How'd it go today?

Another rant..................

I am tired, I am beat, and I am ANGRY!

My job has turned into a living hell! My boss has put in his resignation, and now the guy I was hired to REPLACE is coming back to be my boss? And I am still stuck on the shift from hell!! When I sleep, I really don't, and when I am awake, I really am not sure that I am any more. I have very little time with my family and I feel I am getting more and more off my rocker working these hours! Maybe next week that will end?
My mother had her hysterectomy and they nicked her bladder and I got my butt chewed for being the bad son and not paying enough attention to her. Never mind I had been in and out of ER's and doctors offices two to three times a week trying to figure out why my knee hurt like hell and it was all I could do to walk some days. It was some inexplainable inflammation? Yeah! They even went in and took fluid off of my knee, I don't know if any of you have had that done, but DON'T!!! It really really hurts!!
Yesterday I buried another friend. He chose to live his way rather than work with diabetes.
My friends seem to be getting few and far between, and putting them in the ground doesn't seem to help much.
Ya Andy don't get to caught up in it. Cash the cheques and find enjoyment in your life.

Hope things start going better for ya man.8)
Thank you Frans.

I forgot to add:
I was watching the lady across the street trying to mow her yard Saturday. She was doing good to keep it running, then I noticed it only had three wheels. Just a push mower, but I remember last summer when ONE of her ex-husbands borrowed it then brought it back because it wouldn't start. She at least had enough sense to add oil and get it running.
I was talking to my dad after the funeral about wanting a push mower. He had a nice self-propelled mower he had bought (it's his hobby) I made sure it worked and ran fine and bought it. I brought it home and set it outside of her garage.
As no good deed seems to go unpunished, I can't wait to see what fresh hell this will bring to my life!! I think I need to come home to a windowless rubber room.
I think thats a lovley jesture, surely things will pick up, brownie points go a long way!
Derek, welcome back! So good to read you again! How are the children?

The kids are fantastic thanks V..ill get some phots of them on the right thread soon.. it got to midnight here and another big day awaits.. Nite all and its nice to be back..Derek
Went well this morning.

Took down a Norway Spruce, easy peasy half day job. Then worked on my little truck a little bit.

Here's tomorrow's victim, it's 40" DBH Norway Maple in a postage stamp backyard. Hopefully be done in a few days, lotta wood though.

Here I am hugging it goodbye last night.


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built a little framework for an apple tree espalier, picked up my ebay goods at the post office. Garmin Nuvi350, GPS rocks! I have been thinking that it is a waste of time as I know my town pretty well but this kicks butt. Anyone who does estimating or multi location work should have one. Its way better than using mapquest on my phone.

Got it for $200ish on ebay, a fair deal I figured, not a steal but fair. Plays MP3's, has a picture viewer, currency exhange, tons of stuff. SUPER easy to use.

I might buy one for my pops, he has been mumbling about getting one for a little while now.
started a small clear cut today, 5 down 4 to go


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I didn't do any work today. Early Sunday morning (really early, like middle of the night early) my wife was putting a log in the fireplace and part of the log fell on the floor and she slipped on it and went head first into the fire. I was in bed snoring away and didn't hear her calling me. She got herself out and somewhat cleaned up and I didn't know anything until I got up Sunday AM and saw her arm was burned. It didn't look too bad so I didn't take her to the ER on Sunday but Monday morning she was starting to swell up and a neighbor took her to the ER as I had work scheduled. At the hospital in Modesto they put some goop on the burns and bandaged them and said that they were too severe for them to treat there and made her an appointment at UC Davis Medical Center in Sacramento for Tuesday morning. I drove her up this morning and her face is all swollen up but starting to get better and they admitted her. She looks like someone slapped her about 2000 times. On the way back from Sac I had the oil changed in our car and I just got home.
Damn, Steve. You gotta quit beating on your wife like that. :/:

Seriously, I hope she gets feeling better soon. Burns can be deceptive in their severity.

My little stomach virus is minor in comparison, but the good news is that I didn't crap my pants today. I was scheduled to work a full day with a crew at an apartment complex, ended up lasting about 3.5 hours. They had 2-3 climbers there so I just concentrated on the most difficult stuff. Been slumming all afternoon and my stomach feels better but I've had a splitting headache for the last few hours.
Damn, Steve. You gotta quit beating on your wife like that. :/:

How come?:?

I made the fireplace grate out of 3/4" square stock and she has a big burn straight across her arm about that wide. My cousin told me that I branded her.
Here I am hugging it goodbye last night.

Ack! Its the HUG OF DEATH!

Sorry to hear about your wife Steve. The UCD Med Center will take good care of her.

I took down a pretty good sized siberian elm today and mad a chair of the stump that kind of looks like Anubis.
Best wishes to your wife Steve

Today I took down two big school marm fir trees. More big tops sailing away. Working in a campground so lots of room to lay things out but still gotta watch for the fencing, picnic tables, hook-ups those sorts of things.

I was getting some grief again from civilians for being a 'murderer' today. Damn I just can't beleive that people are so sheltered in their lives that they'll give me a hard time for taking down two beautiful trees while the hillsides around them are being clearcut?
I used to get called a tree killer a lot in the San Francisco Bay Area. Everybody wanted to save every tree no matter what species. I ran into old photos of the area only discover that it was not so heavily forested in the past. Urbanization has actually added more trees than there were before and if there was anything that needed saving it was the grasslands and the marshes.
Wow Steve! Best of wishes to her.

I contracted out to a guy today pruning a little Siberian Elm. He did not want his regular climber to do it as he is a wreaking tech. but is no good at being gentle with folks yards.

He had this girl hauling brush. Kind of fun to work with her. She was funny and laughed alot. Worked like a rented mule pulling brush.
best wishes to the wife steve.
looks like most of us were doing siberian elm today. justin, show em my clear cut and theyll leave you alone:D