How'd it go today?

Thanks max! Yea, I was kinda hopeless there in the beginning haha. I try to learn from my mistakes tho so I don't repeat them. And from everyone on here I try to learn from.

Tried to beat the rain today, but no go. Half way up the tree I got poured on, so we called it. Coming back tomorrow to finish, all I really want is to get warm And dry right now.
Spent the morning on a property on the rocky seashore, pulling out casuarina seedlings with a weed wrench, then cutting down the bigger ones, all stumps painted with garlon. Lucky it was low tide, room to get around all the buttonwood to get to the invasives, neat to check out the tidepools and all the seashore critters along the way. Very satisfying.
In addition to partially assembling that little Dolmar /Makita saw from a pile of parts I changed the mirror glass on Mrs Smiths automobile .

Now you talk about a monumental pain the butt, like nothing I've ever seen .Took me half a hour just to figure the thing out how it worked .Remote control outside heated mirror .Some SOB knocked it out the other day .Danged glass alone cost me 80 bucks .:what:
My wife went to adjust the bottom mirror on my 450, as we were getting on the interstate. Sucker crashed to the ground. That mirror was 80 bucks also. And I like to never figured out the simple looking mount.

Closed on a new house today. Worked on some of the renovations this evening!! Already got some of the painting done last week. This year has been a blur, never a dull moment!
What's burqa land? I tried google...

Sorry, I was being a bit sarcastic. It's a big chunk of south western Sydney, lots of people of Mediterranean appearance who mostly must work at night as they seem to just hang around during the day.

There is an invisable border like I said, but you know once you cross it. It's a big area now.:(

Just took some dead wood out of a willow today, it was blowing a gale most of the day.
Fed the elephants today.
Took down a couple of semi-uprooted maples. Since we couldn't get the chipper up on the bank next to the road where they were, we stacked all the branches and had the Copenhagen Zoo people come with their crane/dumper truck and fetch them to feed to the elephants.
That could well become my favourite way of dealing with branches in the Copenhagen area.:)
My wife went to adjust the bottom mirror on my 450, as we were getting on the interstate. Sucker crashed to the ground. That mirror was 80 bucks also. And I like to never figured out the simple looking mount.

Closed on a new house today. Worked on some of the renovations this evening!! Already got some of the painting done last week. This year has been a blur, never a dull moment!

Let's see some pictures when you get a moment, Scott. Big doings for sure!
What did you think they ate.
Elephant grass?
I have cut slender maple and ash shoots for the Zoo when I worked for the former Copenhagen forest.

Then last week a guy mentioned them, and I figured it would be a fine way to get rid of stuff and do the Zoo a good tirn at the same time. so I gave them a call.
They'll pick up for free as long as it is species that they can use ( no taxus, for example:lol:)

I don't work near Copenhagen often, so it'll just be once in a while.
Well yeah I knew giraffes and elephants chewed on the leaves of acacia trees on the planes of Africa but I didn't know they devoured the whole darned tree .
Al, I think that if you just throw in a few peanuts, they will eat about anything. You have to be careful what they will blow out of their trunks if they get in a sadistic mood. I saw an elephant do that on my companion when visiting a private zoo. They laugh by swaying back and forth and get a gleam in their eye, after ejecting the big gooey mess all over you. :|:
Not actual wood chips, since they chew it up pretty well.
But still a lot of wood goes out the other end:
elephant dung.jpg
Elephants are why most of Africa is Treed Savanna rather than forest. They may browse standing trees but if it is tasty but inconvenient they set their shoulders on a trunk, topple the tree and munch the tops. They poop basketball sized round hay bales of masticated twigs.
Stig: How big is your service area? just curious. Are you somewhat close to Copenhagen?

Max: Are you a private contractor? What is your bucket working height? Again, just curious.
I work on the whole island in principle, ('Bout 70 miles across) but the high fuel prices make me try to stay as close to home as possible and only go far for the juicy jobs. Diesel is $9/gal right now.

I'm about 35 miles out of Copenhagen, but since the forestry school where they breed arborists, is situated northwest of there, that area is saturated with new little one or two guy arborist companies.

Usually they start out right out of school by getting a chipper, a grinder and a Landrover, and bid cheap to get into the market, then fold after 1½-2 years because they can't make the payments.

But they keep prices low in the area, so we mostly work there when we sub for some of the bigger companies on jobs that are too big for the newbies to handle.
Max: Are you a private contractor? What is your bucket working height? Again, just curious.

Yes, I am a private contractor. As for the bucket truck: This bucket truck in the last photo is of maximum lift of 22 meters. I also used to work bucket trucks with a maximum elevation of 18 meters (telescopic system) and 30 meters (with the same system as the lift and 22 meters). Load capacity of their 250 kg, and usually I am working together with a colleague. I usually take with 3 a chainsaw - 200t, 250, and 660. A colleague of mine works with a special tool, which resembles the harpoon , so I call it - "Picador" ...)).I have reason to believe that you to not understand much, so ask questions...