How'd it go today?

4 hrs of crane work...pulled a hanger out...identified 18 more for removal..

You have any pictures yet? Sounded like it was a long day.

Stephan said that PG was gonna bring up my gear on Friday. ...we'll see.

As far as my day went... I have my last test of college tomorrow!!!!
I climbed an enormous white pine today and set a single line up to the top. I'm gonna go back later and take pictures from the top. Fun tree. The top 10 feet are a big U, with a great view.
Fantastic and cool Cobleskill,

Sucks a heap Brian.

And Wagnaw, I remember that same feeling. It felt Awesome to walk out the door of my last final in college.
I had a awesome day, willow removal over fence and neighbors classic car(some ancient chrysler thing). Everything went smooth as silk and the mini kicked some more ass today.

Cool pics Coble, keep 'em coming.

Congrats Wagnaw, what are you gonna be now that you're done university?

Brian Damn man I'll take that as a wake-up call myself as I've been sailing some huge tops lately.
that sucks brian, shouldnt be to bad a bill though if the lines broke.

we finished up a nice little job today, got a nasty cotton wood to fall in the am.
wee bit tight for the 22 ton AT. Went well, strapped the broken trunk to adjacent tree, which will be a TD too. 100yr old house, one from the early days of Black Mountain. Suffered pretty bad damage.......on to the next one.:D
Sorry Brian. As long as no one was hurt those kind of accidents hurt your pride, and maybe the checking account, more than anything.

No Bivy that house took a pretty good hit.
I worked on my truck today.
thought that was your grcs, whered you get that strap?

It's basically the same thing...a tractor trailer winch strap. You can wrap a trunk and pass it through itself....tighten the shat outta it. 30 bucks is way cheaper to destroy then a grcs. but I have used mine for it in the past, never on one where I knew there was gonna be a ton of movement when the final pic happened.
I don't think I've seen a house get that damaged from a that size. Was the house week or was the tree that heavy?

Today was supposed to be a cake need to fill in the rest really.
Full weight of tree came down hard, the base broke off from the ground and was in the air by a couple of feet. Old house with 24" centers and 2x4's roof rafters was weak as well. It's a rental with a fam of 5. The kids we in the room right under it when it hit around 2am.

Raining here this am, so I get to go look around at some of the 20ish jobs I have to look at........damn jimmy!:|:
Spent the morning so far at the dentist/specialist. I shoulda become a dentist.:(

Now I gotta go and try and make a little money.
fell this nasty cottonwood right where it wanted to go:) faced it, bored it with the 660 and tripped it with a 260. didnt want to run with the big saw and didnt want to drop it with the crossing limbs above.

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Dad got the golf cart stuck on one of the ramps into the lake, slid sideways down it and got to spend near 2 hours there until I got back home.

I was cruising up the driveway, saw him and asked if he was stuck (sitting at an odd angle, back end obviously stuck even if he was a couple hundred yards way).

So, I put the civic in 4 low, dropped the tranny into granny and crawled out there and pulled him out with my highway getter.
Dad got the golf cart stuck on one of the ramps into the lake, slid sideways down it and got to spend near 2 hours there until I got back home.

I was cruising up the driveway, saw him and asked if he was stuck (sitting at an odd angle, back end obviously stuck even if he was a couple hundred yards way).

So, I put the civic in 4 low, dropped the tranny into granny and crawled out there and pulled him out with my highway getter.

what kind of oak is this? Its huge! Better than 6 feet across and a ton of wood up above it! At first by the bark i thought it was a chinese elm. But its an oak...


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