How'd it go today?

Well,I'm batting 500.One out of two Huskie 335's is pumping oil like crazy,runs great.The other one has a bent oil pump shaft.How in the world that happened I haven't a clue. Most likely worked on by somebody with a size 48 jacket that wears a size 5 hat .:roll:
I worked on my first eye splice a good part od the day. The first cuple steps went well but now I have the coat hanger stuck in the rope.I'm going to cut it off and try again. The good thing is Ive been cooking kfc on the wood stove and eating it all day
Got up at 1am, 6am and 7:30 with Bubba and to say goodbye to all. Woke up at 3am, just because I am used to it! Slept till 10!!
Went to the back cracker, had lunch and a couple beers with a buddy.
Hanging out with Bubba waiting for mama to come home.
Been a nice weekend!!
I am really scared to think of what is going to happen when I turn the phone on, and not really looking foreward to work tommorow!!
Got up at 1am, 6am and 7:30 with Bubba and to say goodbye to all. Woke up at 3am, just because I am used to it! Slept till 10!!
Went to the back cracker, had lunch and a couple beers with a buddy.
Hanging out with Bubba waiting for mama to come home.
Been a nice weekend!!
I am really scared to think of what is going to happen when I turn the phone on, and not really looking foreward to work tommorow!!

I know the feeling! I've been out for classes for 2 weeks, and now I get to go back for a 3 week stint of sitting in traffic, and rushing to calls.
Several small victories today. I got a call about 9:15 from one of my regular contractors, his climber failed to show up and he had 10 medium trees to trim. I was able to go work today, climbed several trees and was able to use the bucket truck on a few more. It was fun putting on a saddle and working my way through a few oaks. :)

The phone lines are starting to ring. I talked with two other of my regular contractors and they both have been getting calls for work. I'm beginning to feel more confident that my timing on the purchase of this truck was about perfect. I have 2 jobs tomorrow and possibly a few more jobs this week.

Finally got the sign company straight on my door signs today. They finally listened to what I wanted instead of what they were trying to suggest. My biggest mistake was not objecting strongly enough when they started making all sorts of suggestions. But after 5 proofs, they came back to the original design and I gave the OK to print the signs. They should be on the truck in a day or two.

I got my insurance situation ironed out today. I was divided between 3 different agents, one for business liability, one for the commercial truck policy and another for my personal truck. With the new truck being leased from Altec, they had additional insurance requirements and I felt it was a good time to consolidate. The company I've dealt with for 20 years on commercial liability blew it, and the company handling my commercial vehicle policy hasn't followed up on my app for 2 weeks. But the guy at my auto insurance office took the time to get all the coverages I need at a decent price and I wrote him a check today. I can finally get the lease paperwork from Altec and get a tag on my truck! Hard to imagine that I spend over $3000 per year on business and vehicle insurance but I'm still considered 'too small of a policy to mess with' by most agencies.
left the house this morning, got halfway to the first job and called my sister to see if I could visit her and play with her kids. Its the first sunny day in a couple months and I didnt feel like working. I went over there, the two older ones (5 and 3) and I planted sunflower seeds in jiffy pots then went outside to weed mamma's garden beds and horse around. Spent a couple hours with the other nieces (the twins are now 8 months old) on the floor horsing around as they have finally learned to crawl. :D
I called my two customers this morning while I was driving to my sisters and left them a message "Some things have come up that make it impossible for me to come to your jobsite today, I have rescheduled for Wednesday, please give me a buzz to let me know if that is ok." I havent listened to my five voicemails of the day yet, thats next, right after checking in here.

oh, and I picked up sushi and wonton soup on the way home for supper.

all in all a really good day. :)
Paul, that is some fine prioritizing work there. Your soon-to-be son or daughter is going to be very lucky to have a father like you. You have my utmost respect, sir.
Yah good call Paul. I'm probably gonna go nearly two weeks without doing any real work besides finalizing some financial stuff for the station and organizing my tree business. It feels really weird to just be able to do what I want.
rock and roll guys. I figured the 'life is too short' motto was in my alphabits this morning or something. :)
rock and roll guys. I figured the 'life is too short' motto was in my alphabits this morning or something. :)


Glad you have your insurance stuff fixed Brian. I have a general complaint about my bank. I finished a rather large job about 3 weeks ago and haven't done much work since. Working on my truck has taken a bunch of money and I am down to $300 in my checking account and my check for my large job and a couple of smaller checks all come in the mail the same day. It's almost 10K, this was last thursday and the bank credits me $500 dollars immediately and holds the rest for 5 working days, which will be this friday with the President's day holiday.
Nice call Paul!!!

I don't miss that crap one bit Steve, that always chapped my ass:X

Very interesting day here!! Still waiting to hear about it all!

I left at 3:30 and had at least three cop cars two houses down across the street. House was all lit up and the garage open! There usually isn't much life at 3:30, the sitters husband and I leave at the same time, and thats about it!
Got to the first mile road, there is another cop running up and down the road with the side lights on?
Next road, where I turn, another cop, same thing? Not even a half mile away, met another one?
Nothing on the news, but makes one wonder!!!!!

New gu was there, seems to be alright, had a few snafus today and he held it together and stuck with me the whole time! I can at least apreciate that!

Glad you have your insurance stuff fixed Brian. I have a general complaint about my bank. I finished a rather large job about 3 weeks ago and haven't done much work since. Working on my truck has taken a bunch of money and I am down to $300 in my checking account and my check for my large job and a couple of smaller checks all come in the mail the same day. It's almost 10K, this was last thursday and the bank credits me $500 dollars immediately and holds the rest for 5 working days, which will be this friday with the President's day holiday.

You get what you pay for with insurance companies. Mine has been very very good to me.

Hey Paul, have you considered a credit union? I have scraped the bottom of my financial barrel before and when I make a big deposit, they just credit my account, no problems. I have never had a deposit check bounce so maybe that is the reason?
Different banks have different deposit rules, all designed to allow them to use your money for free on the 'float'. At my current bank (before it got bought out last November), they would sometimes hold certain checks that they deemed 'not local' (how is a check drawn on Bank of America 'not local'?). I got around that by making my deposits in the ATM and I was able to get instant credit. As far as the $10K check being held for 5 days, that's pretty common. Although they should have given you credit on the other checks.
Nice call Paul!!!

I don't miss that crap one bit Steve, that always chapped my ass:X

Very interesting day here!! Still waiting to hear about it all!

I left at 3:30 and had at least three cop cars two houses down across the street. House was all lit up and the garage open! There usually isn't much life at 3:30, the sitters husband and I leave at the same time, and thats about it!
Got to the first mile road, there is another cop running up and down the road with the side lights on?
Next road, where I turn, another cop, same thing? Not even a half mile away, met another one?
Nothing on the news, but makes one wonder!!!!!

New gu was there, seems to be alright, had a few snafus today and he held it together and stuck with me the whole time! I can at least apreciate that!

lucky you slipped passed 'em:/:
I clock in an average of fifteen minuetes early, I have, shall we say "a reputation"? Around here?
At least in the last few years when the do pull me over the don't draw on me anymore:D (No, I wish I was joking!)
I had a guy with a little dosko grinder do a couple of stumps for me on a hill that I thought was too steep for my Carlton. He only charged me $75 for the two.
This little girl showed up at the office not too long ago. Her name is now Pretty Kitty. She is a very sweet cat. As you can tell, she is missing a little part of her ear. This is what the vets do down here to identify the cat as having been spayed.


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That is so strange. Here, once animal control has them, that's the last you ever see of them. No way they'd doctor them up and then turn them loose. A very odd practice, IMO. I wonder how many other places do that?

No way they do that with dogs, right?