How'd it go today?

Animal Control didn't take care of her spaying. Forgotten Felines, a group down here that loves cats, did. I don't think we have any groups that tend to dogs like that.
Well, been a D A Y!!!!!!
Found out my buddy APM got busted back to the 6S LEAN coordinator position. A nothing job, not sure what he did so bad, but it was BAD!!!:what:
Spent most of the day on the Bridgeport making a part:D That was VERY cool!!!
Came home form the folks tonight and the neighbor that had all the cops was pulling in. I stopped to check in.

"Yeah, had every cop in town here and the Butler detectives here, they said it was the bloodiest crime scene they had ever seen!!!"
My heart SANK!!! He has two daughters and a son, oldest is 21 to 17!!!
The youngest daughters boyfriend (she is 18) mutilated her dog. I guess it's pretty bad, but nothing like what I was expecting to hear!!!!
He was upset when I chuckled about the dog part. It's not that I am inhuman mind you, I was just grateful thats all it was!!!!!
V... I worked yesterday and today. Yesterday I spent 4 hours digging a stump out. Today, 2 pruning jobs and two estimates. :) its just a seasonal thing, I have been slow in January, its picked up this week and I am now booked until the 6th of March, wife is due the 28th Feb, could be some schedule shifting in my future.. :D
Ah, yestrerday. Day of stupidity. Cold, fatigued and pressed for time. are a lousy combination...and I HATE COTTONWOODS! Smashed a fence. the 2 hours spent going to buy pickets and replacing them meant I didn't get finished with the clean-up so I have to make a return trip on a job 50 miles away. Arrgh.
But hey , I seem to have survived the creepy crud and nobody got hurt so its still good.
Sorry Stumpie, is what they call the tree guys perfect storm? I ground a couple of stumps in the morning and worked on my truck engine in the afternoon. I may have to buy a new PTO for the tune of $1600.
V, yup, we have a short list of names for boy or girl. Not allowed to tell tho, I will let y'all know as soon as its in ink! any day now!
Today was great. I was supposed to spend the day with a guy from I.T. going over the glitches in our GIS tree tracking system. He cancelled and I got to go pick up my new 200' Tachyon climbing line. I was looking through their "leftovers" bin and got myself 20' of tachyon (with a splice) to make a new lanyard for $20!8)
Today was great. I was supposed to spend the day with a guy from I.T. going over the glitches in our GIS tree tracking system. He cancelled and I got to go pick up my new 200' Tachyon climbing line. I was looking through their "leftovers" bin and got myself 20' of tachyon (with a splice) to make a new lanyard for $20!8)

Tachyon! go New England. Anyone else climbing of this new stuff? OTG does it come in 1/2 inch or is it like the fly and 11mm,11.5mm?
I didnt do it.
Heres the pic.


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These ropes are best employed with accenders due to it small diameter it is diffuclt to grip. I'm proud to see NE get into the market in this diameter rope I'm not sure how long. Ive tried tradional Blakes hitch on the high v new england And I just cant say enuff for that diameter or safety of it. It may look noob, maybe a newer color in 1/2 inch rope would be nice? To employ it as a safety seems thrilling! The fliping action to have is that weight/stiffness in a safety.
yup, 7/16, although someone told me it is actually 11.2:? anyway, it feels alot firmer than the fly and slightly skinnier, I'll post a pic in the gear section in a min.......

I am, for obvious reasons, a big fan of New England Ropes:D
my day went well. half day pruning job, billed in my favour. ;)
took three phone calls, booked three more jobs. working through the 5 th of march, baby is due the 28th, I might have to resched some stuff eh ;)