How'd it go today?

Did our chip job today. They kicked us out around 1:00 because they thought we were charging too much, so they just rented a new chipper.

Around 1:30, it starts to rain, so we called it a day. Came home, did some splicing, and hoped it would clear up for the rec climb. It did and man, did I have a blast!! Only went up the tree once, and only about 40' or so. I think we were all wore out from work. Just sat around and talked most of the time. Had a great time!!!
High temp topped out at 87 today (Blessed relief) and I had the job bid right -wrapped up actual work at 2:00p.m. then had a shower and bid some stuff.
No, I did! I got tired of her handing it to me so I could clean out the birds nest! She got a nice Zebco the next day!
Knocked out 7 trees at the chemical plant, no firk ups even though a nasty squal blew in while I was making the backcut on the biggest tree. Originially I was going to push it with the mini, but then the wind went crazy.

Everything stays on site, which was ubber sweet. The new hydro pump is tits. It's faster than stock, but not too fast like the other pump.

Spent about 5 hours on the job so far, if I didn't have to rake I'd be oh so happy. :(

A co-dominant pine had it's last day standing today. The sixty ton made quick work of it in just three cuts. After that, I trimmed a nice live oak. The job was for some nuns in a convent.

This AC feels NICE! :)

Setting the outrigger pads.

Going for a ride.

First pick.

Two more cuts to go.
For sure, that sixty ton is AWESOME! I love when I get to use it, we don't use it all that often..
Reminds me of this...

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Now that's getting it done... Good on ya Butch.....

Should have been done with this job today we were doing.. Good thing I scheduled an extra day on it. Short help do to lack of day care. Oh well... Np to finish it tomorrow and get on to another one. Lady also wants me to take down a pretty big limb over her house off a Valley Oak. I pretty much made sounds of refusing to do it. I pretty much told her to give it to Andy up here that has a bucket. Feel I would do Andy right by doing so also. She is an account he referred us to when he was too busy to do some things for her. He already has done a couple TD's for her before I was ever there. My spidey sense went off looking at it. I'll take some pics tomorrow and post them..
Good job, MB!

The raking took less than an hour, I took Adam (Daniel's little brother who was working around the house today) with me. He did all the manual raking, I ran the mini and the regular skids.

I'm not 100%, but it seems my mods to the mini make it easy breasy to connect/disconnect the hydro quick connects.
A piece of Walnut fell on my big toe, raised blood under the nail.

I couldn't sleep, it was throbbing like a sob all night long. Man, that is painful!
Nice job you did there, MB. Must be fun to get lifted by a sixty ton crane.

Yep, getting ready for work, going to look at a tree removal job at a shrine today, on for Sunday and Monday, a call from a crane operator that I used to work with in days gone by. "You'll be needing the big guns", the man said.
A big piece of Walnut fell on my big toe, raised blood under the nail.

I couldn't sleep, it was throbbing like a sob all night long. Man, that is painful!

I know what you mean Jay. I once dropped 12 foot by 5/8 piece of sheetrock on my big toe. The piece feel from 5 feet and came down like a guillotine. BY the time I took my shoe off my toe looked like a small and shiny eggplant. That was quite painful.
Wow Butch, looks like you had a fun and interesting day, cool.

didn't get to continue on cool job I had. got sent out on busy road to remove nice healthy, great looking maples that were in ROW. Lady came out and cried and said she couldn't bear to watch, etc., etc,.etc,. Bucket ran crappy slow and kept me frustrated all day. Checked everything I could think of and found out about at the end of the day it was the emergency stop in the basket fouling up the speed of the thing. Sure wish I was climbing instead, oh well, thats what I get for working for someone else.....