I hear you Steve!! It would be so easy if everyone at least TRIED to work together, but I guess it's so much more fun to have a power trip? I just want to do my job, be left alone, and go home. Easy!!!
I don't think "Safety Bob" will be with us much longer now!! He's rocking the boat a LOT, and not with the right people!!!
We have a dependent company next door, they take care of all of our crates, skids, boxes, ice melt, floor dry yada yada (We average paying them $6mil a year). The best guy they have, and I cannot stress that enough, got into with him today. This guy if I ask for ice melt, I have a pallet in front of the crib in 30 min. or less! Anything, and he takes care of it!!
Well, he was hauling some banding material and had the forks up a bit going down the road. This material is round and he stabbed it in the center to kep it on and raised it up so it didn't drag the ground. "Safety Bob" goes running to the BIG boss saying he was being reckless and almost stabbed him in the heart! The other guys boss is LIVID and writes him up after my boss calls him. THEN, we go to video, yeah, BOOB is exaggerating a FREAKING LOT!!!
So now his job is iffy, and he has this dude and his buddies looking for him after work, I don't envy him much right now!!!!
I really didn't do JACK today
It was nice!!! I have to compile a list of what we need to have stocked fom Fastenal, yes, you heard right!! THE BIG BOSS SIGNED OFF ON GETTING SUPPLIES!!! Hell has frozen over