How'd it go today?

It was a great event MB. The thing about it was the boss came thru for me. I think he is buttering me up for some hairy removals lol he don't have to butter me up for that I enjoy trimming 7 100 footers a day...He didnt have to pay 7 guys for 4 hours for nothing but he did. I will keep guiding him to the Georgia Arborist Association.

Stehansen, I recently sent my dad a DVD of UFC 81. Its out on Pay per View currently @44$ and he watched it for free. My hats off to ya Paul fer showing me bit torrent and congrats on that baby!

MB it is too bad I did not have your t-shirt at the event. I discussed with every climber that I was a fan of the buzz but that the treehouse (which most of them had heard of) was the place where kool climbers hung out.
Stehansen, I recently sent my dad a DVD of UFC 81. Its out on Pay per View currently @44$ and he watched it for free. My hats off to ya Paul fer showing me bit torrent and congrats on that baby!

Thanks Robert, beware of bit torrents, its one more thing that will keep you on the computer when there is a real world out there to deal with.

I downloaded I am legend, Juno and Jumper last week, havent had time to watch them yet.
cleaned the roof off for the 5th time this snow is getting to me Im thinking to moving south
Did some machine work on the 038 Mag yesterday.Today some prep work for painting the bedroom.Sooo for a few days we shall take up residence in one of the others. Red lobster is on the list of things to to do this evening.
worked on cleaning the never ends.split the case on the 385xp.looks like it's getting a crank kit after all.gotta get this lexus motor back in so i can get this thing out of my driveway.
Well it was entertaining to say the least today!!!!
The new kid got to see my little buddy all tweaked out for the first time. "Man, I don't know what that was, but it ain't caffine!!!"
The boss was a no show, I guess he called in:evil:
Had a saw go down right off the bat, got it going.
Went to see the big boss, he and the HR lady were talking about Saturday's events trying to figure out what had all happened. The story they got was way out of wack!!! They had heard that the forklift repair guy had been called in to fix the sideloader, and had no idea I had been in twice:?

THEN!!!! Yeah this is good!! Steve, the new "OSHA approved safety guy" (I call him "Safety Steve) wanted to talk to me. I had just got done talking to one of the saw operators and he pulled me to the side. "I see you don't have you're hearing protection on, I just wrote up so and so the other day, and I can write you up for it as well!!!"
I paused for a moment, looked at him "Well, git-er-done!!" "Why does everybody have to have such an attitude about this!!" "I don't have an attitude, if you want to write me up, then write me up and let me get to work!" "Well this is a warning, just have them on next time." OK, and I walked off just as the big boss was coming and he ran to greet him:lol:
He came over and had a paper he wanted me to sign, "You have to sign this!" I looked a it, "Yup, looks good!" We went round a while about whether or not I HAD to sign it, and he found out he was wrong, but I did sign it in the end.
Not even twenty min., here comes the big boss!! "Mr. Andy, we need to talk!!" OK, "I don't know what "Safety Bob" told you, but I am here to tell you, you are NOT taking tomorow off!! You are NOT getting suspended!! Larry is gone and who knows wen he is coming back and I have to have somebody run this departmant and you are the only one that seems to show up! So I am not going to have them send you home!! You WILL BE HERE tomorow!"

We chatted a bit about the ear plugs, and I think we came up with a reasonable solution that makes everybody happy:D
But it was interesting none the less!!!:lol:
Man, wear those earplugs - really. You don't wanna hear the noises in MY head cuz I didn't, believe me.
Man, wear those earplugs - really. You don't wanna hear the noises in MY head cuz I didn't, believe me.

I already have 30% hearing loss, permanent tenuities and CHS anyways!!!

13 years in machine shops, to many gun shots, too many LOUD car stereos, too many LOUD home stereos etc...............
And I was too young and dumb to wear them!