How'd it go today?

My first thought after I saw the leaves was white oak. But it looks nothing like a white oak that I am used to seeing. I don't know much about the bur oak, don't run across them very often.
What part of Indiana do you live in Jim? It does look like a bur oak. But yet again, oaks do a lot of cross breeding and sometimes there can be some funky specimens.
Dad got the golf cart stuck on one of the ramps into the lake, slid sideways down it and got to spend near 2 hours there until I got back home.

I was cruising up the driveway, saw him and asked if he was stuck (sitting at an odd angle, back end obviously stuck even if he was a couple hundred yards way).

So, I put the civic in 4 low, dropped the tranny into granny and crawled out there and pulled him out with my highway getter.

nice of you to let pops (hope he was hurt or inconvenienced too much!) keep his dignity by asking if he was stuck before helping him out. He mighta just been chilling. 4 low on the honda-ghini? HAHAHA! heck if you got him unstuck, how can I rib ya for being so sillly?

I have been known to tell people to drop a wheelbarrow or other wheeled implement in to 4 low to get up and down or across the slop ;)
spent two days wreaking out this monterey pine, removing some arbor vitae, and horrors of horrors actually cleaned up three washingtonia palms.

All in 105 F heat.

Here also is a shot of loading wood old school style. A picture of my buddy Sam making a stump cut.

AND! The customer gave each of us a benni as a tip! Musta felt sorry for us


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I really don't miss Monterey Pines, they're sticky, heavy and the trunk swells up so much at the branch whorls that it is a pain to climb down the stick. Are you feeling sticky Frans? How is your gear?
Yesterday I went to the UC Berkeley Botanical Garden. It's a really nice garden and there was all kinds of stuff in bloom so I got camera happy. Here are a few of the flower pictures that came out halfway decent.

I also checked out the tree sitters near the stadium, which was interesting, but I forgot to take pictures of that.

Leon, thanks for sharing those, they are astounding!
Got a forged ring bolted to the top of that truck. The block is just tied on to it.

For some reason the sap was not as bad as it could be. Of course two pairs of pants and shirts are covered....but my ropes did not do so bad.

The local gentry were oohing and ahhing... Funny retired folk, they just love a show.

The heat has really kicked my butt, sucks getting older. I used to thrive on the heat.


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Still too wet from yesterday so we (Dad and I) started cleaning up some scrap metal/junk.

Notable mentions:
100-125 stump grinder teeth
4 Septic Tank Air Pumps
3 Bushhogs
2 Drag Harrow
1 PTO Sickle Mower
1 Ford 300 Industrial

After my bid I'm going to turn an old pickup trailer (bed/frame of a truck with a tounge) upside down on top of it all and burn the tires off, hopefully getting to the scrap yard before they close.

We've got an 1963 Ford 901 tractor that will go on the next load.
Worked till 2am on a paper about plant hormones and seed germination/dormancy last night. Finished the paper, went to bed and then woke up and found the thing is gone, literally gone. It'll be a busy afternoon to get this thing re-done and completed.

One more final/paper and the semester is over! Can't wait to read/climb trees!!

went up to prospect to bid a 130'-140' crane removal of a white fir. on the way back i took pics and a vid of mill creek falls, those are at the boulder field. im thinking a picnic one of these weekends is in store:)

videos coming


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I worked my last shift on Warren Wilson's Landscaping Crew today, and right after work, I went and climbed the biggest white pine on campus to take down the access line I set and take some pictures. Here's a link to a Vid of the view from the top. It was a little windy, and a few gusts gave me some rides I could have done without. Really fun though! :D


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