O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

  • Thread starter Thread starter Paul B
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I have a dozen of these and love them. Keyed gate that opens wide, smooth action, just a very functional design.

Yup, me too, Brian. I get 'em at Bishop for about $12 each at the quantity discount price....and, as the crew loses 'em, I keep buying more.....aarrgghh... also see the Kong Autolock.... http://www.bishco.com/CGI-BIN/LANSAWEB?WEBEVENT+L0D423C23210987001F79092+CEP+ENG
I have two of the autolock Kongs from Sherrill, they suck fat hairy moose lips. The plastic collar broke on one the very first time I used it and my Vermeer dealer refused to warranty it. I use the other one for a tie down on my trash trailer.

I also don't trust them as being as strong as the screwlocks. There is a cutout in the metal below the gate, to make clearance for the plastic locking collar. I think it is a weak spot since the carabiner is cut a quarter of the way through. I would remove it and use the screwlock on a very heavy load.
Picked this honey up recently 880 with the full 48''. this was the first outing. Other pics in the Britpics.

Never mind the rain its a British summer.
I for got to say that It was part funded by the sale of my 20 year old 084 (£200 /400 USD)
heading in to the lake country over the weekend, picked up a bit of ammo to scare up the local varmints with, then off to the paper targets.
hmm, anyone got any flashbangs or frag grenades they dont need? I might want to clear some gopher tunnels...
I have an FAC if thats what you are asking, yes. for non restricted and crossbows. no handguns for moi. Nor do I actually own any guns, I just borrow my buddies and have myself a little pea shooter pellet rifle.
heading in to the lake country over the weekend, picked up a bit of ammo to scare up the local varmints with, then off to the paper targets.
hmm, anyone got any flashbangs or frag grenades they dont need? I might want to clear some gopher tunnels...

Pauly! Can you not get .22lr subsonics? The bolt is louder than the "bang" when used in a bolt-action. Otherwise, you still cant beat a carton(of regular .22 LR) of 500-550 for less than 8.00 here.

Try finding Tannerite targets... provided that they are legal in the United States of Canuckistan. If you can... pack the holes with it, and release some steel and lead on it... bring eye and ear protection for all. ;) :evil:
hahah a pack of 500 22long is $28 here!!!
my little pile (and it is little) was 90 bucks with taxes. thats 25 x 12 guage, 25 x 410, 500 22long and 1500 177 pellets.

as for targets we have some paper ones and I will buy a pack of clay pigeons (135 for $15) on the way up Friday. they would smash if I put the case in the pickup, its not built for smooth.

I almost bought a 22 today, he had some starting at like $169... :) but I figured I best not buy the cheapest thing first off. so maybe next year, who knows.
hahah a pack of 500 22long is $28 here!!!
my little pile (and it is little) was 90 bucks with taxes. thats 25 x 12 guage, 25 x 410, 500 22long and 1500 177 pellets.

Geeze! :roll:

For about 90 here last time I went shooting included:

100 Rds- 9mm
20 Rds- 7.62 x 39
20 Rds- .308
20 Rds- .223
100 Rds- 12 Ga
50 Rds- .38 Special
50 Rds- .357
50 Rds- .45

I almost bought a 22 today, he had some starting at like $169... :) but I figured I best not buy the cheapest thing first off. so maybe next year, who knows.

I like my uncle's Marlin Bolt action... synthetic stock, matte black barrel, shoots nice since sighted.
:roll: stay south of the 49th lad, its a different country up here.
You should be formidably armed Paul. I just hope you don't run into a 12 year old with a wrist rocket.
OM, I hear you, I have a can of bear spray on my hip or just such a negative instance!

I spray myself and then the bear wont eat me cuz I am too spicy.. seems like solid logic non?
Is it difficult to own guns in Canada? If so that would suck! There's some sweet hunting up there.
I picked up another ISC Rocker, their largest 3/4" block, Mighty Mouse quad lock, and a swivel captured tri lock (all ISC, about $350 retail I believe) for $225

Is it difficult to own guns in Canada? If so that would suck! There's some sweet hunting up there.

rifles and shotguns not really, handguns, much more so. and forget about concealed carry permits, or carry permits period. its to and from the range and / or hunting.

the system here uses whats called an FAC (firearms aquisition certificate or some such), you take a one day course, a written and practical test and when you pass you are good for five years. You need this licence to buy or own firearms, and you need it to buy ammo!
It comes in to styles, restricted (handguns) and non restricted (rifles, shotguns, crossbows). I have a non restricted one.
Just don't cross the long arm of the law up here ever for anything, or your odds of owning a legal firearm are zip to nil, atleast that's what I heard :/:
Bought both of these off eBay..........

$360 for the saw & $175? for the geckos.
Wow, you actually have to have a renewable license to buy ammo. I spent $100.00 on shells last night so I could play this weekend.:D
1 box .30-06
2 box .17 mag
1 box .357 mag
1 box .44 mag
1 box .223

Ya know, now that I think about it, Canadians with guns does sound a little scary to me.:P :D
I see they have regular lower straps. I wonder if that was retrofitted?

I'm not sure, exactly, I got them off eBay. As well as the STIHL.

Almost forgot the pic of the Husy 359 I got off "nieghborstree" - $375
I bough it new off him, been using it for the last month+ & like it so far.

Also bought a Husky 254XP parts saw off eBay for the one, one of my workers partially ran over with the dump. Paid $45.00 for it.

Here's a pic of it fixed up.

I gotta get another MS 200T, some new ropes & some other stuff. Also got to get another work truck..... (1995-1998 )