Just for fun I did a recalculation.
They would have been worth at least 3 times that , here.
Oldest Doug fir in the country is around 120 years.
James Douglas brought seeds home to England,( Scotland, actually) then it took a while for them to reach Denmark.
The first ones were planted as ornamentals, in castle parks.
Those are the ones, I used to have fun rec-climbing .
Climbing the Sequoias/redwoods took most of that fun away, though.
Richard, my partner, said it well before our first trip to the BIG ones: " If we do this, we are gonna screw ourselves up, and never be able to be awed by a Danish tree again".
True words, but it was still worth it.
Next year, we are taking a small, select, group of people for a ninja climb of the biggest tree in Denmark.,
It is about 8 feet taller than the height of the lowest branch on the Coom's tree, which many members here have climbed.
The rest of the group are going to have a lifetime experience, but we will mostly be getting off on seeing them break their limit.