did okay; there's promise, and he likes what I''ll compensate him. Trained him on F-550/Dump trailer, and he handled better than any others who I've had b4. Did knots, moved equipment, went over saws/features and rigging scenarios. No trees because Mother Nature wouldn't stop peeing. Yayyyyyyyy!!!!....
Today: Day 3 of newb, fairly positive. He needs to start really practicing his knots so he gets them easily; he's still struggling when I'm up in the tree, but does it fine in front of me b4 I go up. We wrecked out a fubarred White Ash caught up in 2 other trees, and got to working on others in a cluster across the yard. A mostly good day.