How'd it go today?

It was a good day, here! usual Wednesday morning office meeting, easy calls where I learned something, oh and I came home to find a funny, cube sitting on the table.

It was the new coffee mug! Thanks, Butch!:D
Darin at least you did not pull the other bid off the door when you put your bid there!
I ground 3 stumps this morning, bunch of rocks. Oh, and yesterday I wacked myself in the chin with a handsaw.
I had some fun today!! The timing of my day today was impeccable. Everything from the wind to the self-loader showing up right when we dropped the last few spars to the fat ole lady who called what we were doing criminal and that we should be held accountable. That was perfect timing cause I laughed my ass off when my uncle dropped to one knee and asked forgiveness.:lol:

One almost load off to get milled.8)


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Sweet gig, Justin. Glad it went smoothly and you had a good time. You look mighty happy in that one picture leaning against the stump.

And because you're in such a good mood, I won't report you for that 'criminal activity' of killing all those trees today. :lol:
I did all the topping and felling on these trees it was about eleven or twelve trees total. It was a blast a few of them were pretty close to the houses/fences and basically anyone of them coulda hit either house had a guy screwed right up. It was sure nice to get atleast a little load out of them.
It seems you're losing wood leaving those high stumps? Ya'll digging them out?

It looked like a rocking day!
yeah id triple stump ya;) your getting like me, why bend over when you can cut standing up!

my timing was off today, every thing was scheduled just far enough apart i couldnt do anything inbetween. good news is we got more work and the guys are right on time with our week long job!
Yah a little leverage for the hoe but mostly just to cut where it was convenient. Avoid the flare and one I cut quite high because of a old volunteer that had died off and woulda been in the way.

Hah you sound like my uncle he gave me crap for a couple of the stumps too!:lol:
Frig man the industry is so hurting here right now I was lucky to sell those and I'll be lucky to get $1,500 for the whole lot!!!!! But atleast the buyer is paying the trucking and scaling, but still frig me man a year ago that wood would've been worth, I bet $3,500. Sad really but atleast I'm getting it outta there and paid for it too.
Some fiber pull on that 5th shot.

Boring out from the face would negate that methinks.

I wish there was someone around here decent enough to pick up logs, that dude looks ligit!

ETA: I booked 4 days of work (enough money for a month) today, whoot :)
There are probably over a 100 self loaders locally, just a guess but there's literally hundreds maybe thousands of logging trucks around here. If I can get bunk logs and enough to make it worthwhile a self loader isn't a problem here. That guy is the brother of the regular logging truck driver who was our number 1 truck for a crew I worked on for five years. Good guys, solid drivers.

And frig it on the fiber pull:P, I coulda bored it and triggered it but didn't, even though it looks like a heavy head leaner it had big sweep back the other way and was heavy with limbs against the lean. But she went fast, that trunk had some weight in it and I probably shoulda bored it. I didn't cause I was just running a 24"(25" or whatever Stihl calls it) and cutting from both sides on that one.
Lots of action we're chipping all the limbs/tops and disposing of a old pile of crap(twigs and some firewood) that they had on the site as well. Couldn't do it without the mini. Should finish up tomorrow which will have made this a very good week for me.:)
Speaking of mini, assuming I have a dump trailer next weekend, I'm planning on building a grapple bucket for the mini. I might just go for a beak attachment on the forks though.

I've got 3 piles and some other stuff to clean up with the trailer, I think a horizonal grapple would be better suited for cleaning it up.
I would sure like to have a grapple bucket for cleaning up the small stuff. I think a grapple bucket would be way handier than forks with a beak.
Yeah, but both wouldn't be terrible either :) I figure I'll make the bucket first and go from there, I have the materials already for both (left overs from other projects).
Damn I wish I was handier at fabbing stuff. I could really use a grapple bucket tomorrow. Alas I will suffer through with just my BMG and a regular bucket:D. I have forks too but haven't used them for any wood moving yet.
I got to drive a Skidder today. Wow what a beast. I pushed over a couple of trees for my logging friend.

Give me a cab, ac and some airride and I would love to drive those all day.

LJ you already lining up work for that trailer?
Last couple of pics. Gives an idea of how close a few of them were to the fence/house and a pic where ya can kind of see the mini in position for pulling one back against the lean, pulling through a re-direct block.


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