How'd it go today?

The dirt is hauled, now he wants us to haul the stuff he was going to burn.

On the way back there I've gotta stop and flop a dead pine tree for another customer.
Heck, its the long weekend up here, Victoria day, all hail the Queen!

hahah, ok, wife is off to teach at the barn, gramma is in tow with jr, I am home doing a few designs, estimates and organizing files on the computer as its getting clogged up.

joy. :)
3 crane removals...some wild shit. Used the rig em roll today....fricken awesome.:D
Got a late call about 5:15 for a broken limb blocking a driveway. There were also a couple hangers up in the tree. Old, declining laurel oak with very little vigor. Everything on the tree seems weak. It will probably be removed within the next year.
emerg call at suppertime? do you charge a bundle for that kinda thing or do you do it at reg rates?

My pops in law is in the garage door business (mostly residential installs) and does emerg repair work for a number of hotels in Whistler, an hours drive from where they live. He has always charged reg rates no matter what and they have been loyal to him for like 20 years.
It was less than a mile from my house and took just over 30 minutes. Dave charged $300 and paid me $150. It was for a long term regular customer.

John, what's this 'rig em roll' you keep talking about? I musta missed something.
MB is right, radio controlled grapple attached to the wire/becket of the crane, it also rotates. Very slick.

So I finished up that job and a customer called wanting me to haul the trunk of a tree I cut a month or two ago.

$540 for the scrap and $550 for the other work, not a bad day for being a lowly "debris hauler."
You are racking up Carl. Glad to see the dumper getting some use.

I'm fairly certain I'll have to either move the axles forward or re-enforce the coupler. It's not hard at ALL to get the tongue way heavy. Evenly loaded there's about 35-40% on the tongue instead of the kosher 10-15%. Reenforcing the coupler would mean only a 1 ton or bigger could tow it and even still that's alot of weight for a bumper pull. Moving the axles forward about 16" would mitigate most of the issue. I thought about adding a pusher, haven't ruled it out entirely but it's still only a little less effort than moving them forward.

The extra 20-25% equates to a shit ton (literally) of tongue weight which has to be hard on the coupler.
Worked on my truck today, and did a bid. I have almost no sense of weather people are going to go for tree work or not. I got the feeling on the phone that the guy wasn't too keen on doing it. I was busy with the truck and it was about a hour drive from where I was and I almost blew the appointment off, because their phone kept ringing busy. I pulled up and the people don't look overly prosperous, when I told them the price they said "when can you do it?".
Burnham is stirring up trouble again I see.:)
I figure by moving them forward, it'll reduce tounge weight which will increase ground clearance. Also, by moving them forward it will increase the breakover angle which is currently fairly pathetic.

Still way happy I have it, it's making me money and making my regular life easier. I still aint figured everything I can do with it yet which means it's going to get mo betta:)
Nope only hauls what I can't chip and the mini loads over the sides at that height. Any higher and it wouldn't. I did put some snazzy stickers on it though.:lol:
my guys managed to miss sme concrete in a tree, so thats good. took them till 2 to do a half day job, not so good. all in all we are having a great month, been getting alot of "well when can you do it?" like steve. gotta love that
Yah it's steady here which is nice............If I could find another good guy I'd seriously think about expanding my two man set-up. Don't want to mess with a good thing though.:D

Maybe by next season.