How'd it go today?

yikes, that hurts, it will feel good to have a new one though. what did ya get? a 6 speed?
Willie, the one piece is from a local distributer, I just got the price per sheet from an online source.

Just got back home from an outting with some friends. Time for another nap, gotta work today.
Seems this has been pretty crappy week for about everyone! Sorry to say it makes me feel better that I was not alone in it at least!
Mama wanted to go out to dinner last night, now that I am going back to normal hours and can spend some time with the family. Had a nice meal and wonderful service. I had to hunt the manager down to let him know that we appreciated the good service we had. I doubt they hear that enough.
I'd like to climb and trim a Maple in the backyard today, but we have a chance of storms and high winds today, so I may be a couch potato today.
Gotta work today as I have some big job scheduled for next week and these guys won't wait. Never mind that trees grow slowly and one day or two will not make a difference.

At least I get to charge them more for my hassle :)
I did my transmission about 3 years ago Squisher. I had a similar thing happen with my PTO I had disengaged it but it hadn't fully disengaged and I was going down the road about 40 mph wondering why the truck was really hard to shift. My PTO ran off of 4th gear and when it finally decided to disengage fully it broke a couple of teeth off of that gear. My cousin took it in and out for free and the bill at the transmission shop was about $800 if I remember right, to replace a couple of bearings and that gear and the seals and gaskets and stuff. I made sure that never happened again.
Yah my tranny is toast. As I said the bottom end of the tranny actually blew right through the back of the casing/inspection cover. Inside was a mess and what wasn't chewed was badly worn. So I'll be replacing it with the exact same tranny(5 speed) brand new to the tune of $2800. Which I thought wasn't bad. The shop that I'm dealing with specializes in tranny's and drivelines only, nothing else, so I respect the guys recommendation to go new rather than try to piece mine back together in some way. I'm also glad that I can get in there friday afternoon and they'll have a new tranny for a 18 year old truck by 10am monday morning.:)

The lousy part is my truck is about 1hr out of town right now. I'm looking at it on the bright side I figure I'm saving alot of money by wrenching it myself and not having to tow it.
Well that was a quick $150. I was slated to kill a huge sycamore, but the crane operator punked out and I did a 'lil side job instead.

Why do people always get the saturday morning flu? :X
Made good money to day. 250 bucks an hour for myself.

Sometimes hard work and preparedness pay off. Just wish it happened more often...
I didn't do as good as you guys. I hauled a brush pile to the dump and there was garbage in the middle of it. I used my tractor/loader and dtrailer. I made $400, but I spent 95 on dump fees and probably 30 to 40 on gas and it took me 3 hours. My pickup started shifting weird too. Now when it shifts from first to second it slams into second. The first time it happened I thought I had run over something. I blame Squisher.

Move up north? I thought you were up north. I have a wedding to go to at 3:00.
4 small jobs for 3 different guys today, and I was done by 2:45. I stopped and visited with some old friends while I was out that way and then had a late lunch on the way home.

Sorry about your transmission, Steve. Squishey, sounds like you got off lucky. Less than $3K for a big truck transmission like that is a bargain. My truck has the big Allison MD series (all electronic) so if it ever goes, I may have to refinance the house to get it replaced.
I fell asleep watching Ken Burns' The War. Evidently, artillery is very soothing to me and I had a good nap. When the show quieted down a bit I woke up and watched some more. I have a couple of bids to do this afternoon and need to get rolling in a few minutes.
I made $180 an hour after expenses today working solo. I did break a sweat, but it was 85* and I was in the full sun. I had to lift two heavyish pieces and one heavy piece, otherwise gravity did all my work. Thanks to Scott trading me for the trailer, today was stupid easy.

It's a hard life, but someone has to do it. :)
in the midst of one those right now. Dude is building a "green" house. Too bad its 4500 sq ft for two people and they cutting everything down to fit it in the lot restrictions.
What a punk.

4500 sq ft would be perfect for Bab's and Me.
Shouldn't be too much energy to heat in the winter.

Something cute and the country.
Well, I finally got in here about 2200. My flight landed about 1845, and I got my bags and was ready for pickup by 1915. We left at about 1940 and had to turn around about 20 minutes from the airport because another guy was ready for pickup. Afterwards we got here into West Chester, grabbed a bite, and finally checked in... I'm beat.