How'd it go today?

Played stone cutter-polisher this morning. Consolation, got the saws ready for a short burst of logging in the a.m. Hate stone work. Just came home from town, about four cops had some little baggy panted sh!t face down on the sidewalk with another cruiser menacing what little traffic order we have in these parts now that it's tourists season. Lots of action for that little podunk town.:lol:
Got stupid Wensday night. Still paying for that one! I'm to old for that stupid shat!
Home at 4am, wife met me on the couch, waiting, of course. Not terribly mad, I'd been home already, and went to chase the crazy, MUCH drunker than me, neighbor when he took off on his GSxR1000 to go back and chase tail! He's old enough to know better and I have no idea what I was thinking I was going to do besides pick up the splattered mess off the road!

Anyway, the roofers were here bright and early at 6:30. Bubba was right up with them! I didn't do jack Thurs., spent the day with Bubba, watched the roofers and watched tv with mom and Bubba.
Roofers were back at 6:30am today. Done at 10:30. A buddy showed up, we took Bubba to Toy's R US for a while, then he bought us lunch at Burger King and Bubba ran like a wildman at the playground.
Came home and the gutter guys where here already. Roof is done, the gutters are done. The neighbors wont know what to think!
Get my mason buddy over to help me fix the brick on the front, finish my windows and side it, hell, I might even be able to sell it so I can move into a used doublewide:P
Split the team today to take care of a couple small jobs to meet up at a larger one. And we all know what they say about the better made plans of mice and men. Plans went awry on the first little one that turned into a 6 hour job..... Eye candy was good though on the lake. :) I wish the batteries in the camera had a charge... That one was worth sharing ;) Meanwhile Rob was stuck on the larger job alone with 3 HO helpers and a pile of dirty wood..... I finally got there and he was already gone after 8 hours. I picked up what equipment he left (just down the street from home) and saw the carnage... He did good with what he had.. But gawwwwd the chain.... :P Gonna be dang busy with a file here over the weekend.:|:
I dropped Wyatt off at the base of our driveway and went to an estimate for clearing up the road.. Landed a 7 acre and going to start that in Dec. Yup.. the whole thing :D Got home and found the rest of the carnage... Rob hit a wasp (meat bee) nest in one of the hollow trucks in the very beginning of the day. Worked all day with a swollen hand that still looked bad when I got home... He was not feeling so well either. He got hit pretty dang good and still bucked about 2-3 cord out of that mess.
HO were happy and are going to rent our splitter this week :D
SO only one got missed but I will deal with it another day.. NP
Set up the new compressor and broke a hose :|:
Had another hose..
Cut ends off of ropes I was going to give to someone to play with. Gal with the horses... And kept some for me to play with ;)
All and all not a bad day :D
Here's an update on my injury. Healing nicely and a pic of the culprit.


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Looks a lil sore still Brett... Sure could have been worse. Looks like it is healing well though

Walked off a job today ... HO is coming tomorrow from OOT and wanted it done pronto. Get there and get set up and then really start looking at his expectations from his meeting with Rob. Ain't gonna happen scooter. Worked for about 10 mins and shut it down out of shear frustration of trying to work the senseless impossible. So I will meet with the guy tomorrow and re-align the job to realistic and reschedule it.
I am taking today and tomorrow off to readjust my 'tude and rest. Just start over again on Monday :)
Crash it buddy! :)
My day is good so far. took Bub to the local farmers market for the first time. Pretty cool actually, every saturday at city hall in the parking lot from about 9am to 1pm there is a bunch of temporary tents/stalls set up and local farmers bring their fare. Mostly organic and good prices. I bought a loaf of fancybread, some sausages from free range cattle in Williams Lake and a bag of snow peas.
Bub just went down for a nap so now I can do some cleanup around the hacienda. :)
Worked in the pouring rain all day to put a body on.


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Worked on trimming oaks in an office building parking lot today. Raise and gut, the two climbers working for this company cut way too much out of the trees. But it's work, and everyone on the crew is really nice and everyone works hard.

At lunch time we had some visitors, I guess they wanted to see if they could share some of our lunch. :)
You gots birds on the brain Brian.

One hour to the wedding ceremony here. It seems so odd to me that I'll be able to sit on my deck and watch a wedding. I should release the hounds right at the moment of their vows.:D I already warned my neighbor that I was gonna stand up on my bank drinking beers and cat calling the ceremony.:lol:
hahaha, as long s you cant see the wedding night chamber, I think its all good. at my wedding, during the gift opening the next day which was outdoors under the same tent as the reception. the ignorant asshole next door ran his stupid ride on mower for the whole time. My pops in law wouldnt let me go 'talk' to him, he kept saying ' I have to live here'.
maybe just blaze a marine air horn when they (try to) say I do, a few times, till they get mad that the priest / wedding official cant hear the important word...


dude, do you take this lovely girl to be your bride?

say again?


then politely wave and yell ' sorry, thought I saw a bear!"
thats known as trespassing Squish, you could call the 5-0 and have them all incarcerated, yell that to them when you see them approach the fenceline. :D

mamma dont want no prison wedding!
Today has gone fairly well. Woke up at 8, out the door around 8:45. We had a quick job to do for one of our Golf Course's. A mid sized Walnut had blown down a few days ago, so we had to get to it today. Just Dad and I for once. We brushed it all out, hauled it all to the chipper using their tractor/trailer, and then worked on the wood. There was still a 10ft or so stick left, and I cut it down while Dad went and dumped the wood. Broke out the 460 w/ 32" bar. First time I've felled anything with a bar that big!

Stick was dead, rotting wood. Found I still have a lot to learn cutting wise. My face cut was nice, but my back cut was way out of level. Ended up cutting through some of my hinge wood on one side by accident. But since I had a deep face, I just shut the saw off and pushed it over no problem.
RJS, not in the least, its more playful than mean.
Squish, keep needling me bro, see where it gets ya :P
I just a few minutes got through replacing some plastic pipes on my geothermal heat pump .

Evidently one of my filters was tad plugged and restricted the water flow .The danged discharge water was so hot it warped the PVC pipes .Now that's hot .

No damage to the unit it's working just fine .:D