How'd it go today?

Spent the day today down in Benicia Ca. about an hour, hour and 20 min. drive from me.

The CA. Arborist Association had another 'climbing skills workshop'.

About 80 participants showed up.

I usually work the Aerial Rescue Station.

It always amazes me how many climbers who look and talk like guys who wreak trees all day, can NOT climb up a rope.

Maybe companies dont want to teach such techniques to their crews because then they will want more money?

We had guys from Davey Tree, the CA. Conservation Corp. and many of the bigger companies in this area.

Maybe they send them to you so that they might learn to climb up a rope.
just picked up my chip truck from the shop, runs great now. it cost 650 bucks so it should. the new distriutor failed, torque converter failed, flex plate was failing, fixed an exhaust leak and changed the oil:o
Spent the day today down in Benicia Ca. about an hour, hour and 20 min. drive from me.

The CA. Arborist Association had another 'climbing skills workshop'.

About 80 participants showed up.

I usually work the Aerial Rescue Station.

It always amazes me how many climbers who look and talk like guys who wreak trees all day, can NOT climb up a rope.

Maybe companies dont want to teach such techniques to their crews because then they will want more money?

We had guys from Davey Tree, the CA. Conservation Corp. and many of the bigger companies in this area.

Went to that workshop in Benicia last year. Saw a guy come zipping out of the aerial rescue station on a strange, unidentified friction hitch and burned his palm so bad he had to walk around with ice for the rest of the day.

But it is a training event, so a lot of the experienced climbers don't show up, it seems.

Good grief,miracle of miracles,I got another week end off.The world must be comming to an end.Sooo I'll trot on out to the shop in the morning and make some metal chips on the Brian 038 Mag.:D

Then,drudgery and cruel and unusual punishment,Sunday the damned taxes.:whine:
Good day for me as well. I knocked down a good size (70'x36"dbh) dead oak tree in some rich dude's back yard in downtown Orlando. A neat old guy that has lived on that property for over 50 years.

Were you near Lake Eola? (spelling?) Isn't downtown O'ville beautiful with the brick streets and all?
Actually it was closer to Mills and Nebraska and Leu Gardens. ;)

I was just getting ready to turn off the computer and head out to work when I heard the rain outside. Looks like my morning job is postponed for a bit. :|:
Actually it was closer to Mills and Nebraska and Leu Gardens. ;)

I was just getting ready to turn off the computer and head out to work when I heard the rain outside. Looks like my morning job is postponed for a bit. :|:

I used to live very close to Leu Gardens, the kids went to Audubon Park elementary!
Maybe they send them to you so that they might learn to climb up a rope.

You think? :P

The reality is, either we set a rescue dummy at a height of maybe 10 feet, or we go ahead and set one at about 30 feet.
The lower the height, the less realistic the rescue is.

But actually, in a real rescue spurring up the tree is just fine, no matter what tree it is.
So really the aerial rescue 'training' is really an odd event because so much of it is not based on reality.
But it is good to have at least some experience in wrestling with a rescue dummy.
Drank too much, and stayed up way to late last night!! Got to bed at 1:30!!!
Work called at 3:30 GGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR:evil:
I kept telling him what was wrong, but he wanted to argue, after about fifteen minuetes I told him to call my boss and went back to bed!!!
Thing is the guy that called used to be in maint., he is the guy I replaced, and still wouldn't listen!!
The reality is, either we set a rescue dummy at a height of maybe 10 feet, or we go ahead and set one at about 30 feet.
The lower the height, the less realistic the rescue is.

But actually, in a real rescue spurring up the tree is just fine, no matter what tree it is.
So really the aerial rescue 'training' is really an odd event because so much of it is not based on reality.
But it is good to have at least some experience in wrestling with a rescue dummy.
We used to do the steel rescues from about 24 feet.The dummy was suspended by the dorsal d ring by the shock absorbing lanyard in the middle of a 40 foot span bar joist.The dummy,being such weighed 200 lbs.

The rescuer had to free climb using a double lanyard to the middle of the span,hook the dummy to the rescue line then cut the lanyard to free the dummy.

Some times it was amusing.You use a descending device that works basical like thos gizmos you clamp about a tree Grc something or another??After every thing was set,and the dummy was cut loose,the rescue team lowered the dummy.

This is where the comical part comes in.I've seen them cut loose the dummy before it was secured,oops,dead dummy.Sometimes they forgot to tighten up up the descending winch,oops,splat.

I saw one guy that really should not be climbing at all nearly have to be rescued himself.That poor guy was half my age and couldn't climb a step ladder let alone an open span bar joist. I'm still the oldest certified free climber where I work,how 'bout them apples.;)
It is amazing what a little software and some time, you can make a cell phone do!!!
Been a member there for about six months now.
Sitting here at the Presidio waiting for some huge storm,
I'll probably spend the night in the city tonight.


Supposed to see 70-75mph winds.
A lil overtime pay is a good thing! :big-money:

I finally got out this afternoon to pollard a large crepe myrtle tree, once Butch's rain front passed through. :P For a crepe myrtle it was huge. The trunk was about 15"dbh and the tree was an easy 40' tall. I brought it back to about 12'. It filled my 6'x12' trailer.
hard cold rain here right now...good day for snuggling down with the missus and feeding the wood stove. (Just burned the popcorn)
My job this morning was in anticipation of the winds tonight. It was a raywood ash about 12" dbh and was rocking back and forth in the breeze. Not anymore. I called my guys to come and help me with it and the one that has a car couldn't find his keys so I went and picked them up.
Used the new chipper today.:D:D

You see those smilies those would be the sh-t eating grin that hasn't left my face all afternoon.