How'd it go today?

Lol, old and dumb?:P

Jk'ing Andy but really you should use your hearing pro, if you won't do it for yourself do it because you're gonna get in trouble at work if you don't. Dang no need to fight the man eh.

Also as long as you can still hear at all, it could get worse. What? What?
I hate to pile on here but Andy, if you are going to fight the man it should be over something where you are in the right. OK I"m done.

We saw a car fire on the way to work in Riverbank, and I snapped a picture as I was driving by. We were on our way to take out some Italian cypress trees and then attempted to save a large Modesto Ash from splitting. I think the tree is a goner but the owner wants to do everything possible to save it. He is 92 years old and you would swear he was probably in his 70's. So maybe we can make the tree last out his time. I took some weight off of the limb and we drilled holes and put in a couple of pieces of 3/4" allthread that were 41/2' long.


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I don't think anyone did Paul. The Sheriff was there when we went by but the Fire dept was a ways down the road.
C'mon after the big fire extinguisher thread you never stopped and sprayed her down?:D

JK'ing man it looks like you were pretty darn close to le car lucky it didn't explode like in the movies :O
good day today, while we were setting up for the crane, the old guy that was climbing trees last week with a belt, flipline and ladder dropped by. said right after we left he got himself bounced off the limb he was on and wound up hanging under the limb by his flip line :O said he managed to get his foot back up on the branch and crawl back down!
Well, I got home about 40 minutes ago. I might just like working late like this... no one's there to really bother you while working on the ATM machine. :D
Worked till noon yesterday, started raining on us. Was too damn windy to be climbing anyway. Came home and did a few things around the house then met a buddy in town for a couple beers.
Still raining so we are not working today, got some shop projects to work on anyway.
Was too damn windy to be climbing anyway.

Tell me about it. I had five 100 foot+ pines to slay, and it was a tad breezy riding the ball to the tops of those suckers! The last one came down just as the rain started, we got lucky for once.
We have big farm fields one or more sides of us where we have been working lately. Seems it is always ripping across there, making trimming a pain sometimes.
I wore my ear plugs today, okay?

As for fighting the man, he/they put themselves in a bad spot!! They had a meeting, which I didn't attend, in which they came up with a new ruling, if you do this or this or this, you go home for a day.
PROBLEM: in the employee handbook, which we are REQUIRED to go off of. You do this or this or this, you get a verbal warning, do it again, you get three days off, again and they have the option of termination. And it clears every year.
So, they changed the rules, without my knowledge, and did not inform EVERYONE and have them sign off on it. Screw up one!
I show up, I do my job, I answer the phone and I come in and fix what needs fixing, and they have a hard time finding/keeping anyone that will, and the big boss knows that.
Screw up number two!

Now if the safety guy would have had a different approach, all of this would have come out better. But I don't play well with others to start with, then to come up and threaten to do something to me, I will encourage you to do it because I will be just as mad either way! Thats one of my BIG buttons!
Safety guy was pretty pissed that I was there today, and that is an understatement!! He wouldn't even look at me!! I'll talk to him in a couple of days when he cools off and try and play nice/make up a bit.

Had a pretty easy day today! Worked a bit on one saw, did some small projects, cleaned out the drain on a dock etc. We had a BBQ for 100 days without a safety incident (isn't it ironic, I know!!) and my boss had me go to Lowe's and get a new padlock for our door, I found out a LOT of people have keys, that are not supposed to!!
Cool Andy.

I'm starting to feel the pain as it looks like my truck will be in the shop til the end of the week. They're having problems getting parts for my brakes. Frig man now I'm gonna be backing up on work. And going nuts around the house, Mr. Mom this week.:roll:
what you say Andy?, you're gonna hafta speak up....

try these, you don't even have to wear 'em in your ears. If you do get warned at least you have the hearing protection with you.

Nice, but no love!!! I am old, already have to have perscription glasses (bi-focals none the less!!):lol:
I have a box of "goodies" they send me that I am now sampling at work to see what I like.
You crack me up Andy. I don't miss that kind of environment where everyone is not rowing the boat. I worked at Gallo wine for a couple of years and it was all about the pissing contests. I just let it roll off my back and if anyone is a dick like the safety guy I just file it away in my memory bank not to ever trust him/her. Me and my little tree crew are not like that at all, we are all about getting the job done safely and efficently. Sending people home for the day is just stupid IMO. That is treating them like they are a kid. Can you tell you struck a cord with me.
couple hours of pruning, back home for shower and shave, business seminar for the afternoon (should I expand my business?) then dinner at the pub with a few colleagues. Got a job offer from a friend, likely I will take him up on it (a couple days a week for a few weeks supervising a crew of his grunts on a big project). Then back home to wake up the boy and hand him off to mamma for some boobie action.
I hear you Steve!! It would be so easy if everyone at least TRIED to work together, but I guess it's so much more fun to have a power trip? I just want to do my job, be left alone, and go home. Easy!!!

I don't think "Safety Bob" will be with us much longer now!! He's rocking the boat a LOT, and not with the right people!!!
We have a dependent company next door, they take care of all of our crates, skids, boxes, ice melt, floor dry yada yada (We average paying them $6mil a year). The best guy they have, and I cannot stress that enough, got into with him today. This guy if I ask for ice melt, I have a pallet in front of the crib in 30 min. or less! Anything, and he takes care of it!!
Well, he was hauling some banding material and had the forks up a bit going down the road. This material is round and he stabbed it in the center to kep it on and raised it up so it didn't drag the ground. "Safety Bob" goes running to the BIG boss saying he was being reckless and almost stabbed him in the heart! The other guys boss is LIVID and writes him up after my boss calls him. THEN, we go to video, yeah, BOOB is exaggerating a FREAKING LOT!!!
So now his job is iffy, and he has this dude and his buddies looking for him after work, I don't envy him much right now!!!!

I really didn't do JACK today:D It was nice!!! I have to compile a list of what we need to have stocked fom Fastenal, yes, you heard right!! THE BIG BOSS SIGNED OFF ON GETTING SUPPLIES!!! Hell has frozen over:lol:
Oh dear....found this first thing. Tomorrow morning's job.


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Actually, you probably could stand it back up with a rope tied near the top and hooked to a large truck. Then once it's stood back up, it should be possible to fell it away from the house. This might possibly be faster and easier than piecing it off of the house with less risk of additional property damage.