Got off work early, and decided to finally measure how long my rope ends were. Here's my notes...
Mercury 59'
KM3 96'
Orange/ 98'
Orange solid 161'
green 189'
As you can see, the only names I remembered were the KM3(my line I use all the time) and the Mercury. I got everything but the Mercury for $75 from CMCPro. The Mercury was in a bag of ends from TreeStuff. I think I did amazingly well. Hell, the green's hard to even call an "end". Pretty sure that's just "rope".
I'm thinking I'll use the KM3 as my truck rope since it's familiar, and start using the orange/ as my main line. Assuming it isn't weird for some reason anyway.
Woke up with a sore chest today. Kind of like a pulled muscle or something. Not up for anything strenuous, but I might pick some sticks up in the yard.
Went out to pickup some sticks, and the irritating neighbor was out with a blower, and blowing leaves onto my property. They came from my trees, and I don't really care. It makes me happy he had to do some work, even if it was being lazy with a blower. Got me thinking about what I could plant that would really make a mess. I bet he'd like some sweetgum along the property line. Nice tall trees to to worry about, and "ZOMG GUMBALLS!!!" every year :^D