How'd it go today?

Well they finally hired my replacement. She, yes I said "SHE", seems to know what she's doing. I believe she will work out fine. So starts the count down until I get to go home. The 29th was to be my last day, now I find out that Rhonda the book keeper, front counter, and numerous other duties person, is going to have surgery on that day. I agreed to stay on an extra week. So now I will make the 7th of March my last day.
Yes sir I'm short, how short you ask? I'm so short I could parachute off a dime sir. :lol:
Got to climb a nice willow today, man felt good to get in a tree again, real good. I'm also expecting to be real sore.:D
Im back! into production . It will take me a month to get accustomed to it. I'm to get the know into the group that slow is fast, its mass production. I've already seen fracliber a damaged A/C on my second day. Just to big a short with a tiny 020 aloft.Make it lay flat you gotta fast cut with fast saw. It tiped down then sprang 15 yrs and crunch on random pictures thread/
Im back! into production . It will take me a month to get accustomed to it. I'm to get the know into the group that slow is fast, its mass production. I've already seen fracliber a damaged A/C on my second day. Just to big a short with a tiny 020 aloft.Make it lay flat you gotta fast cut with fast saw. It tiped down then sprang 15 yrs and crunch on random pictures thread/

WTF? Sorry Robert, but even I can't translate this into English. Would you mind going back and trying again? Start with "I'm to get the know into the group..." and see if you can figure out what words you were actually trying to use, because the ones you used don't make any sense.
a little pruning today, a couple more estimates approved, working all next week. :D
I hooked up the baby monitor (the little CB radio thingies) with the transmitter in juniors room and one receiver in the living room , one in our bedroom. Just to see if there are any ghosts or anything else making noises in there, before junior arrives. Kinda like the FBI sweeping an area before the Prez waltzes through. :D
Cool deal Paul. :D You're even getting me anxious about the baby arrival.

Good day for me as well. I knocked down a good size (70'x36"dbh) dead oak tree in some rich dude's back yard in downtown Orlando. A neat old guy that has lived on that property for over 50 years. I had the removal down in about 2.5 hours and then spent another 2+ hours on some selective pruning around the property (cut off that limb, cut off that limb, clean the suckers off that trunk, cut off that limb, etc). Whatever, I made a concerted effort not to argue about it and everyone was happier because of it. And I made a full day's rate and was done at 1:30!

My cold was kicking my ass and I wanted to go home and take a nap but instead I went to the hydraulic repair shop and spent 3 hours working with a tech shortening up and repositioning all the hydraulic lines on my bucket. We made a lot of progress but I need to go back one day next week and shorten up 3-4 more lines. Then they will all be tucked in nicely under the boom without being in the way.

As I was parking the bucket truck at 5:45 my neighbor with the Willys Jeep called me on my cell phone and said he had run out of gas. So I went to rescue him but we couldn't get the Jeep restarted. Got home about dark thirty and I'm whipped. Ate some leftover fried chicken and some Robutussin. Will probably hit the sack in another hour.
my laptop if f-upped it keeps zipping to the bottom of the page can hardly put any thing down let lone read
I think Paul is nesting.:) I worked on my truck a little and had a meeting with the manager of a bunch of apartment complexes at noon. Then went out and resumed working on the truck, adapted the aircleaner from one of the truck motors as the one with the industrial motor is about as big as the aircleaner on a Pinto.
Shoot, I luvs me a good burger. In fact, I don't think I've ever had a bad one.


I will gladly pay you tuesday...
Spent the day today down in Benicia Ca. about an hour, hour and 20 min. drive from me.

The CA. Arborist Association had another 'climbing skills workshop'.

About 80 participants showed up.

I usually work the Aerial Rescue Station.

It always amazes me how many climbers who look and talk like guys who wreak trees all day, can NOT climb up a rope.

Maybe companies dont want to teach such techniques to their crews because then they will want more money?

We had guys from Davey Tree, the CA. Conservation Corp. and many of the bigger companies in this area.
steak, rice and greek salad for supper, now watching American Gangster with the wife. Friday night at the movies :)