How'd it go today?

Slept wrong on my shoulder last night and have pain going from my shoulder to my head up my neck... The pole saw really did a number after that :P Took a couple pills and going to ice it to see if I can get it to loosen up...

Those vodoo dolls work!

We did a trim on a fruitless mulberry, another trim on some tree I'm still trying to figure out what it is and a removal of a dead pine tree. Then a bid. I didn't do much of anything but stand around and watch them work as I'm still babying my shoulder. I finally had to sharpen a saw because my guys can flub that job up something fierce.
Enjoyed climbing till about ten this morning then in the bucket for the rest of the day in some of the biggest silver maples I've seen. don't know when they were trimmed last but had 10 - 15 feet through between the primaries.

Spent the rest of the day on those five trees.....:(
Things are slowly starting to move along for me here. Hoping to be settled with insurance by the end of the day tomorrow at the latest. Still haven't got any info packages on trucks to look at yet but calls are happening.

Hey Justin best of luck on finding a new rig, I may have missed it but what happened to the old bucket? I searched a few threads and couldn't find any thing. Hope everything goes good with the insurance.
I can't find the thread right now Dave, it's in the "Increadible give away" thread. Left with the boom up and hooked a telephone cable, and it went downhill from there!

Today SUCKED!! Frickin HOT!! Worked on the Case TLB until 11:30, got it to run and move, neither wasvery well yet! Shagged parts until 1, I think? I have mostofeverything, until lines start to blow!
Worked on a dump truck until 2, it ran and moved (seeing a theme here?:lol:) and got where they wanted it. But without tags and ins. I failed to see much of a point?
Then I picked up a Hustler Super Z mower. He was told the mower was locked up,I thought it was one of the hydro units. It wasn't! (More on this latter!)
Then at 3:45 I started tearing off a roof on another double wide. (I'm seeing another theme here!) I don't know how hot it was, but after a while you can't drink enough water to replace what you puke out anyway, sowhy bother? It was fun:roll:
Mike, Chiseltooth, called in the midst of that last fiasco and we chatted for a bit but I needed to keep going. He asked I tell you al he is fine, just busy as hell right now.12-14hr days!
Got home at 8:30 and pulled the other plug out of the Hustler. HMMMMMMM!!!! The porcelean and center electrode are completly burnt out! It loks like someone did a really poor job of trying to learn to weld on the end of this plug! I am scared to think of what the piston looks like!
The other plug had a white tint, so I am leaning towards a carb/fuel isue right now, but won't know much until I dig deeper.
I came in to tell Bubba goodnight, and I was told there was a can of Spagetti-O's I could warm up.
I just got back rom Sonic.
I need to make some smokes so I can be ready to start this all over again in the AM!!!
YEA!!! Someone kill me please?
Hey Justin best of luck on finding a new rig, I may have missed it but what happened to the old bucket? I searched a few threads and couldn't find any thing. Hope everything goes good with the insurance.

Forget it Justin, Andy helped me out. Man sorry I asked all I can say is I'm glad your ok. It could always be worse. Again good luck on your search for a new truck....
I spent the day fighting one of our nastiest invasives, the giant hogweed.
These plants will grow 10-12 feet high and as thick as a loggers arm.
Their sap contains a poison, furocumarin, which destroys the ability to withstand sunlight in human skin.
That means, if you get any on you, and spend time in the sun, you'll get a 3rd degree burn.
I hit one with the chainsaw while setting a fence, once. I was wearing nothing but shorts ( yea, my PPE, but I sure got punished for it, too) and didn't notice it at the time. Next morning I looked like I had been splashed with oil while making french fries, big blisters all over.
So even though it is summer here and hot for Scandinavia, every bit of skin has to be covered.
This is one of my least favourite jobs, luckily I only have to do it one more day.


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We have that invasive here in western Oregon too, Stig. You are soooo right, a really nasty one.

Do you know where it's native to?
Central Asia.
The story of how it made it's way to Denmark is interesting.

Our most famous sculptor; Thorvaldsen, lived and worked for a number of years in Italy.
When he came home to Denmark, those of his works that he brought with him, were crated and the crates filled with Giant Hogweed seeds.
Apparently that was the 18th century version of styrofoam chips.
The seeds were dumped out, when the crates were unpacked, and the Hogweed took off , intent on being fruitful, multiplying and subduing the earth.

Here is his take on the 3 graces.


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I'm whooped today. I cut down about 20 pine trees today at a condo property. The worst part was dealing with some residents who either didn't want them cut down, or else were pissed because we were in their way. It was hot and I ran out of water by 2:30pm and called it a day. I have about 6 more that I'll try to get done tomorrow after my other morning job.

I have a chiro appt. in 35 minutes. I'm not sure I have the energy to shower and drive over there right now. I think I need about another hour before I'll be willing to move.
107, 21% humidity, thank God! Chilling for a bit, need to get back to the roof latter, and hopefully I can get the motor off the Hustler and tear it down so I can have an idea of what happened!
Today was good and bad. Good, I got to climb a nice, open Honey Locust with Dad. Just pruning and deadwooding. It was nice to be able to climb with him in the same tree. The best way to pick up small pointers, and just have fun!

The bad. The chip truck's fly wheel is cracked. $1300 to get a new one. Mechanic is trying to find a decent used one for less. So no chip truck in the immediate future.

We also took on a large chipping job today. Landscape company pruned all the trees in this apartment complex, and then their rental chipper died, so they called us. They were chipping into big 60 yard dumpsters, so were good to go on this job till Friday. They're using a skid steer w/ grapple bucket to haul the brush to us. Today was the learned curve for everyone somewhat, just getting a good flow down. Hopefully tomorrow can go a lot smoother.
That is ideal, 90 and rising here. 101 tomorow, kinda glad I don't have work lined up

We're supposed to hit 100 by Thursday. I told the guys a while ago that we should play hooky on the first triple digit day and float the river. If we can get enough stuff done to make our customers happy by the end of Thursday, some rafting might be in order.
Float the river? Frig that -gimme some climate control!!! I'll do the river stuff when it drops down into the 80's.
Just finished a limb up in a grove we had started last winter. Priorities were changed while we were working it. So it's all done and staged for burn in winter. SO she (HO) is scheduled for December. Have some more trees to go there she probably wants done. The power company never dropped that one half dead hazard tree (white oak) next to the power lines so she is getting impatient... Maybe I'll get to do it after all :D Now a cold beer and book work.....