How'd it go today?

I did a nice bid this morning and have spent the rest of the day taking ibproferen and putting a ice pack on my shoulder. I have been thinking back to when it first start hurting and I think it was handsawing some seed pods from a palm tree where I had to reach as far as I could and saw. Then on Thursday I loaded a bunch of wood into my dump trailer by hand. Now I can hardly shake someone's hand.


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That sucks Steve. Have you thought about finding a good massage therapist? That would at least probably give you some pain relief.
1) Ibuprofen
2) Massage therapist

If you want to avoid the 'other' kind of massage, call a reputable chiropractor and ask for a recommendation for a good LMT.
You train so you're less prone to it, not impervious.

A good thorough stretch before work can do wonders.
Yeah, I think Butch has it. Work has been slow and recently picked up. On Monday I had three of those backyard palm climbs which tax me to the limit.
My worker has a SIL who is a massage therapist. And not the 'other' kind. I didn't get to sleep until 4:30 this morning I was contemplating everything in the book. I thought I was impervious to this shit. OK, I am vowing to become spring steel too, and you guys all "heard" me.
My worker has a SIL who is a massage therapist. And not the 'other' kind. I didn't get to sleep until 4:30 this morning I was contemplating everything in the book. I thought I was impervious to this shit. OK, I am vowing to become spring steel too, and you guys all "heard" me.

Quoted for future reference:P
I believe both Butch and Erik are right. "Spring steel" is good but flexibility is another important component.
Dropped a few red oaks in the morning. Showed up to drive truck at 9:00 and the chopper guy wasn't going to make it until 11:30. Frickin' guy can't seem to get out of bed. Ran truck until 5:30 instead of 2:30. Got to my afternoon appointment a couple hours late. Just got home to 540 new posts on the 'House. Dang you guys were chatty today.:P
I was just eating soy ice cream when I got the feeling folks were talking about me. "Spring steel," that's me. My flabdominal muscles are the envy of the clinically obese. My spectorals muscles, when visible, make young girls cry(or it could have been me telling her it was time to stop arguing and to go to bed).
Today was good. Got a climb in on my new Sequoia saddle today. Man, that thing rocks!!! Also experimented with different wrap/cross combos on the VT hitch, and the length of cord. Still dialing it in.

Other than that, not an extremely exciting day. Helped move some furniture around the house, organized some gear.
So far so good today... Handled a few different to do list items. My mom and dad stopped by for a visit also.. Wyatt got to meet his teacher at the school and got his new puter build all sorted out. Bad stick of RAM.:|: He will finally get to play on his new machine tonight. Moved a golf cart for a customer (the one that gave us the Roto Tiller) and might have just scored a small utility trailer :D Free :D
Just got home to my kids being so welcoming and I am going to fix some grilled chicken salad soon. That and help Katy with cleaning the van for her Merced run. Now if I could just get some quiet time. HAHAHA
Have we met Wyatt? I just got up to get a popsicle or whatever else I could find in the freezer and then I remembered my pledge.
No. No one met Wyatt yet... Really good kid.. Very polite.. Very smart... Gamer though... so his attention span is limited... Also reads a lot. He is very much of his age. 15....
Ste, maybe you should change the 'climbing up' part under your username to ' becoming sprung steel' :) to keep you motivinated and such eh.