How'd it go today?

Crazy Canuck!

I need the money, dude wanted it done. Today and tomorrow the truck is tied up with repairs and inspections, friday and early next week other work lined up soooo. It's really not bad but enough that it wouldn't pass the recert on the boom til it's fixed. And my fat arse wasn't about to climb all them birch.:D
I haven't added much of late, because, well, it's been crazy, and I don't think you all really can believe too much of it:lol:
I have been busy!! I am making tags for skids at work. We are replacing the plastic ones with alum.
3 1/2"x10"x.050", the third shifter has been shearing them and I have been milling the slots in them. 5/16" slot .200" from the end 2" long on both sides. Easy right? YUP!!!!

But one little detail:

There are 6000 of them to make!!!!
I built a fixture, it hold 13 at a time, yeah, good production times!!!
Hmm the little weld job turned into a cluster@#$#. Melted a hydraulic line :(. So had to pull all the lines to inspect before I'd be using it again :cry:.
I made a puller to remove a pressed on hub. The waterpump on my big tractor needs rebuilding. I priced a rebuilt-$320. The parts to rebuild my old one-$40. The impeller is pressed on and so is the fan hub. The puller I made is to take off the fan hub. Once that is off you do the rest on a hydraulic press. I tried a puller I had of the type the book said to use but it wasn't strong enough. I used an old front wheel drive hub to make one. Drilling holes through was going easy untill almost through the other side and then it was case hardened. I got thinking I should be going for the 80 mile drive to the dealer and paying them to do it. Alls well that ends well.
I'm BEAT!!!!!! Phone started ringing at 2:45am!! "SAW DOWN, SAW DOWN!!!!"
I got there at 3:45, it was all jacked up, and of course, my "little buddy" bailed right away!!! "Yeah, well I might be going to jail, I've got to go home and kick some kid out of my house!" As he is texting the whole time!! WTF dude???
Repaired the cat-track (what the moving wires move inside with the abbor cariage) in a couple of places. Replaced the motor wires, 4 strand 2 gauge, replaced the airline, and the drive motor control and servo wires. NOPE!! The breaker was bad, the soft start was bad, it went on and on!!!!
Finally after replacing/bypassing everything it was ready to run!!! NOPE!!! Cariage wouldn't move!!! Faulted out everytime!!!! We used FACTORY parts, with matching numbers etc. for all the wiring, they even had the proper conectors!!!!
Called the factory, numorous times, FINALLY!!!! They had wired one of the damn connectors wrong!!! Had to change the pins in the connector!!!
Clocked out at 4:35pm, after hearing all day how long it was taking me, and how bad they needed this saw!!:X
bidding all day, kinda wears you out and its not even hard work. we seem to be picking up lots of little jobs lately.
3 more little jobs today and I have two little jobs for tomorrow. Just a little bit at a time but at least I'm working instead of sitting at home. This year I'm making a concerted effort to quit being so damn negative and just focus on doing what my clients want instead of wasting time telling them how their pruning ideas are wrong. It's amazing how many repeat calls I get when I don't piss off the clients.
3 more little jobs today and I have two little jobs for tomorrow. Just a little bit at a time but at least I'm working instead of sitting at home. This year I'm making a concerted effort to quit being so damn negative and just focus on doing what my clients want instead of wasting time telling them how their pruning ideas are wrong. It's amazing how many repeat calls I get when I don't piss off the clients.

Sounds like an excellent plan Brian.:) I'm only negative with my wife, I dump everything on her, and am all smiles for the clients.
I did a small removal this morning and the stump ended up being pretty big for some reason, then took my pickup to the brake shop as it is making some rattle in the front left wheel that quits when I put the brake on. They said they couldn't fix it but now it doesn't rattle.:? Then I did a bid that was pretty much a waste and now I'm home looking in the refrigerator for some inspiration.
Dropped my helper off near the airport, went to a 4 hour meeting this morning for the arborist apprentice program I am helping with, we hired a third party chairperson today, got some basic ideas out there, next meeting March 25. :)

The I picked up the helper, he told me he got asked for his ID twice by the police when they drove past him, oh, I forgot to mention he was wearing his army gear, camo, german army.... ;) we met the crane truck at the jobsite, pulled the stump I dug out last week and dropped it in the back of my truck, hoisted the new tree in, flung some soil about and went home. Hung out with junior for a bit between his booby and sleep regime.

I dropped off helper because I needed the help for the short time to install the new tree but I wasnt about to drive ALL the way home and get him between the meeting and the tree arriving. There is good money in the job so I told him I would pay him to hang out somewhere, he chose airport since my meeting was near there.
Steve it sounds like the wheel bearing, but in our 93 3/4 ton (4x4) the bearing isn't adjustable, dunno about the 2wd versions.

I sent my scope back to have the erector repositioner reset as I didn't understand all I knew and set it well out of adjustment. While they have it they are going to check all the seals, optical performance, and transfer the warranty to my name.

I went to the UPS store to see how much they would charge for a box. They said a box and packaging would be 18 bucks. I told them thanks but I'd find my own. Went down to the gun store and they gave me a perfect sized box, bubble wrap, and tape.

I went to the UPS store on that side of town to ship the package, the girl behind the counter was a former girlfriend of my college roommate. She had to call her supervisor to make sure that they can ship a scope although I assured her it was just dandy. She says that they insure all packages for $100 and asked if I wanted more. I laughed and told her $3500. I'll be damned if she didn't decide she needed to run that past her supervisor (on the walkie talkie). After all that the total was $9.86 for the shipping and $30.50 for insurance. Whatt'a buncha crap in both her incomitance and the part where I have to insure the hell out of it in case it comes up missing.

Hope I see it again, the insurance will just cover the price, I'd still have a 4 month wait for it to be built.

They make some of the best rifle glass in the world. The glass is comparable to Schmit and Bender or Night Force. USO's claim to fame is they are the only scopes made in the US, their customer service is out of this world, their warrenty is outstanding, and they custom build every scope.

Night Force has good glass, but they only offer a few models and all are second focal plane (a first focal plane is comming out in a couple months). S&B has good glass, front focal plane, but similarly few models and limited options.

My scope is a SN-3 TPAL 5-25x58mm. It has the Horus H37 reticle, 30mm tube, EREK Mil Elevation knob, illuminated reticle, 4" sunshade w/ ARD (anti reflection device) and polorizer. It's way more scope than is required for a 308, more suitable for a 338 Lapua or other long reaching calibers. When I get one of those (or I have some extra money) I'll get a smaller one for the 308.

Yeah, I'm fond of it :)
The scanner ate the paper that seperated the two groups, but here is a .434" 4 shot and .323" 5 shot group.


Some more "broke scope" groups when I was sighting it in:


:) Yeah Steve, 100 yard zeroing. This weekend I shot targets from 3 yards out to 1117 yards.

No bench for me, I'm not a big fan of them. I shot those while on my belly in a wet corn field.
Yeah the vise bench is cheating in my eye. I like to get dirty as well.

I have propped up on small trees to get good positions from time to time.
I don't find benches to be comfortable.

This past weekend the only shots I took off a bipod was 5 mini poppers (prarie dog sized) from 380-630 yards. We propped on trees, shooting sticks, barricades, ect.
My 200t mysteriously came unhooked from its lanyard at work today. Fell about 50 feet and landed on a chunk of wood. Broke the handle, we had several junkers laying around fortunately. Fixed it when I got home...
Found out today I never got any of the city chipping contract :(. I ain't heartbroken or nothing but I'd sure be interested to know what the other three companies bids were that landed parts of it and not me. Also I know one of the companies has total junk for equipment. Dissapointing. It was bid hourly based on 10hr days. I bid $125/hr with two guys truck and chipper. I dunno to high?