How'd it go today?

Bah minor damage my recently lost tooth had originally been chipped way worse than that real snaggle tooth. And now it finally broke right off. Mine wasn't from a biner though :/:

I ended up spending a total of 50 minutes in the dental specialists office and from what I can tell all he did was drill out the old root canal, clean it right out, and then seal it off. $895......:O

The crowns for my two front teeth are gonna come in at just under another $2300.:(

No dental sucks.
Finally tracked down the fuel problem on my chipper. A Small crack in the fuel pickup pipe. Sucking air causing chipper to be low on power and run poor.

Got a transmission cooler hooked up on the Isuzu and patched the ac condensor(thanks to on of my guys running into a high curb)

Chipped a small brushpile collecting 175 bucks for roughly 40 minutes work, one block from house.
The thermostate wasnt that bad, had it changed in an hour. Had to go to the dealer for coolant, $59.99 for three galons:O That was pre-mixed, half was water:O
It bled easily.
Had to go to two graduation parties, that just sucks the life out of you!!
Went to the car dealer to look at Toyota highlanders. Found a great one, even the color was right (for my wife) then for some unknown reason she decided to wait.
Why? Women are fickle. I am the one buying the damm thing.

I really really really really really...etc HATE talking to car salesmen.
I visited my parents at their old folks home yesterday. My Mom likes to watch animal cops on animal planet. I hate those shows. My Dad and I both fell asleep watching it. Geezers, both of us.
It's hot enough here already. Been near 90 or higher every day this week.
Today I finally got my new bucket mounted on the bucket truck. I even managed to get it mounted almost level! :lol: The old one has a 3" crack near the top of the main support rib, so my gut instinct was right about swapping it out.

I loaned out my camera so no pictures until later this week.
Went motocross riding today. I needed it. Been a stressful last couple weeks since the truck ate the dust. Everything is peachy now. I feel better.
I am a member at a local track. Ride any day of the year except Easter, and until 10:00 at night. It's the only "legal" place really, about 25 minutes away. There are 3 what we call "sand pits" from 3 minutes to 30 minutes from where I live. The problem with these places is it's illegal, and the DEP hide out in the woods and try to grab you, and hand you a fat ticket. These are the places that are the most fun because of natural terrain.

We don't let the DEP stop us, it's better to ride illegally than shoot drugs in our arms like most of the youth around here. The authority doesn't get it though.
Today I painted a bathroom for my mother .The danged thing had been wall papered,a real joy to remove .:(

After which I lent a hand helping to a guy switch cabs on a ton and half truck .
It's going to be one of those days!!
I went in at 4am and they were complaining about another saw. I tried to get them to work with it, I really didn't want to shut it down as well. It didn't want to run right, I replaced the backgauge rack and gear. All was well:)
Then I got sent home at 8am. The saw guy will be in at 4:30pm, so guess who gets to go back in tonight?
It's going to be a long night, then I have to be back in in the am. Good times!:lol:
I hauled the scrap to the yard, came in at 6360lbs for a tiddy $540.

Now I gotta go grind a couple stumps and haul a little dirt away for a customer.