How'd it go today?

He he he, well two weeks ago the sneaky Squisher snuck off and wrote his C.A. exam. Just searched my name on their website Certified Arb! Yah for me, this is a requirement here for anything to do with city/regional district work and also I will market the hell out of it to build my new business.

And y'all thought I was just a stupid logger!8)
Way to go Squishy. We won't go into what we thought. Seriously though, did I say way to go? No need to be sneaky with us.
Oh man that would've been even worse than :(

:lol: , no matter I'm listed right in there with the Cert'd Arbs now. I won't know how well or bad I've done until I get the official results in the mail.

:occasion1: :surprise: :smileyinthejar:
He he he, well two weeks ago the sneaky Squisher snuck off and wrote his C.A. exam. Just searched my name on their website Certified Arb! Yah for me, this is a requirement here for anything to do with city/regional district work and also I will market the hell out of it to build my new business.

And y'all thought I was just a stupid logger!8)

Ye sneaky bugger ! :/:
And PASSED >>> Awlright !!!
:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
He he he, well two weeks ago the sneaky Squisher snuck off and wrote his C.A. exam. Just searched my name on their website Certified Arb! Yah for me, this is a requirement here for anything to do with city/regional district work and also I will market the hell out of it to build my new business.

And y'all thought I was just a stupid logger!8)

Well,spent about an hour putting the antique saws away.I went and played with them yesterday in Indiana.Stacked about a cord and a half of wood from an 8 to 10 cord pile ,about 4 cut so far.Finished off the day by going to Red Lobster.
Hey Al, Is that Brandon(Computeruser) in the one picture? Were in In. where you?

Yep,that was he indeed.He had an 075 and 076 Stihl.Classic old school power and those old duffers still had it.I ran one of them and it had the guts of an 084.I'm on Magnus's site and Hotsaws as well as A site.I couldn't take a picture of myself but I'm the scrufty guy in the red plaid shirt.
Well, my appliance guy stopped by today - my Maytag washer died friday. He's a 7th Day Adventist, so this is the first day of the workweek for him. It seems the on/off gizmo in the lid broke and he'll replace it.

I've always been envious of appliance and TV repair guys. I think that would be a cool gig.
So much for the exclusivity of the CA club.

I spent all day cutting up a couple of very large cottonwood logs (6 feet on the butt) into movable pieces. My Wood's 460 really worked hard today. Man can that thing run through some fuel though.

I got a call from a friend who lives in Wales, England. I saw the long phone number on the screen of my cell and thought it must be a tele marketer. Ha, turns out it was the God of thunder instead.
Oh man that would've been even worse than :(

:lol: , no matter I'm listed right in there with the Cert'd Arbs now. I won't know how well or bad I've done until I get the official results in the mail.

:occasion1: :surprise: :smileyinthejar:


--shhhh, I took it three times. In my defense I did'nt study at all.

Welcome to the club! :thumbup:
Didn't I read a report that the ISA had a simplified version of the CA test for Canadians? I think they have questions such as:Fill in the missing letters of this word which means a large woody plant. T_ _E.
had a good day so far. pruned for an hour, two trips to the dump, back home by lunchtime. Munching the leftover 6 layer dip and taco chips from yesterday, printing up some more flyers for the young guy to go stuff in mailboxes to keep the work rolling in. :)

and then I clicked some Treehouse Google ad links. :shifty:
It is interesting how the ads come up. Like at the bottom of this thread, there are appliance links, even a maytag one. I think they pick up on key words mentioned in the thread and put appropriate ads in.