How'd it go today?

I got another dump trailer job hauling a little dirt/ash.

Only $200 while I'm there grinding a couple stumps, but it's something I wouldn't have done otherwise and will only add about 45minutes to the job I was already there to do.
Hello Wagnaw - is that tree as easy to find as that poplar that was slept in? I might have to make a trip back to catch that view, and to get No bivy mini tree shot
worked a few jobs, did a few site visits to view for reports, 2 reports to do this weekend then came home to this email, should I respond ya think? :)

"Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Message-Id: <>
Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 18:11:44 -0500


Please be informed that I have Paid for the delivery fee for your
Cheque Draft. But the manager of Intercontinental Bank Plc told me that
before the check will get to you that it will expire. So i told him to cash
$800,000.00. all the necessary arrangement of delivering the $800,
000.00 in cash was made with FEDEX COURIER DELIVERY COMPANY. so they have
aggreed to send it to you.

Below is information need to enable them deliver the fund to you

Please note the only fee you have to pay to them is $200 usd that they
will use in obtaining the fund's insurance certificate and claims of
affadvite that will prove that this parcel consist of total sum of
$800.000.00 belong to you. Then be rest assure that all other fees have been
paid by me.

1.YOUR FULL NAME........................................
2.YOUR HOME ADDRESS.....................................
4.YOUR CURRENT OFFICE TELEPHONE.........................
5.A COPY OF YOUR PICTURE................................
6.COMPANY REGISTRATION NO........................AF70945
7.CODE NUMBER....................................2178234

e-mail :.( ) and forward your information to him
for sending the fund to you. Please make sure you send the above needed
information to them.

Note: The FEDEX COURIER DELIVERY COMPANY LTD don't know the contents of
the Box. I registered it as a Box of family valuable belongs. They
don't know it contents fund. this is to avoid them delaying with the Box.
Besides, don't let them know that is money that is in that Box.I am
waiting for your urgent response.

Richard Don"
My radar went off when I saw the numerous spelling mistakes, weird capitalization and this sentence: "I am waiting for your urgent response." isnt it usually an urgent request followed by a response? whats an urgent response sound like I am wondering.
That sounds like a good day, assuming you liked the haircut.

I dropped Kathleen off at the airport for her mommy holiday and then did bids and bought a few trinkets at at the Vermeer/Sherrills store.
Darin, The haircut was a tribute to Eddie Arnold -"Make the hair go away, and get it off my shoulders.."
I slept GOOD last night, I was beat!!!
Trying to get motivated to go put a thermostat in the wifes van. Toyota wanted $285 plus a $105 diagnostic fee to do it:O
That means it can't be fun:lol:
Nice spot Willie. I worked on my truck yesterday, then I was on my way to visit the wife in Sacramento and i stopped off to donate blood as they have been calling me for about a month. BP was kind of high from the heat.
Sorry Brian but one of your relatives(skwerl) has taken up residence in my roof. The trap is set and now just waiting him out.:/:
one of my guys got to much heat so i finished his tree. but we knocked out a nice little job
Just had my cracked tooth split, lovely smile. My front tooth.

I caught a carabeaner in the front tooth about 8 months ago.
Now it's come home to roost.
Hold on, it's downloading/uploading.

Second look it's really not that bad.
I've seen worse on canadians.


  • broke tooth 004_768x1024.jpg
    broke tooth 004_768x1024.jpg
    107.7 KB · Views: 7
That can be patched for fairly cheap.

My front right tooth has the outside corner (bigger gob than yours) knocked out. They put a rod in the tooth and puddied around it.

Porcelain veneers are the ultimate fix, I was too young at the time.
it was a long boring day, hauled some brush out of the woods, took down two small trees, moved what seems like a TON of dirt and had a date

I was lucky with my biner chip it was on the bottom so they were able to even it out

makes of some different conversation at times
