How'd it go today?

Not really sure what all I did today, it's kind of a blur!! Not as bad as yesterday, but busy!! We are trying to 6's our room (if you don't know, you don't want to!!!!)
Went and had lunch and drinks with a buddy, picked up Bubba and chilled for a bit.
We just got home from our trip to Wal-Mart and Attwoods (a farm supply store). I got a new pocket knife at Wallyworld, a new coat at Attwoods ( I haggled with the manager and got the best sale price they had had on it all year, it was red tagged at $86.95, I got it for $69.95!!!
And Bubba came home with a new semi, two trailers, a tractor and a road grader, he's quite happy!!!!
Still waiting on the wife to come home from getting her hair done:/:
doesnt seem too high, what do I know?

I pruned a yard today with 5 big fruit trees, 8 medium flowering cherries and a row of 20' high hedging cedars, installed 6 new trees there too. Going back tomorrow to finish up and clean up.
Pruned a big old cherry that the power clearance guys kinda messed up, I made it better but its still not good. I told the lady I could come back in a year or two and possibly make it better yet.

help me down !? :D


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Glorious, fabulous lovely day-70 degrees! I removed 2 Silver maples-1 almost dead (long dead on one side) and 1 dead ,decayed at base scary-awful and over everything. I thought of Chip's accident and I rented a lift.
Found out today I never got any of the city chipping contract :(. I ain't heartbroken or nothing but I'd sure be interested to know what the other three companies bids were that landed parts of it and not me. Also I know one of the companies has total junk for equipment. Dissapointing. It was bid hourly based on 10hr days. I bid $125/hr with two guys truck and chipper. I dunno to high?

They usually email out an xls file here with the bids on it.
Today I took out a raywood ash that had been topped and a euc and a yucca plant that was huge. I climbed the ash and we felled the euc and the yucca well you know how those are. I didn't take the chipper as the ash and the euc weren't that big and I don't think the yucca would chip so I was in training for a slashing competition. The world is going crazy as I had about two weeks of work call to book in a couple of hours this morning.
here its public information, call and ask them what the bids were. as for my day, its going in brendans thread:)
Found out today I never got any of the city chipping contract :(. I ain't heartbroken or nothing but I'd sure be interested to know what the other three companies bids were that landed parts of it and not me. Also I know one of the companies has total junk for equipment. Dissapointing. It was bid hourly based on 10hr days. I bid $125/hr with two guys truck and chipper. I dunno to high?

:( Sorry you did not get the contract. Can't you find out what the other bids were? $ 125/hr with two guys, truck and chipper seems right on target to me. I don't think you could afford to do it any cheaper.
I'm not sure if I can find out what the other guys bid or not? The sheet they faxed me just said, 'thanks for your bid yada yada yada we gave the work to these three companies x,x, and x'. It's a small town I'll find out what the other bids were one way or another.
Found out today I never got any of the city chipping contract :(. I ain't heartbroken or nothing but I'd sure be interested to know what the other three companies bids were that landed parts of it and not me. Also I know one of the companies has total junk for equipment. Dissapointing. It was bid hourly based on 10hr days. I bid $125/hr with two guys truck and chipper. I dunno to high?

I am thinking about doing this to secure more wok.
I have heard that hourly wage around heresome years as low as 110 hr. It aint right bids are secured by the amountof gear or the make year of gear brought presented? Squish howd you go about it.? Just wal;k up to city hall and ask?

More storm damage, today we hung a pully at about 80 feet and threw a corrupted root ball that was leaning 40 feet above the house. One dud said he do it for 750 (incredible!) It was hairy but I didn't act like a gurl.! Today was the first day employing the Morbar 18 " wench. zmost the tree we pulled to the chipper but it take 3 hands to pull out the cable 30 meters. Today our first day we pulled two 6 inch pines 30 feet tall at once. But the pully on the corrupted root ball was the bomb, we used my same brand rigging rope but 600 feet of it to redirect at 26" 95 foot pine.
Basically Robert I found out who was in charge of issuing/evaluating the contracts and asked for a copy of the specs/bid sheet and then submitted my bid on time with all the required paperwork. I'm still doing some digging but the three companiese that got the work again this year are the same companies that have done it the last two years as well so maybe that's being considered and not just hourly rate alone.

I'm gonna make an apointment with the guy in charge of these contracts I think just to meet face to face, I'm a likeable guy so I figure it might help me in the future if they can put a face to the name. Just to let him know what I'm all about and see if I can get any tips on securing future work.
you can make some money on county contracts. 2 years ago the price was 67 hr per man thats not near what it should go for.
3 man crew with C.A. should draw wei more!
Yah I'm not to upset really about not having to chip crappy homeowner piles for 10hrs/day but it woulda added up to a few nice consistent weeks so woulda been worth it imo.
I ground 2 large stumps today and one medium one. One of the large ones was a yucca stump that was about 3' in diameter. Stuff is a little softer than palm, and wetter.

The city might be a little leery of you because you are new Squisher.
Yesterday just SUCKED!!! Bunch of stupidity going on, and of course it's all maintanence's fault!!!!

The building with the saws has a bunch of SLOBS in it. We had to have the sewer pipes cleaned out because someone flushed a bunch of paper towels down it. They had to snake out 150" and pulled back a big ball of paper towels.
They had written all over the walls with permanant markers, covered the walls with buggers and one guy (really gross) wrote on the wall with his own crap:O

The big boss wanted it locked down and porta-potties move in, NOW!!
So they are all now pretty unhappy about this, so everything in the last six months came up and I was to blame for more things than I even knew happened!!!

Then at 2pm (I'm in it for 10 hours by now) I am trying to leave and the 2nd shift APM wanted to get into a pissing match with me because he couldn't tell someone to move a sideloader battery and I needed to?
I was beat last night!!!
Then the phone started ringing at 5am this morning! I've already been in and fixed a sideloadr and mama is still asleep and Bubba just started to move around.
that crap graffiti artist should be withdrawn from the workplace and uhm, learned a good one to teach him some friggin manners and such. Thats atrocious.
Yeah, "Get rid of the bad apple, not the whole bushel!" I get it, they don't!!!!

Just got home from round #2, another sideloader went down and the called me at 10am!!
No rest for the wicked!
Jeez you have a really hard job. Are you gonna stick with it? Is it worth it?
I don't know anymore Frans!! I was "clocked in" for two hours today, it's two hour min. when they call me in, so I get paid for four. I am normally there at least two hours anyway. Plus have to get up and get dressed, or drop everything and find a siter if the wife isn't home, plus drive time. And it is hard to have much of a life like this.

The checks are nice, and I get one every Friday, which is nice, and I will be hard presed to find one that pays this well, and the benies are astounding! I've been wresteling with this a lot, how much is enough? And I really don't know!
Whoo hoo! I'm so happy! I finally found the compartment AC filter for my truck and replaced it. It smelled of cigarettes and I replaced it with a new filter that I soaked in smell-good stuff.
Plus I get to work tomorrow doing a bank job.

That sounds odd...
The graffitti guy needs a little trip behind the wood shed. Good luck redneck, hope it all works out for you. I did a couple of little jobs today one took about 15 minutes removing 4 pieces of mistletoe and the other one taking down a couple of leyland cypress trees. I went to the dump with the stuff and then stopped by and visited with my parents for a couple of hours.
Yesterday I convinced my boss to take the guys to the Southern Chapter climbing comp!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In total there was 8 of us I guess the largest crew showing . We were only spectators but it was interesting timing the competiors on 80 foot climbs. THe photos are on his SD card and I'll upload them to the climbing thread this week. WE scheduled a tree radar demo for April as well. We are right on track for what I vision his company to be. I know it took alot for him to show up among his peers. He has known most of the industry professionals for over 20 years, it was really a hug fest for him. I have worked for alot of companies and I am really enjoying being with this one. It is easier to do trees when you have help! I dont miss sawing down brush in my trailer either! lol The 2006 Mobark 18" chipper is working great. That gives us two Morbark 18'' chippers now and a new chip truck should be here next week.