How'd it go today?

nice squishy, glad it went well, i like to wrench when theres no pressure.

waiting on some some serious checks to come in, bank account is skinny! cmon people, pay up!!

picked up a nasty cotton wood to fall, its uprooting and taking a dam with it. tall, fat, leaning and hollow! i put 300 to fall and 300 to limb and buck it. trying to figure out how to keep from smashing my saw on this one. may have a line and pulley in another tree, i can drop it and run then the guys can yard it out of the way.
I think about any O/S is more stable than Windows:lol:
But I am still not a fan of O/S 2!! Windows 95, O/S 2 and I killed two of my computers.

I will never understand this ompany I work for!! They hired a company to setup a chip collector for them. It's all fine and dandy, but the inlet tube was placed perfectly center on an upright support beam?
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, ather than have them cme out and fix it, we spent the day tearing it down and moving it ten feet to the East, but WE ARE STILL GOING TO PAY THEM??:O
Yesterday I went to the UC Berkeley Botanical Garden. It's a really nice garden and there was all kinds of stuff in bloom so I got camera happy. Here are a few of the flower pictures that came out halfway decent.

I also checked out the tree sitters near the stadium, which was interesting, but I forgot to take pictures of that.


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I think about any O/S is more stable than Windows:lol:
But I am still not a fan of O/S 2!! Windows 95, O/S 2 and I killed two of my computers.

I will never understand this ompany I work for!! They hired a company to setup a chip collector for them. It's all fine and dandy, but the inlet tube was placed perfectly center on an upright support beam?
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, ather than have them cme out and fix it, we spent the day tearing it down and moving it ten feet to the East, but WE ARE STILL GOING TO PAY THEM??:O

Must have sounded like a good plan in some meeting or a conference call.

Big fire in our town today.
Climbed out 6 60 footers today, 4 of them was dead and 1 had failed at the base already. No problem was done by 2.
Nice pics leon
Damn! Anyone hurt?

Nope, but the woman I hit was elderly so when her daughters got there they took her to the hospital to be sure she was o.k. My boss was suprisingly cool about it, he said its a wonder it doesn't happen more often, based on the time we spend driving in the city. I still feel like an asshole

Trooper was cool too (it happened on a state road) I told him the truth and he said they have accidents at that light all the time. It was one of those light-was-green-but-there-was-a-red-arrow-lights. I was in a fog from taking allergy pills, won't do that again:whine:
Got my report card, 7 hours of B's and 3 of C's.

The C was in sociology and to say the teacher sucked at life is an understatement.
3 trucks of chips....crane in the morning. Mo calls.....when it rains it pours!!:D

Aeolus = god of wind........praise jah
John. As soon as I read your post, Some guys with 4 ft dreadlocks and a huge beard walked in the door. :/:
did thier tent get squished at LEAF? wookies........:/:

i saw em too.....:O
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No Bivys last crane photos were astounding ! Dont forget to take some picks bro.
Nah... I think this guy was a resident Asheville wookie. I've seen him before. :lol:
I got home, mom is tutoring a client which puts dad in my den leaving me without an idiot box. To pass the time I loaded and delievered a 4300lb oak log over to a friend's father that does firewood.

Puts us around 10 tons hauled today, time for a shower :)
Carl, pull a huge ad in the yellow pages, forget about school, make a million a year for 5 years, if your towns economy cant afford that , move to a towns that can.retire after 5 years, go back to school!
The last treeco I worked for spends about 40 grand a year in ads, makes 1 m and half of that 1 m is tree on house insurance jobs(getting paid).