How'd it go today?

...LJ you already lining up work for that trailer?

I've been talking to one of my clients and they have 3 brush piles they would like cleaned up, as well as some other debris from a previous storm.

I have been pondering what all I could do with it to bring in more of the all important dollar :evil:
That's another idea I've had, replacing the 30 yard container they have in front of their house costing them $300ish to dump and $3 a day in rental as well as taking up the whole damn driveway.
Wind, rain, thunder, snow. Lovely day. I set a line but declined climbing. My schedule is majorly fouled up. C'est la vie. Blech, patooey!-- French.
my crew and i planted 10 hollys and 11 cypress today. the same tomorrow
Wind, rain, thunder, snow. Lovely day. I set a line but declined climbing. My schedule is majorly fouled up. C'est la vie. Blech, patooey!-- French.

We just got the wind. Lots and lots of the wind. Today was day three of my underbid silver maple removal and everything was going good when my stump grinder started making a new noise. You just can't stop those things quick enough. The lower sprocket on the polychain came loose, snapped a bolt an tore apart the the new polychain. My old boss, who had been sending me pornographic text messages all day said he would grind the stump for me. Nothing like a handy pervert. Wait that doesn't sound good.
dang darin, im starting to feel bad i delivered that thing to you. to bad you didnt get the first one, may have to beat levi with that poly belt:D
I went and got a new green wheel this morning and sharpened a bunch of teeth. I've had that polybelt stuff apart. It's a bitch.
Brian, Yeah-gotta bid EVERYthing higher. The job is pruning 3 Lindens that haven't been pruned EVER. I thought I could reach the 3rd tree from the alley.....but this is the only block in the neighborhood without alley access. The front tree was bucketable the 2nd back tree was as expected-got the top half from the bucket reacing from the driveway over the corner of the house then roped in and bailed to do the bottom-easy peasy. The Last tree won't be too hard but I'd like to avoid the 40+mph winds.
got the install job done, well almost, we need 8 more cedars next week thursday to finish the run. Managed to get the crane to get the two maples in without tagging the power lines, that was sweet, took about 2 hours of wiggling to get the positioning and such right.
I had a stress free day for once.

Got up today, met Matt (hltree on tbuzz) to borrow his GRCS for this week, ran to the used auto parts store for my mini truck manifold, went to the mall, went to eat lunch w/ girlfriend, came home and flipped the knives on my chipper, rearranged my toolbox, and now I'm here.


You know Matt? My condolences. I put him on ignore years ago (the Arboristsite days) after the 'my friend the bum burned his underwear for heat because he didn't have any firewood' story. That was the final straw. Has he grown up any or does he still whine all the time?
I had a true South Florida girl day. It doesn't get any better than this, laying by a pool that is located on a beach. A friend is in town from PA and we spent the day at her motel on Key Colony Beach. Then went to the docks and saw what the boats fishing the Bull and Cow fishing tournament brought in.
Seas were 5-7 offshore today and my guy, the Main Attraction guy, brought in the biggest Dolphin (MahiMahi) but he is in second place. I am not sure about the rules in this one, but he has a good shot as of tonight. They fish again tomorrow.
We are fishing him next Saturday for the Habitat Mothers Day Dolphin Tournament that we sponsor. I CAN NOT WAIT!!! 13,000$ up for grabs!8)
You know Matt? My condolences. I put him on ignore years ago (the Arboristsite days) after the 'my friend the bum burned his underwear for heat because he didn't have any firewood' story. That was the final straw. Has he grown up any or does he still whine all the time?

Haha, I guess I missed that.

He's a good guy minus his online rants....sorry Matt. :D
I slept in, got up at 8:30 and went to get a contract signed.

I met a competitor/friend at another job I had to bid, seeing if he wanted to climb it. He said he thought he'd be fine for the climb, I bid the job and as far as I know I got it, another 2 days of work.

Then I went and flopped the trees for the guy I met at the gun shop yesterday. Sadly the dude decided he wanted to drop another tree at the head of the lay that had 2 oaks laid all amongst it. It was a straightforward gum, slight back lean, the main problem was all the chit around its base. After 20 minutes of cutting I had me a hole to sit in and fell the tree. 3 hours of work for $250 bucks. He was a nice enough fellow, even offered me a bottle of water (ended up drinking five before I left).

After that I swung by Lowes for an eternity, ran a couple more errands and to home I went.

Tomorrow afternoon I have to drive 45 minutes to chip 11 cedars with the mini, should take about an hour to an hour and a half, chips stay on site.
Little kid birthday party and then all the families from my dads class got together for a party. It was fun and the weather was warm for a change. I am tired. The wife scored the Ken Burns The War series on DVD and I am going to watch it until I snore myself back awake.