How'd it go today?

Erik, I just noticed the addition to your signature. I'm not trying to pry ....but I thought that your parents were married?
Things are slowly starting to move along for me here. Hoping to be settled with insurance by the end of the day tomorrow at the latest. Still haven't got any info packages on trucks to look at yet but calls are happening.
Today was bad. We were having some clutch problems with the chipper truck on Saturday. Thought we would jsut have to have it adjusted. But this morning we had a hard time even getting it out of the lot. Got it to the mechanics, they adjusted it, and we tried it, but no luck. SO now were out of a chip truck for a day or two while they replace the clutch.

After we got that sorted, we ended up doing some landscape jobs we've had on the books. Tomorrow we're working on a Locust. A nice, open spread, so it should be a good day. Any brush we have to trailer to their burn pile.
Weeds were 6 feet high, fire season is upon us, realtor is trying to get it back on the market etc.
Hahahahahaha, nope, not when the BMG was done getting it outta there! He is making a real good living changing locks, cleaning out houses, winterizing, yard maintenance and what ever else the banks want him to do. The system is real wacky but he hs figure out how to make it work
I murdered a giant elm and a smaller pecan with a crane, and it was hot. I'm really liking my camelbak.
They are, and related by blood.:D:P;)

I thought you didn't want anyone on the forum to know we're related, too? :P

Did a 4 hour consult/quote today. 34 tree removals, with some hanger and deadwood trimming in the mix.
I did the same thing here in Connecticut back in the early 90's. Made over 100 grand a year for about 3 years just changing locks and cleanouts. That was until HUD changed their regulations. The most common items left behind were children's toys and porno tapes. Ask you're buddy if it is still the same.Hey
We weed eat all the time for realtors and HOs that are selling... Limb ups and brushing also. It really does help the property sell.

Finished a limb up job today and got it all chipped. Robert is delivering the chips to a customer as we speak .... Going to do some chipping for her also in trade for some tile work on the other house. She'll give me 10.00 per yard for clean chips for her garden and she is only 2 miles from here. :D
Lady we did the limb up work for was thrilled at how the property looked.. And gave us a few referrals.. See what pans out. Slept wrong on my shoulder last night and have pain going from my shoulder to my head up my neck... The pole saw really did a number after that :P Took a couple pills and going to ice it to see if I can get it to loosen up...
A friend of mine got 2 AR 15s that was a big score. I did get an abandoned motorcycle 95 honda 1000. The paperwork was quite a headache though.
Got back from a five day vacation today! Drove to Maryland, then the Maryland coast, then Nags Head, then Ocacoke Island, then back to the Mountains. Neither Mandi or myself had ever visited the outer banks, so it was a little adventure for us! Nice, but I like the less touristy areas.

Lots of beach time and good beers!! :D

Now back to the steadily growing to-do list
Worked with my bro for a few, came home sharpened some saws, and touched up chipper knives for tomorrow. Went for about a 5 mile hike, just had some pizza and about to watch a movie.