. Got all setup and ready to roll and then the neighbor decides the chipper is too noisy so we had to leave?
That, Sir, is a shitty fookin day!
Sounds like a bit of Covid Crazy re the neighbor. I've had a fair amount of that lately, especially involving neighbors. I guess I have a story a lot like that-
Storm blows big leader from a custy's tree onto neighbors garage roof, custy calls me for it and I was too buried with storm work from good regular custy's to do this job which, given that there's a big leader on neighbor's roof, presumably needs immediate attention. I tell him such.
Weirdly, a month later, custy calls and asks Can you do it now? I say um yes and go over right away to see this month-old sh*t still on top of neighbor's garage, btw it's a million $ house., go figure. So I say I'll do it 2 days from now, and will take down the remainder of the tree too, need neighbor's driveway for the crane and trucks. 20 emails later we are all set too go. We arrive at 7.15am as fully and completely discussed. There are 2 cars in the way in neighbor's driveway

. We back up the bucket to garage and I ask my guy Jesse who is good with people to knock on the door and ask em to move the cars please so crane can get in and set up. Neighbor comes out looking pissed, moves one car and starts giving my guys shit, I walk over and say Hi, what's up. Guy says he didn't know we were coming etc. I say this job was set up with 50 emails, how could you not know? He says I didn't see any emails! I say your neighbor didn't email you about this???? He says Only texts.

. Says I need to see your insurance Cert. I say I'd be happy to have one emailed to you when they open at 9am. He says you aren't working until I see the IC. I say if you wanted an IC, why didn't you request one before we arrived? Shit goes downhill from there, I start trembling, I say That's It, We Are Out of Here. I walk over to the bucket to drive out of his driveway and now he realizes the big limb is about to sit on his roof yet longer. He says ok ok you can send it later. I say out my window No Way. He says You Asshole. I say F*CK YOU! We re-hook up our trailers etc and leave. I text the custy, who seems like a normal nice guy, and say We will not be doing your job cuz your neighbor is a f*cking asshole. We take the crane to the next job and have a fine day. I ask my crew and the crane op was I out of line, don't lie. They all said I wasn't, the neighbor was a complete prick but they say I should hope he doesn't leave some lame ass scathing google review. He didn't.