How'd it go today?

That's when you point at the nearest rose bush and ask "How much does one of those rose bushes cost?" And when she answers, you reach in your wallet and pull out a $20. Stomp on the rose bush, grinding it into the soil and hand her the $20. Then ask her if she wouldn't mind getting the Hell out of your work zone and letting you finish the job.

Yea, right....Next time your advice will be rattling around in my mind. I sure hope I don't act on it, you instigator :D
Well I can't complain to much about work today! I called in sick last night, this stomach flu going around is nasty stuff!!
I got an e-mail from HR that I had won the attendance prize drawing for last month Monday night and I needed to e-mail her what I wanted, up to $150. She didn't give me any choices, so I told her I was hopping to buy a new chainsaw this weekend and a gift certificate from my dealer would be just the ticket!
She just called (I was afraid it was much worse, I dread that phone ringing anymore!) and had gotten the certificate for me and wanted to make sure I had it for this weekend, she thought I had tonight off as well, so I could use it for that purchase!!
Just when you think you are done, there are little rays of hope.
Today I missed the photos of a 3 carabiner rigging system for 3 to 1 leverage whilst lowering down a hickory limb.
I was working solo and had 5 biners and looprunners. I lowered 4 limbs, climbed down retrieved my straps and biners, re-climbed and lowered 4 more limbs. Pulling the rope free of the pine up and off the biner so I could lower another one because taxing as the rope fouled in all the brush each time.
What I liked the 3 - 1 lowering was it was lowering 100 lbs limbs easy. When the limbs I rigged impacted the rigging(3-1) there was no usual jolt to the tree as there is with natural rigging.
Terminate my lowering rope, binering or crabbing for 3-1, then retrieving my rope.
Thanks Tree Machine it works great!
Since Walleye opener is on Saturday, I thought I'd head up to my lake place today and get some work done. Got here about 3 oclock, and discovered I forgot to drain my water heater (ah shit!), well over the winter it froze solid, expanded and burst the holding tank (frig!). Managed to get it pulled out, and get some other work done. Cleaned up the yard, prepped the boat, had a few cocktails, had a few beers, ate some dinner, now surfing the TH, gonna get up in the morning, pick up some groceries, buy my fishing license, hit the lake for some Crappies, come back for a napper, and back on the water by midnight tomorrow night. Plan to stay out till I get my limit or until the sun rises so I can find my way back in.
Then Walleye and Venison for a true Minnesota surf and turf breakfast!!
Carl just left with dump trailer in tow. ANd I havea new tool to go test out sometime next week.

Other than that we slayed a riverbirch, a small oak and a rather large for my area, red maple.

8 pines on tomorrows to do.
Well, this flu is kicking my ass!!!
Overslept for work tonight, hauled ass in there just to get sent home? Yup, they had all voted to leave at 12pm (I work 10pm-6am) and the supervisor said just to ride it out for calling in last night and go get some rest rather than working the two hours.
I am so SO glad I get to go back to first shift next week!!!
But I got my check, with my bonus, and my gift card, so I see a new saw in my future tomorow!!
Now if I can just figure out what to get mama for mums day.............
Got 6 hours in the bucket with the chipper while another crew cut thorny bire overhanging a fence, they can pick it all up tomorow while i go to scoccor with the kids!
I want to take a nap, but I am not going to!! I have missed so much time with the boy lately it's really sad!!!
I am going to mow the yard and play abit to try and stay awake so I can get back on human hours!!!
I just got home fom my shopping trip, I got a free hat!!
Hopefully pics to follow!
Out of curiosity I priced a piece of metal to reskin the deck of the trailer. Although perfectly serviceable for tree shinanagins, it might have a hard time getting dirt to slide down the rippled deck.

A 3/16" single piece 82"x16' is $800, not bad from my way of thinking. It's low on the priority list, but now I know what it'll cost :)
Most trailer manufacturers use 8' pieces and seam them together. Slightly more work for you (and you might not be good enough with a welder to make it work) but probably a lot cheaper.
Accoding to the dude that was the most efficent way of doing it.

That translates into $7.31 a square foot. I'll check on 4 4x8 sheets and compare the price per sq ft.

I suck with a welder, I'd surely have to have the shop button it up for $68.75 an hour plus materials.
I had an exciting moment on the freeway today. I was trailing about 50-75 feet behind a school bus doing 60+mph when it ran over and spat out what looked to be an 8 foot section of mangled aluminum extension ladder. It came spinning up at about windshield height at a fairly good clip, and I had just enough time to slam on the brakes and slow down enough for it to make contact with the asphalt again before plowing over it.

No harm done, but it sure did get the adrenaline flowing seeing that thing flailing through the air towards me.
It's been a long week. I found out on Monday that my foreman/bucket driver had his CDL suspended 2 months ago. He neglected to let me in on this little bit of information, yet he's been driving my truck every day. So I drove the bucket on Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday we just had one little job, so I told him I didn't need him that day and to call me later to discuss his future with this company. Haven't heard from him since. Tried to call him, but his phone is disconnected and one of my other guys tells me that his electric was shut off last week. Its a shame because he once was a good climber, but I think he got into some bad habits. Now we're getting busy again and I have no CDL driver.

A feed wheel bearing disintegrated yesterday, so I spent half a day today tracking down a new bearing and getting that replaced as well as welding a bad crack on the chipper chute.

Oh well, I think I'll have a beer and relax.
A quick check puts a 4x8 sheet at $227 (online distributor, but we'll negate shipping). 4 sheets is 128sf ft, for a price of $7.09.

Price difference would be about $23 more for the one piece setup. I'd spend that much in consumables cutting, fitting, and seaming the 4 sheets into the same size, not to mention the considerably extra time it would require and the finished product wouldn't be as clean.

Tomorrow morning I have a job removing a fairly small tree beside the sidewalk of a city street. My plan is to cut and toss the tree (from the lift) into the trailer, then haul it to the recycling yard. I think I can haul it in one load, but I'm sure there is some learning curve to it.

It's an easy job I'm doing solo, it's near the dump so I have leeway in how I do the job. If my plan is correct, it will save me one trip to the job and take less time/effort.
Easy on the paint Leon, you can't be scratching up that shinny truck!

Brett, it would seem you'd be better off without him?
two pruning jobs today, home by 3, checks in the mailbox, invoices ready to send for todays work. Gave the wife her moms day gifts from the boy, 4 special chocolate bars from the chocolate store, rachel rays cookbook (Yum-o), jamie olivers cookbook (cook your way to the good life) and a book by supernanny (how to get the best from your children). That and the card the boy signed for her, I put a jiffy marker in his hand the other morning and he scribbled for a second or two :)

might have to have a beer this eve and get some couch time watching a movie or some such with the little fella and his momma ;)
your 23 bucks is probably mostly in shipping and handling carl, 1 piece is better.
good day today, working tommorrow though
Today was the Vermeer sponsored climbing class. The instructor was Arthur Smith/ Silverback over at the Buzz. It was a good class. It went long and I am a little fried. The removal that was used for demonstration purposes was very slow and I don't think it persuaded anyone here to use advanced rigging techniques. If you want to convince folks to change the way they do something you need to be quick about it and show them it can be done for production. The local climber who volunteered to do the work aloft, prefers to do removals without spurs. I felt bad for him. I wanted to give him a break, grab my gear(less fancy) and get it done so we could get on with felling the tree.
Well today could have gone alot better for me.

Early this morning I blew the transmission out of my bucket truck. I mean it was gone and I'm certain that's why my pto exploded two days ago. So I buckled down wrenched it out took it to the powertrain shop and will have a brand new one on monday about mid-morning which I then get to re-install.

Fun times, not such a good week.